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Huntington Manor Installation and Awards Dinner

The Huntington ManorFire Department held its 120th annual installation dinneron the night of March 10, 2023. Bruce Smith was the Masterof Ceremonies forthe program which began with the presentation of colors by the Department’s ColorGuard, the salute to the Flag led by First Assistant Chief Christen, and the Invocation by Thomas Petriano. Chief of Department James Glidden was installed by his brotherand Huntington ManorexChief John Glidden. Chief Glidden gave his remarks priorto his assistant chiefs and the company and desk officers being installed. The last portion of the program was the presentation of proclamations and awards. These were given to members who went above and beyond both on and off the fireground and in some instances performed lifesaving actions. Leading the Huntington ManorFire Department this yearis Chief of Department James Glidden, First Assistant Chief Brian Christen, Second Assistant Chief Scott Cloonan, and Third Assistant Chief Michael Colonna. Congratulations to those awarded and good luck to those installed.

- Fire News photos by K2MPhotography.com

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