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Special Features

The Long Island Firefighters Legislative Committee (aka “Flameout”) PAC had its first fundraiser on September 3, 2022, at Mulcahy’s Pub in Wantagh. The fundraiser was a big success in getting people to attend and donate to the Flameout PAC. We watched the Notre Dame and Ohio State college football game on the big screen, which everyone enjoyed.
The Flameout PAC is off to an excellent start, and we all hope to grow it each year. This PAC is the first Volunteer Fire Department Political Action Committee (PAC) in New York State history. The PAC is a 501-C4, not-for-profit organization. The Flameout PAC was created to assist and fund firefighters, Commissioners and EMTs in lobbying and collaborating with legislators on fire-service bills in Albany. It is important that volunteer firefighters, ambulance emergency personnel and fire departments are represented in Albany. This PAC will provide funding for the costs of travel, hotels and meals for those volunteers who travel to Albany on a regular basis.
The EMS Cost Recovery Act was a direct result of the efforts of many FD volunteers, and especially the efforts of the Long Island Legislative Committee members, who lobbied legislators to pass this important bill. The significance of the EMS Cost Recovery Act is twofold. First, volunteer ambulance services are now allowed to recover their emergency medical costs (e.g., ambulance costs, medical supplies, medical equipment, cost of EMTand Paramedic) from insurance companies, Medicaid, and Medicare. Second, the reimbursement of Continued on next page

Continued from page 26 emergency medical costs from the insurance companies and other agencies will offset tax increases to the communities that they serve. Last year, the insurance companies did not pay over $100 million in reimbursements, this burden was borne by the volunteer FD ambulance services.
The fundraiser was well attended and included Senator John Brooks (D) LI, who stayed for the entire event. Senator Brooks is in the photo with Chair Peter Olson. Senator Brooks was one of the sponsors of the EMS Cost Recovery Bill. He has served for over 55 years in three fire departments and has served as the Chief of the Department. His dedication to the volunteer fire service in NYS has always been outstanding. He has served in the Senate for many years with many successes. Albeit he stated that the EMS Cost Recovery Bill was very near and dear to his heart as a volunteer firefighter. He has always supported and collaborated with all the volunteer firefighters and EMTs, who have travelled up to Albany and now has given his full support to the Flameout PAC.
This PAC is a strong advocate for the Volunteer FDs and ambulance services in the State and will provide a positive contribution to all the current fire-service bills as well as those in the future. The time has come for the volunteer firefighters, and EMTs to stand together! This PAC will give our volunteers an opportunity to be heard around the state. Currently, there are over 80,000 volunteer firefighters and EMTs in the state, and with the support of these volunteers and their communities, this PAC will become a major positive force.
If you are interested in supporting the Flameout PAC, please consider becoming a Charter member for a one-time donation of $100. If you are interested in starting a Legislative Committee in your area, please contact our Vice Chair Billy Theis or myself. Thank you for your continued support to make Volunteer Fire Departments in New York State better. Executive Committee of LI Legislative Committee is comprised of: Chair Peter W. Olson, PhD. 516-242-0132; Vice-Chair Billy Theis 631-466-6069; Secretary Rick Bylicki and Treasurer John Dolezal.Stay safe and keep healthy. - Peter W. Olson, PhD. - Chair
FDNYMembers Raise Funds
FDNYFirefighters from Engine 257 and Ladder170 sold memorial shirts to honortheirfallen brother, Firefighter Timothy Klein, who was killed in the line of duty, battling a fire in Brooklyn in April 2022. - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez