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Chiefs Council of Suffolk Installation
On December4, 2022, the Fire Chiefs Council of Suffolk County held theirannual installation brunch at Captain Bill’s in Bay Shore. Numerous fire departments from all overLong Island attended. Raffle tickets were announced and sold and the ceremony began right around 1400. Invocations were held by Chaplain Joe McCarthy, followed by a moment of silence forthe lost members of the council. Don Corkery led the ceremony, followed by Robert Macaluso with the Pledge of Allegiance. President Nikolas Luparella welcomed the guest, Don Corkery led the introduction of past presidents of the council and dignitaries, as well as the introduction and installation of officers. President Nicholas Luparella was sworn in and otherofficers were also sworn in by John ‘Chip’ Bancroft. Three Richard Van deKieft awards were handed out; the first presented by Mike Barry and Irene Bodkin; the second by Thomas Kirklava; and the third by Robert Macaluso and Thomas Kirklava. Two Chief of the Yearawards were awarded, one to Stephen A. Feron of the Hauppauge Fire Department, who sadly passed away aftera waterrescue drill, and to ChristopherCiaccio, 3rd Assistant Chief of the Commack Fire Department forrescuing trapped occupants in a house fire.

- Fire News photos by Ron Monteleone, story by Chase Millwater