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Looking Back

Cornwall - 2012

On January 15, 2012, the Cornwall Fire Department and 18 surrounding mutual aid companies fought a seven-alarm fire in a mill type complex. -Fire News photo by Dane Policastro

Selkirk - 2011

Schenectady 2012

On December20, 2011, the Bethlehem Police Department investigated the cause of a house fire on Fairlawn Drive in Elm Estates, Selkirk. - Fire News photo by Tom Heffernan

An elderly woman lost herlife afterflames raced through herfirst floorapartment on FosterAvenue in Schenectady at 0516 on January 19, 2012. -Fire News photo by Peter Barber

Melrose Handles Store Fire 2-Alarmerin Village of Chatham

Rescue 20 of the Melrose Fire District (RensselaerCounty) responded the scene of a hardware store fire in the Town of Brunswick on September10, 2021. - Fire News photo by Dominic Pasinella

All-Hands Operate in Mamaroneck

The Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department, along with Larchmont’s towerladder, responded to Alden Road fora report of smoke in a structure. Car2232, Ladder19 and Engine 36 arrived to find fire out of a sixth-floorwindow of a six-story, occupied, multiple-dwelling. An all-hands was called. New Rochelle and Battalion 15 responded to the alarm. Mamaroneck Village Engine 38, Ladder21 and Car2243 relocated to the Town of Mamaroneck HQ. Crews performed primary and secondary searches, which were negative. Crews stretched one line to extinguish the fire, while Engine 51 was connected to the standpipe outside of the structure. - Fire News photo by Brandon Colon At 1555 on January 25, 2022, Columbia County 911 toned the Chatham Task Force fora basement fire on Prospect Street in the Village of Chatham. Responding task force and mutual aid departments included Valatie, Kinderhook, Ghent, West Ghent, Niverville, Austerlitz, East Chatham and Greenport. Asecond alarm was struck forinteriorfirefighters and command requested Tri-Village, Mellenville, Greenport’s FASTand Hudson’s towerto standby. Ghent firefighters supplyied Chatham 58-22 with water forthe handlines deployed. The location of the structure hampered access to the rearup a short, narrow and icy path. There were no reported injuries to occupants orfirefighters. Chatham’s new Rescue-Pumper58-42, placed in service only a couple of weeks prior, saw its first action. - Fire News photo by David Levow

Flames Halted in Red Hook

On January 28, 2022, the Red Hook Fire Company, with mutual aid from Tivoli, were dispatched to a structure fire on Rock City Road in Red Hook. Units arrived to a structure fire involving the roof of an addition to the main building. Asecond alarm was called, bringing additional equipment, manpowerand watersupply from Milan and Rhinebeck; Germantown and Rhinebeck went on standby. Quick action and fast wateron the seat of the fire prevented it from entering the main part of the residence. The bulk of the fire was knocked down in about 15 minutes and overall operations lasted about an hour. Northern Dutchess Paramedics provided an ambulance. Roughly 25 firefighters from fourresponding agencies worked the scene. The cause of the fire was a chimney fire that extended into the attic. - Fire News photo by Mike Lane

BetterLate Than Never

Just before midnight on January 16, 2022, a structure fire was reported in Castleton on the Hudson. Mutual aid was called forassistance. The temperature was one-degree above zero. On arrival they found the occupant had remembered that he had recently purchased a fire extinguisherand used it to extinguish the fire. - Fire News photos by Martin E. Miller

Shortly after2300 on Christmas 2021, Yonkers 911 received calls forfire from the roof of an Elliot Avenue home on the city’s West Side. Dispatchers quickly noticed heavy fire visible on the city’s camera system. Arriving units found a well-advanced fire in the rearof the four-story, occupied, multiple-dwelling, involving wooden porches on all floors. Second and third alarms were quickly struck as the fire spread to the interioron multiple floors. Companies worked aggressively to establish exposure protection in the rearyards of the fire building, taking out fences and other obstructions in a dense block of buildings. Companies also stretched lines through rearexposure buildings from watersupplies on an adjacent block. As the fire advanced throughout the building, priorities forexposure protection shifted from the rearto the sides of the fire building. The fire was brought undercontrol in about three hours and a fire watch assigned throughout the next day. Over30 residents were displaced but no serious injuries were reported. - Fire News photos by Mike Messar

30 Displaced in Yonkers Christmas Fire

Suspicious Fire in Schenectady

On November14, 2021, City of Schenectady firefighters battle a two-alarm fire in the rearof a Van Vranken Avenue address. Upon the arrival of Engine 4, fire was venting from a second-floorwindow on the B side. While using reserve Engine 14 with a 1000-gallon boostertank, crews made an initial attack with the deck gun knocking down a majority of the flames. Reserve Truck 3 was able to maneuverinto position due to the wide-open area in front of the garage. The fire was brought undercontrol in less than an hour. Witnesses stated they saw individuals leaving the garage shortly before smoke began showing from the building. - Fire News photo by Peter Barber

