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Training WindsorLocks Fire Holds Practical RITTraining
On May 6, 2023, the WindsorLocks (CT) Fire Department held Rapid Intervention Team practical training instructed by Connecticut Custom Fire Training LLC. Personnel received hands-on training in use of the RITairpack, pack conversions and packaging forremoval, high point anchorremoval with 2:1 MAsystems, removal upstairs, removal out a basement window, and rapid gearremoval fora firefighterin cardiac arrest. The day culminated with a realtime scenario of an entire company in distress with simulated smoke significantly decreasing visibility. The WLFD would like to thank the Fire Departments of Enfield Training Division forthe use of an acquired structure, as well as CCFTforan incredible class that will betterprepare o urpersonnel to rescue ourbrothers and sisters in the event of a Mayday.