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Congratulations to Chief John Murray

On April 20, 2023, a walkout ceremony was held forChief John V. Murray at the Nassau County Firefighters Museum and Education Center. Overthe past several years Chief Murray has been responsible forteaching and promoting fire safety and educating the thousands of adults and children who have passed through the doors of the Museum. Priorto working at the Museum Chief Murray was the Chief Fire Instructorat the Nassau County Fire Academy. Chief Murray is also a 55-yearmemberof the Rockville Centre Fire Department and members from his company (DefenderHose Company) along with family, friends and co-workers (past and present) were in attendance to congratulate him and wish him well going forward.

- Fire News photos by Kevin Madigan

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Romaine and Panico Install New Officers forManorville

On April 29, 2023, SupervisorEd Romaine (left) and Deputy SupervisorDan Panico ( center ) were joined by NYS Assemblywoman Jodi Giglio (second from left), Suffolk County LegislatorJames Mazzarella (second from right) and NYS Senator Dean Murray (right) at the Manorville Fire Department’s annual installation ceremony. The event was held at Majestic Gardens in Rocky Point. During the ceremony, the Supervisorand Deputy Supervisorcongratulated the newly installed officers while thanking outgoing officers and all members fortheirdedicated commitment and selfless service to the Manorville community.

- Fire News photo provided

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