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Seaford Installation and Awards Dinner
On April 22, 2023, the Seaford Fire Department held theirannual installation dinnerat the Milleridge Inn in Jericho. CommissionerMangiolino, the evening’s Masterof Ceremonies began the evening with the salute to the flag led by Sergeant-at-Arms Winterand the Star Spangled Bannersung by FirefighterLuciano. Following the Invocation by MonsignorCamp, the company officers were sworn in by CommissionerPoidesta followed by CommissionerM. Bellissimo swearing in Lieutenants Bongiovi, Ancona and Gerhard, and CommissionerS. Bellissimo swearing in Captains Lochner, Diehl and Juliano. Second Assistant Chief Beehlerand 1st Assistant Chief Cottone were sworn into theirpositions by CommissionervonGlahn before Chief of Department Kern was sworn into by CommissionerMangiolino. In addition to the installation of officers, outgoing Chief of Department deHaan was honored forhis years in the Chiefs Office. Numerous members were honored for theiryears of service to the department including, exChief Fred Roth with 75 years of service and ex-Assistant Chief James Curry with 50 years of service. Both men were presented with numerous citations and awards from the department and local elected officials honoring theircombined 125 years of service. Congratulations to all installed officers and individuals honored fortheir service.

- Fire News photos by www.overtheedgephotography.com
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