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Woodland Fire in Cardiff
The volunteerfire companies of Farmington and Cardiff responded to Milepost 10.7 on the Atlantic City Expressway foran unknown type of fire at 0130 on April 22, 2023. Farmington Assistant Chief Dennis Sharpe, who lives nearby, arrived to find heavy fire showing and advised Cardiff Chief Gil Zonge to respond his apparatus off of Delilah Road in the Fox Run housing development. The fire involved woods and otherstructures in the rearof the property. AC Sharpe radioed dispatch to respond the New Jersey Forest Fire Service and had Farmington Engine 1543 respond onto the Expressway and Chief Zonge had Cardiff Engine 1517 respond to the front of the property. Handlines were stretched and the fire was contained to the immediate area, with the forest fire service doing mop up. Bargaintown provided support with theirTender1528, as they were returning from an assignment out of town with theircrew assisting with overhauling.
- Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe