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CarFire in Worton East Church Street Arsons in Salisbury

On April 8, 2023, the Kennedyville VolunteerFire Company responded to Luhaven Road in Worton, Kent County, fora vehicle fire. Crews arrived to find an involved sedan. Firefighters made quick work of the blaze and no injuries were reported. The cause of the fire was ruled as an accidental-unspecified electrical m alfunction.

- Photo courtesy Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshal


Displaced in Cecil County Inferno

Avacant building on East Church Street has had two previous fires in it - in January and June 2022 - both of which were determined to be arsons. Deputy State Fire Marshals are asking the public's assistance in helping to identify who is responsible forsetting the fires. You can remain anonymous. Please contact Deputy State Fire Marshals with any information at 410-713-3780.

- Photo courtesy Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshal

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