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New Hyde Park Installation
The New Hyde Park Fire Department held their 113th Installation and Awards Dinneron February 25, 2023. Installed forthe ensuing yearwas Chief Digin Patel, 1st Assistant Chief Joseph Barbagallo, 2nd Assistant Chief Thomas Farina, 3rd Assistant Chief John Waldron and 4th Assistant Chief Joseph Kotarski. Honored were outgoing Chief Robert Gallagher, 50-yearmembers CesarQuinones and Francis Valerio. The Milton BaerAward was presented to 1st Lieutenant ConnorJacoby of Ladder 175 and Chauncey FowlerAward presented to the New Hyde Park JuniorAdvisors. Time in service/seniorservice award was awarded to exCaptain Ralph Rubino of Ladder175.

- Fire News photos by Joseph C. Sperber