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North Merrick 96th Installation

The North Merrick Fire Department held its 96th annual installation dinneron the night of March 11, 2023, at the Sand Castle in Franklin Square. North Merrick Commissionerand ex-Chief Paul Wilders was the Masterof Ceremonies forthe program which began with the salute to the Flag (led by First Assistant Chief Daniel Fasano) and the invocation led by Chaplain Eric Fasano. The installation of officers took place, beginning with the ladies auxiliary, followed by the company line officers, chiefs and department officers. Ex-Chief ChristopherFasano was recognized forthe six years he served in the Chiefs Office and service stars were presented to various members forachieving milestone years of service. The most notable honoree was Honorary Chief Patrick Wright who was awarded for50 years of active service. Leading the North Merrick Fire Department this yearwill be Chief of Department Ronald Higgins, First Assistant Chief Daniel Fasano, and Second Assistant William Segota. Congratulations to all of those awarded and good luck to those installed.

- Fire News photos by K2MPhotography.com

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