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Special Feature
Page 20, Fire News, December2021 Up Close & Personal
Riveredge FirefighterNicole Greco. - Fire News photo by Chris ‘Doc’Denton Enya, Finn and Tara Mellon whose mom and dad are Rob and Jaime Mellon, the Secretary and Treasurerof the Atlantic County Firefighters Association, at the Absecon Tower8 dedication on October23, 2021. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Bargaintown Assistant Chief Wil Hancock and Cardiff Chief Gil Zonge at the Ivins Avenue job in Egg HarborTownship on September18, 2021. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Atlantic City FA FF1 Graduation Awards Spring and Fall 2020
The Atlantic County Firefighters Association(ACFA) had its graduation forthe Spring 2020 Firefighter1 Class at the Egg Harbor Township Community Center(top, right). The ACFAheld its graduation ceremony for the Fall Firefighter1 Class as well (bottom, right). - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe