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Special Features
NJ Fire Museum Open House

On September25, 2022, the New Jersey Fire Museum held theirannual open house showcasing all of theirmemorabilia along with having all of their apparatus on display. Allentown-UpperFreehold Fire served food and drink while the museum had a few collectibles forpurchase. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

FireNews.com Fire News, December2022, Page 19 Lodi 2-Alarm Commercial Fire

On the morning of September1, 2022, the Lodi Fire Department was alerted fora fire on Union Street. On arrival, command reported a heavy smoke condition from the single-story commercial tire shop and transmitted a second alarm. Crews entered the building searching forthe seat of the fire as trucks ventilated the roof. Two handlines were put into operation as conditions appeared to be deteriorating, howeverat 1015 the interiorcrew reported wateron the fire and the main body of fire was knocked down. The fire was placed undercontrol in just overan hour. One firefighterwas treated forminor injuries. - Fire News photos by Peter Danzo

RVFire on Francis Drive

On September26, 2022, the Toms RiverFire Department received multiple calls forsmoke in the area and an RVon fire on Francis Drive. East Dover Fire units arrived to a well involved RVfire on the side of the road. One line was stretched and placed into operation, and it soon became apparent the fuel tank had ruptured as fire began spreading along the street. Foam was placed into service and nearby storm drains were protected to prevent any run off. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Association 24th Annual Conference Calling all Presenters
The 2023 New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Association Annual Conference will be held back on Atlantic City's Famous Boardwalk, April 17-21, 2023 at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.
Call for Papers is now open, so DO NOTDELAY! Submit your training and breakout presentations now at www.njepa.org! Deadline for submissions is November 29, 2022. We are accepting proposals for 75-minute breakout sessions, half-day, full-day, two, three- and four-day training sessions. Presenters' notification will take place shortly after the first of the year.
There are numerous Exhibitor and Sponsorship opportunities available for this year's Conference, visit our website at www.njepa.org to explore the appropriate ones for your organization.
Attendee registration will be open shortly after January 1st, 2023, visit our website to review all the training and Networking events!
See you in April!

Smoking HVAC in Clifton

On September21, 2022, the Clifton Fire Department was dispatched to a commercial structure on Clifton Avenue forreports of smoke in the building. Crews arrived to a slight smoke condition on the top floorand command ordered Ladders 2 and 3 to check the roof top heating units. Aburnt HVAC unit on the roof was found, which was causing the smoke to travel through the building. No fire was found and shortly afterthe building was re-occupied. This was one of the first calls the new Ladder2 was set up foran actual call. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti