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Rooftop CPR Save in DeerPark
On February 20, 2023, the DeerPark Fire Department responded to a cardiac arrest on the roof of a commercial building on Commack Road with CPR in progress. Chief of the Department Robert Macaluso, had Babylon Central retone forLadders 1-4-10 and 1-4-14 to respond to the incident. With both trucks in operation, Suffolk Police ESU manpower got to the roof and continued CPR, while the patient was removed by the bucket of 1-4-10. The patient was transported to Good Samaritan Hospital by DeerPark Rescue.

- Fire News photos by BTFirePhoto
Romaine and Councilman Panico Attend Mastic Beach Ambulance Installation
On March 4, 2023, Brookhaven SupervisorEd Romaine and Councilman Dan Panico (right in both photos) attended the Mastic Beach Ambulance Company's annual installation dinnerheld at the Residence Inn in Riverhead. During the event, the Supervisorand Councilman congratulated newly installed officers while thanking outgoing officers fortheirservice to the community. Councilman Panico also swore in the new chiefs of the company and spoke of the many sacrifices that volunteerambulance members make to fulfill the obligations associated with emergency service personnel. The Mastic Beach Ambulance District was founded in 1948 and covers an area approximately 11.8 square miles, covering Fire Island on the south from Moriches Inlet to Old/New Inlet, and north to Wavecrest Drive. Formore information go to www. MasticBeachAmbulance.com.\

- Fire News photos provided
Romaine Honors Members of the Medford VAC
On February 11, 2023, SupervisorEd Romaine (left) attended Medford VolunteerAmbulance Company’s Annual Installation Dinnerat Flowerfield in St. James. During the event, the Supervisorhonored the company’s members fortheirservice to the community. Certificates of Congratulations from the Town Board were presented to 2022 Members of the Year, members with Years of Service Milestones and outgoing officers. SupervisorRomaine also swore in 1st Assistant Chief Jordan Barrios (left) and 2nd Assistant Chief Justin Zimmerman (right). The Medford Volunteer Ambulance chiefs and members also honored SupervisorRomaine by naming him an Honorary Chief forhis support of the company overthe years and formaking himself available when called upon forassistance with any issues. SupervisorRomaine said, “I commend the members of the Medford Ambulance Company who give so much of theirtime to community service. We all owe them a large debt of gratitude fortheirdedication, training and hard work that helps to save countless lives every year. I am proud to be named an Honorary Chief and I thank the members fortheirrecognition.”

- Fire News photo provided