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Councilwoman BonnerInstalls New Officers of Rocky Point
On May 20, 2023, Councilwoman Jane Bonnerwas joined by NYS Assemblywoman Jodi Giglio at the Rocky Point Fire Department’s annual installation dinnerheld at Majestic Gardens in Rocky Point. During the ceremony, Councilwoman Bonnercongratulated the newly installed officers while thanking outgoing officers and all members fortheirdedicated commitment and selfless service to the community. Pictured left to right are: NYS Assemblywoman Jodi Giglio; EMTof the Year, Ken Degolyer; Chief Sean McCarrick (15 years of service) and William Lathman (40 years of service). The Rocky Point Fire Department covers Rocky Point, Shoreham and the Incorporated Village of Shoreham, as well as 6800 acres of New York State Forest Preserve. - Fire News photo provided
Councilwoman BonnerHonors Mount Sinai FD at Annual Installation Dinner
On May 20, 2023, Councilwoman Jane Bonnerattended the Mount Sinai Fire Department’s annual installation dinnerat East Wind Long Island in Wading River. Pictured left to right are Chief J. Brooks Roberts (3rd Assistant Chief); Chief John Purcell (1st Assistant Chief); Chief Randy Nelson (Chief of the Department); FirefighterHenry Koernschild (60 years of service); Councilwoman Jane Bonner; and Chief Andrew Seymour(2nd Assistant Chief). Councilwoman Bonnersaid, “It’s an honorto thank the members of the Mount Sinai Fire Department fortheirservice to the community. Because of theircourage and dedication, countless lives are saved every year. We owe them a large debt of gratitude forthe sacrifices they make to keep us safe.” - Fire News photo provided