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Bay Shore KO’s Working Fire

The Bay Shore Fire Department was alerted fora house fire on Colorado Avenue on March 15, 2023. Town of Islip Fire Marshal 3-0-49 arrived on scene and advised Chief of Department Eklund and First Assistant Chief Ippolito, who were responding that there was a working fire at the location. Chief Eklund had the alarm resounded as a working fire and requested mutual aid. Chief Ippolito arrived and gave a furthersize up that there was heavy smoke coming from the garage of a one-story home and all occupants were out. Engine 3-1-2 was first due and “hit” a hydrant across from the house. Ladder3-1-7 arrived and set up in front of the house. Engine crews stretched and operated two lines and pushed the first line into the house to get to the garage and contain the fire there. The crew from 3-1-7 opened the roof above the garage and checked forextension, which was negative. The fire was under control within an hourwith no reported injuries. Mutual aid to the scene was provided by the Brentwood Fire Department forRIT. Bay ShoreBrightwaters Ambulance Corps was also on scene. The Islip and East Islip Fire Departments stood by at Bay Shore Headquarters. The cause of the fire is underinvestigation.