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Special Feature
Brush Fire in Cologne Requires AirDrop

The volunteerfire companies of Cologne and Mays Landing from the Township of Hamilton Fire Department in Atlantic County responded to Walmart Drive on April 15, 2022, at 1733 fora report of a brush fire. Firefighters arrived along with New Jersey Forest Fire Service C-7 fora quarter-acre of wildland burning. Firefighters were assisted by an airdrop of waterfrom Airtractor 61 with quick extinguishment and no extension to property. - Fire News photos by Ken Badger

Wire Down in Lodi
On March 28, 2022, the Lodi Fire Department was alerted fora house fire on Passaic Street. Police arrived and reported a house on fire and a second alarm was struck while fire units were en route. The first arriving chief had a downed primary wire on the sidewalk and requested all mutual aid to slow theirresponse as the house did not appearto be involved. Upon furtherinvestigation slight extension was found in the home as mutual aid companies from Wallington, Hasbrouck Heights and Saddle Brook responded. PSE&Gwas requested on a rush and secured powerto the area leaving a damaged fence and sidewalk with minorfire spread to the home. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Fatality at Scullville MVA
The volunteerfire companies of Scullville and Bargaintown along with EHTpolice and EMS responded to Ocean Heights Avenue at 0050 on April 2, 2022, foran MVAwith entrapment. Scullville Chief Vern Cruse arrived to a single-vehicle accident with the driverheavily entrapped and obviously deceased. The driverwas a 37-year-old male who was travelling east on Ocean Heights Avenue and lost control of his vehicle and left the roadway, striking a utility pole and splitting it into three pieces. Firefighters removed the driverusing a modified extrication in which the vehicle is cut in certain places allowing the dash to me moved using rams. The driverwas pronounced by a representative of the medical examiner’s office.
- Fire News photo by Cindy Badger