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Camden City 2Alarmer
On March 22, 2023, a dwelling fire was reported in Camden City on North 38th Street. Companies arrived to find a two-story wood frame twin with heavy fire conditions throughout and extension into the exposure. Crews set up fordefensive operations as command reported a collapse of the original fire building and heavy fire throughout the exposure. Asecond alarm was transmitted. Crews placed a ladderpipe and multiple handlines in operation. The fire was knocked down and placed undercontrol with no reported injuries. The Camden City Fire Marshal’s Office was investigating the cause.
- Fire News photos by Ted Aurig
Afire involving the rearof a home in Edison Township was quickly extinguished on February 25, 2023. Engines 9, 11 and 12; Truck 2; Rescue 5; and Car7 were dispatched to Farmhaven Avenue formultiple callers reporting a fire. Aprecautionary second alarm was struck and more units were added to the assignment. Upon arrival, firefighters put a pairof hoselines in services and quickly knocked down the fire which had consumed a sun porch attached to the rearof the home. Afterprimary and second searches were completed and checks forextension proved negative, the fire was placed undercontrol.