Mamaroneck Basement Fire Extends

On November7, 2021, Mamaroneck Village crews were dispatched to Walnut Street fora basement fire. The callerstated flames were in the basement of the building, with one person unaccounted for. Chief 2242 arrived and reported smoke showing and requested an all-hands assignment, which sent in the Town of Mamaroneck FAST, 68-A1, 66-A2, 66-11, 82-B1, and Battalion 15 to the scene. Units performed a primary search and one victim was removed from the fire. C and O Zone 2 was requested to the scene. There was extension into the first and second floor. - Fire News photo by Brandon Colon

Bronx Fire Kills 17 People

Seventeen people were killed, and dozens more seriously injured in a horrific high-rise apartment fire in the Bronx on January 9, 2022. The blaze broke out on the third floorof the 19-story building on 181st Street just before 1100. Firefighters made numerous rescues of residents trapped in the hallways by thick, black smoke from the fire apartment where the doorwas left open. Nearly 200 firefighters and EMS personnel were on the scene. - Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell and FirstOnScenePhotos.com

1 Dead, 8 Injured at Bronx Explosion

FDNYfirefighters were on the scene of a suspected gas explosion in an attached row home in the Longwood section of the Bronx on January 18, 2022. The incident left one person dead and at least eight others injured. The second-alarm blaze was reported at the three-story residential building on Fox Street nearIntervale Avenue just after1100. More than 100 firefighters and EMS responded to the scene. - Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos.com


Fire News, March 2022, Page 19 Explosion Injures Coeymans Welder

Awelderworking in a large metal building was badly burned when a 275-gallon oil tank exploded nearhim. Anotherworkerdragged him out and he was airlifted to a Vermont hospital. The building was stuffed with big yachts, all melting and burning. The explosion was heard throughout Coeymans Hollow and across the river. Firefighters from all local companies responded to assist with the operation. - Fire News photos by Martin E. Miller

Page 20, Fire News, March 2022 2-Alarmerin Williamsburg

On January 26, 2022, firefighters in Williamsburg were called to a backyard fire which extended into a four-story, vacant private dwelling on Montrose Avenue. Firefighters fought fire on all floors of the vacant apartment building that was underconstruction. The fire went to a second alarm before being brought undercontrol. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

Fatal Fire in Bellerose

A91-year-old man was found unconscious and unresponsive on the first floorof a home on 8th Avenue in the Bellerose Manorsection of Queens during a two-alarm fire on January 25, 2022. The man was laterpronounced dead. FDNYofficials said the fire broke around 0645 in the basement and the first floorof the 2-1/2-story private home. The fire was brought undercontrol at about 0735 and was being investigated by Fire Marshals. - Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com

Yonkers 4-Alarmer

Around 2300 on Christmas night, December25, 2022, Yonkers firefighters were dispatched to Elliott Avenue fora fire on the roof of the building. The first arriving unit found heavy fire showing through the roof. Companies stretched multiple lines to attack the fire and worked to make a push as other firefighters worked to get people and pets out of the building. The fire continued to spread as wind pushed the flames throughout the building, soon bringing fire to all fourfloors of the apartment building and forcing command to remove all members from the building as they switched to a defensive operation. Crews worked to protect exposure buildings from heavy fire as the wind continued to fuel the fire. No civilians were injured but 11 families were left without a home afterthe fire. - Fire News photos by PuckStopperPhotography.com

Page 22, Fire News, March 2022 Pittsford Dwelling Fire

In the afternoon of November21, 2021, Pittsford firefighters were dispatched out to Kimberly Road forthe report of a dwelling fire. On arrival, companies found smoke coming from the front door. Companies made entry and found a fire in the basement, which they were able to quickly knock down. Crews were also able to rescue two dogs from the structure. - Fire News photo by PuckStopperPhotography.com

RochesterVacant House Burns

On December6, 2021, Rochesterfirefighters were dispatched to the area of Burbank Street fora fire. First-in companies arrived to find heavy fire blowing out the rearof a boarded-up home on Burbank. Crews stretched lines to the rearof the structure as firefighters prepared to make an aggressive interiorattack to knock down the fire and protect the exposure homes. Once inside, companies found fire on the first and second floors and made progress knocking down the fire with a strong push. The fire was out a short time later. - Fire News photo by PuckStopperPhotography.com

Gas Leak on Lyell Avenue

On December30, 2022, Rochesterfirefighters were dispatched to Lyell Avenue forthe report of a smell of gas in the area. Arriving companies found a heavy gas leak coming from a store on Lyell and requested a box to the scene. Acommand post was set up as companies awaited the gas company to shut down the leak. Crews had readings of over33-percent outside the building with higherelevations inside. Once the gas company arrived and shut down the leak, crews were able to slowly make entry to ventilate the remaining gas in the building.

- Fire News photo by PuckStopperPhotography.com

Fire News, March 2022, Page 23 Harrison Battles Structure Fire

Recently, Harrison, with a Purchase engine, was dispatched to Puritan Road fora structure fire. While units were responding to the call, Harrison Police received multiple calls about the structure fire. Responding on mutual aid were Mamaroneck Village, City of Rye and the Town of Mamaroneck. Car2162 advised 60 Control that they had a 75- x 100-foot, two-story Type 3 structure. Units had one line stretched and in operation. At 1526 the fire was called undercontrol and crews did extensive overhaul. - Fire News photo by Brandon Colon

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