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Nassau Fire Districts Installation
The Nassau County Association of Fire Districts held theirannual meeting and installation on March 3, 2023, at the Milleridge Cottage in Jericho. Town of OysterBay SupervisorJoseph Saladino swore in the newly elected fire commissioners from various districts and installed the organization’s officers. Incoming President Edward E. Kraus of the North Bellmore Fire Department was installed by Angelo Catalano (also of the North Bellmore Fire Department) and outgoing President Ralph Raymond was recognized forhis time leading the Association from 2020 through 2022. Aside from President Kraus the otherAFDNC Officers for2023 are 1st Vice President Frank Sammartano, 2nd Vice President Peter Olson, TreasurerRalph Esposito, and Secretary Tricia Shields. C ongratulations to those installed and sworn in - good luck in the yearahead.

- Fire News photos by K2MPhotography.com