5 minute read


From the Editor’s Desk

Dennis Whittam, Editor It’s That Time Again!

It is hard to believe that summer is over and as firefighters we have to once again give thought to educating our communities on the topic of fire prevention. I can still remember when my own kids ventured off to college. As a dad, I was truly happy to watch the enthusiasm that my two girls had when they left home to live on their own in a college dormitory. Another side of me was nervous. I am reminded of the fatal Seton Hall fire at Boland Hall, which claimed the lives of three students and injured over 50 more students.

Statistics showed that from 2000 to 2014, 89 fatal fires were documented that occurred on a college campus, in Greek housing, or in off-campus housing within three miles of the campus, claiming a total of 126 victims —76 in off-campus housing claiming 107 victims, seven fires in on campus building or residence halls claiming nine victims, and six in Greek housing (fraternities and sororities) claiming 10 victims. The good news is, thanks to our Fire Safety Educators, Juvenile Arson Awareness Programs and to our fire marshals and community fire departments, 2015 was the first year that there were no fatal fires on college campuses. For the year of 2020, fires were down by over three percent. All of the programs in which your fire department is involved help prevent fires and save lives.

With the interruption of Covid, I ask if your department’s fire prevention program is ready to go into action? In the past, I urged everyone to evaluate their Fire Safety Education Program. I still urge you to have one of your county or town fire safety organizations to review your program to make sure you are doing the right thing.

Understand, children can get mixed messages when they come to the firehouse and watch firefighters set fires and put them out. Educators are aware of the pitfalls of “negative teaching” to get a point across. I worry that someday there will be a student who will see a firefighter set a car on fire and, while being mesmerized by the flames, think that that was the purpose of the demonstration. It is important to show the community our equipment and apparatus, but it is more important to make sure your audience knows that when a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide alarm goes off, they need to act in a specific way.

Putting Covid and new school policies aside, at the end of the day, whether the community comes to the firehouse or you go out to the community, the result should be the same. Everyone must understand “stop drop and roll,” how to “get out alive” and what to do when the smoke or CO alarm sounds.

Every year, departments do an outstanding job teaching fire safety awareness. Is your program working? Statistics are saying that they are. Keep up the good work!

- Dennis

Fireworks End Concert Series

In August, Fireworks made the perfect backdrop forthe Schenectady Fire Department’s Reserve Truck 3 as crews were on standby at the Mohawk Harborforthe concert series fireworks finale. The 2016 Rosenbauerwas purchased by the fire department with funds from a grant to purchase demonstration apparatus. It is stationed at Fire Headquarters on VeederAvenue. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber

ANNOUNCEMENT 12th Annual Ulster& Dutchess Fire Police Educational Seminar

On Saturday, November 6, 2021, the Highland Fire Department (at the intersections of Route 9W, 44/55, two traffic lights north of the Poughkeepsie Bridge) will hold a fire police edcuational seminar.

Registration is a 0800, the seminar goes from 0900 to 1600. Included are a mini-breakfast, lunch and the seminar: Cost is $15 pp in advance, $20 pp at the door. This seminar is open to all Fire Police and Law Enforcement Departments from any county, and will contain exceptional speakers.

Key topics and presenters include: Response to Active Shooter & Hostile Events,by Chief Eric Ericksen, Director of the Ulster County Dept. Emergency Services; Police Officer (Town of Marlborough); Arson Awareness and Investigation, and Your Role as a Fire Police Officer; by Investigator Deputy Sheriff Paul Reinheimer, Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office, Fire & Arson Investigation Unit. Expect a great and informative seminar with your peers.

To help plan for breakfast and lunch, respond in advance with payment for anticipated number and the names of attendees from your department and name of your county (checks payable to the Ulster Cty. Vol. Fire Police, P.O. Box 153, Modena, NY12548. Advance registrations must be received by October 16.) For questions, send an email to UCFirePolice2020@yahoo.com for an immediate response.

Cover Story Three Alarm Blaze in Buffalo

Recently, Buffalo firefighters were called to investigate smoke coming from behind an abandoned warehouse on Metcalfe Street. Upon the arrival of Engine 32, it was determined that a loading dock was fully involved and the flames were spreading throughout the structure. Asecond alarm assignment was immediately requested. Eventually the fire went to a third. Crews remained on scene throughout the night to fully extinguish the flames. - Fire News photo by Donald Kilianski

Commercial Blaze in Buffalo

Buffalo firefighters were called to the area of Brush Street and Amherst Street fora commercial building fire. Crews arrived to a well-involved structure with fire on the second floorand pushing out second-floorwindows. Crews initially went interiorbut due to deteriorating conditions, went defensive. - Fire News photo by Donald Kilianski

RochesterResponds to Working Fire

On August 20, 2021, Rochesterfirefighters were dispatched to Joseph Avenue fora house on fire. First arriving units found heavy smoke and fire showing from all floors of a vacant dwelling. Truck companies immediately went to work forcing entry into the boarded-up structure as engine crews stretched lines. Companies were able to make entry and work to knock down the heavy fire bringing it undercontrol a short time after. - Fire News photo by PuckStopperPhotography.com

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