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FourGenerations of Firefighters in the Stony Brook Fire Department
On February 11, SupervisorEd Romaine (right) attended Stony Brook Fire Department’s Annual Installation Dinnerat Flowerfield in St. James to honorthe company’s members fortheir service to the community. The Supervisoralso paid tribute to 62yearmemberand formerChief WalterHazlit, who passed away on November27, 2022, only five days from his 97th birthday. The Supervisorhonored Mr. Hazlit’s memory with a proclamation that recognized milestones in his life, including his service in the US Marine Corps during World WarII; as an original memberof the Suffolk County Legislator(District 5); Stony Brook Fire Department Commissioner; Suffolk County Community College Board memberand more. He was also a 75-yearmemberof the Stony Brook Yacht Club. Pictured with SupervisorRomaine is WalterHazlit’s daughter, Justice Elizabeth Hazlitt Emerson.

Ex-Chief Dave Smith - 60 years, Lieutenant Dawn Siedlewicz - 30 years, Lynnann Trapani - 30 years, 1st Assistant Chief John Smith - 18 years, Ryan Trapani - six years, ConnerFrank - three years; Erin Frank - Probationary Firefighter; Theresa CaloneroProbationary Firefighter. - Fire News photo by Lynnann Trapani