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Watermill Structure Fire
On May 28, 2023, at 1453, the Southampton Fire Department was dispatched to a structure fire on Farmstead Lane in Watermill. The Southampton chief requested mutual aid from Sag Harbor, Bridgehampton, Hampton Bays, East Hampton, North Sea and East Quogue. Crews were on scene foroverthree hours. No one was home at the time of the fire and one firefighterwas taken to Southampton Hospital forheat exhaustion. Southampton VolunteerAmbulance along with Southampton Village Volunteer Ambulance were also on scene. Suffolk County WaterAuthority was requested to boost waterpressure in the area. Southampton Town Fire Marshal’s Office was investigating the fire’s cause.
- Fire News story by Chris Brenner, PIO, SFD; photo courtesy Southampton FD

PD K9 Utilized at Lindenhurst CarFire

The Lindenhurst Fire Department was alerted fora vehicle fire a t South 4th Street and Second Avenue about 2345 on April 12, 2023 Chief of Department Collins was the first to arrive and found an involved pickup on the street. Second and Third Assistant Chiefs Cutolo and Brink arrived immediately thereafter. The crew from 1-6-6 put one line into operation to extinguish the fire in about 10 minutes. The driverof the truck was reportedly involved in a hitand-run accident and lost the left front wheel at that scene then drove to where the truck caught fire. The driverhad fled but then surrendered and was taken into custody as a Police K-9 unit was searching the area.
- Fire News photo by Paul Mazza