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14th Annualheather Pendergast Fund Golfouting
The 14th Annual Heather Pendergast Fund Golf Outing, will be held on July 24, 2023, at the Woodside Club in Muttontown, New York. In order to accommodate our many golfers, we run a morning and afternoon session. The morning session begins with breakfast at 0630, and a 0730 shotgun start. Luncheon with open bar to follow. The afternoon session begins with a noon lunch, and 1300 shotgun start. Dinner with open bar to follow, as well. Prizes and raffles for both morning and afternoon sessions, with a 50/50 raffle drawing at the dinner following golf
Cost is $250 per golfer which includes full club facilities, golf with cart, driving range (can’t use pool). Registration and sponsorships available through our website www.heathersfund.org, early registration via heathersfundgolf@gmail.com.
The focus of the Fund is medical expenses not covered by insurance, and travel expenses incurred receiving medical treatments. Sinc e organized in 2009, the Fund has provided this assistance to 26 volunteer firefighter/EMS families, and paid out more than $240,000 covering medical or travel expenses.
We appreciate the support of our sponsors and contributors, making our vital mission possible. Please consider golfing or a sponsorship.
- Ex-Chief Tom Pendergast
Copiague Fire Chiefs 25th Golftournament
The Copiague Fire Chiefs 25th Golf Tournament will be held on July 31, 2023, at the Bethpage Red course at Bethpage State Park. Cost is $185 per golfer.
Breakfast will be held at 0600, Registration at 0700 and a Shotgun Start at 0730. Lunch will be at the turn and dinner will be held at Fire Headqua›rters. There will be an open bar w/dinner, $3000 worth of prizes, awards for longest drive, closest to the pin and a 50/50.
Prepay by Venmo of by check payable to Copiague Fire Department, 320 Great Neck Road, Copiague, NY11726.
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