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AC Expressway CarFire

The Cardiff VolunteerFire Company responded to milepost 9.2 on the Atlantic City Expressway on June 2, 2023, fora report of a vehicle fire. Noticing the fire from theirstation was the Atlantic City Airport Fire Department which responded and arrived first and began suppression. Cardiff Engine 1512 pulled two lines as the fire spread to the shoulderof the road. The fire was contained quickly and the scene was underthe command of Cardiff Assistant Chief Bill Danz, Jr., who had a Farmington engine stand by on Delilah Road during the incident.

NJFFS’Sanford Honored

Retired Section Forest Fire Warden John Sanford was honored by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service at theirannual Division C District Forest Fire War dens’breakfast on April 15, 2023. John began his careerwith the New Jersey Forest Fire Service as a part-time crewman and was promoted to Fire Observerof McKeetown fire towerin 1995. John then served as Section Forest Fire Warden in Sections C7 and C8 forthe next 15 years, until his retirement in 2020. Not only did John serve his community, he also fought fires across the country with NJFFS. Even afterretirement, he continues to be an asset to the agency.

- Fire News photos by Ken Badger

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