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Basement Fire Extends in Plainview Group Home
The Plainview Fire Department was alerted fora house fire at a group home on Summit Court about 0030 on February 18, 2023. First and Second Assistant Chiefs Mayrose and Cohen responded first and were advised that the callerstated there was smoke in the basement and that all of the occupants were being evacuated. Chief Mayrose arrived and upon investigating the smoke condition, a working fire was transmitted. The fire was located in the walls of the basement and had extended to the first floor. Engine 956 picked up a hydrant and Ladder953 set up in front of the house. Engine crews stretched three lines with two going into operation to extinguish the fire and bring it undercontrol within 30 minutes. Mutual aid to the scene was provided by Bethpage, Syosset and Melville. Nassau County OEM sent theirMERVunit to shelterthe occupants of the home. There were no reported injuries and the cause of the fire was underinvestigation. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza, K2MPhotography,com, Over the Edge Photography
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