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Nassau Fire Council Installation 2023

The Fire Chiefs Council of Nassau County held its 26th annual installation brunch on the morning of February 26, 2023, at the Coral House in Baldwin. Freeport ex-Chief Lee Tucholski was the Masterof Ceremonies forthe event, Sergeant-at-Arms and Locust Valley Chief Brian Nolan led the salute to the flag, and Rabbi Mirim Charry led the opening prayer. President Jean Laurent of the Uniondale Fire Department was installed by Uniondale ex-Chief and current CommissionerAnthony Lebron. In addition to President Laurent, the otherofficers of the council were installed into office. Outgoing President John Tassiello of the New Hyde Park Fire Department was recognized forhis time spent in office and offered a few remarks. Also, recognized at the event was Rabbi Charry who was made an Honorary President of the Chiefs Council. The program concluded with a closing prayerby FatherChristopherCostigan. - Fire News photos by K2M Photography