1 minute read
The Stony Brook Fire Department’s all-woman color guard proudly display the flags at the Stony Brook 114th year anniversary.
- Fire News photo by Lynnann Trapani

FASNYEMS Conference
The FASNY2023 EMS conference was held at the Selden Fire Department on January 27 and 28, 2023. Left to right: Co-Chairman Dave Simmons, Chairman - Wendi Walker, committee memberTom Dwyer, EMS Committee Liaison/FASNY

DirectorMonroe County Diana Pfersick, FASNY1st VPEugene Perry, FASNYDirectorSuffolk County

Frank Guarino, Committee Members Royer Pfersick and Jason Haag.
- Fire News photo submitted by Vinny Ammirati 2nd VPSuffolk County Volunteers
Donnelly and McSweeney HonorNorth Babylon ‘Arrow of Light’Cub S couts
Suffolk County Legislator Tom Donnelly, (D-Deer Park) recently joined with Town of Babylon Councilman Terry McSweeney to recognize 17 North Babylon Cub Scouts who earned the “Arrow of Light” award, the highest honor in Cub Scouting.

Cub Scout Pack 112 members Dominic Argutto, Alexander Canosa, Logan Cook, Dylan Denes, Matthew Lasorsa, Jason Levinson, Nico Lombardo, Wilhabelle Louis-Jean, Owen Ortlieb, Logan Panetta, Kyle Rizzo, Thomas Tierney, Vincent Velez and Connor Webster, under the direction of Pack 112 Cubmaster Louis Cook, earned the awards. They received commendations from the elected officials at ceremonies held during the Blue and Gold dinner on February 11, 2023, at the Baiting Hollow Scout Camp in Calverton.
Suffolk County Legislator Tom Donnelly (back middle) and Town of Babylon Councilman Terry McSweeney (back left) honor members of
- Fire News photo provided