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Niskayuna Installation 2023
Niskayuna 2 Fire Department held its 81st Annual Installation of Officers banquet on February 4, 2023. The firematic officers for 2023 are: Joshua Wyman - Chief; Nick Insognia - 1st Assistant Chief; Gerry Barbiero - 2nd Assitant Chief; Tom Henery - Fire Captain; Tom Moran - Rescue Captain; LeRoy Wyman - Fire Police Captain; Joseph Loliscio - Fire Police Lieutenant; Daniel Herrg esell
- 1st Lieutenant; Jacob Louis - 2nd Lieutenant; Corbin Round - 3rd Lieutenant; and Jesse Holland, Safety Officer. Daniel Herrgesel l was honored by being named Firefighterof the Year. Congratulations to all new installed officers and award recipients. - Fire News photos by Lori Washburn