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Fire News, April 2021, Page 19 Van Fire Stopped Before Garage Goes

On February 25, 2021, Schenectady firefighters battle a fully involved van fire in the backyard of a DeCamp Avenue home. Several small explosions were heard as firefighters arrived and began stretching lines. The fire began spreading to the garage but was quickly knocked down as hose lines were charged. No injuries were reported and the cause was underinvestigation. - Fire News photos by Peter Barber


Due to Current New York State COVID-19 Health And Safety Restrictions, FIRE 2021 has been moved to July 14-17, 2021, at The Oncenter in Syracuse, NY

After careful consideration of the current New York state health and safety restrictions and guidelines for gatherings and travel in place as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs 115th Annual Conference & FIRE 2021 Expo has been rescheduled for July 14-17, 2021, at The Oncenter in Syracuse, NY. The event was originally scheduled to take place on June 16-19.

The safety of event participants remains NYSAFC’s top priority. Considering the recent rollout of vaccinations for first responders and segments of the public, along with state/federal government projections and “New York Forward” reopening guidelines, NYSAFC officials are optimistic that postponement to July will allow for more industry professionals to take part in this year’s event.

Currently registered attendees and exhibitors that are unable to participate on the rescheduled dates can roll over registration to 2022 or request a refund. Attendees can email: conference@nysfirechiefs.com, with any questions, while exhibitors can email: fire@naylor.com, for more information. 2020 marked the first time in over a century that NYSAFC’s Annual Conference was canceled. The not-for-profit association remains committed to providing its members and all first responders with an educational and safe event. Association staff members have been working closely with The Oncenter and local officials to ensure that proper health and safety protocols will be in place. We look forward to seeing you in July!

Event details and updated registration forms are available at www.nysfirechiefs.com.


On January 13, 2021, the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs (NYSAFC) received a $25,000 grant from Marshall & Sterling Insurance that will be used to repair the association’s mobile flashover training simulator and service other training props that are utilized to conduct regional hands-on training programs for firefighters across New York State. With this grant, NYSAFC will be able to enhance the practical skills programs it delivers at the local level, providing essential training to fire personnel in all regions of the state.

Vice President and Branch Manager Christopher Harris and Sales Executive Linda Flanagan of Marshall & Sterling made the trip to NYSAFC headquarters for the presentation. Marshall & Sterling is a firm believer in giving back to the community and supporting not-for-profits that share the same vision and passion for training.

Harris said, “The dollars Marshall & Sterling provided the association will go a long way in training and educating the fire service, and will most definitely help the firefighters you train in saving hearts and homes in the local communities they serve.” Flanagan added, “I know that this contribution will be meaningful and will make a difference in your training statewide. This is part of our commitment to the fire service and we are glad to be a part of it. We know training is everything, including the confidence it brings to a firefighter.”

NYSAFC has been conducting hands-on training at its Annual Conference & FIRE Expo since 1999, led by some of the nation’s leading instructors. To reach more firefighters year-round and to bring critical live fire training to all areas of New York, the Regional Hands-On Training - “Flashover” program was introduced in 2012. This

intense training allows students to experience fire development from the incipient stage to flashover, helping them learn to identify the warning signs of an impending flashover event. NYSAFC’s training programs expanded in recent years to include “Fire Behavior On the Inside” and “Beyond the Basics,” all using the association’s mobile training unit for fireground simulations. Thousands of students have participated in Regional HandsOn Training programs at more than 100 locations.

“We are so grateful to Marshall & Sterling for this generous support of NYSAFC and our mission to provide education for the current and future leaders of the fire service. Our programs offer a unique opportunity to sharpen all-important skills. With this much-needed overhaul of our equipment, we’ll be able to bring crucial training to fire departments for years to come,” said NYSAFC President Lee Shurtleff.

NYSAFC CEO Bruce Heberer noted, “This tremendous assistance from Marshall & Sterling has come at such an important yet challenging time for our organization. Over the past year, our flashover unit has been in constant use, traveling from downstate to western New York to the North Country and all the regions in between. The need for fire service training never stops, and this grant will help us keep the flashover unit operational, benefitting fire departments and communities across the state.”

Learn more about NYSAFC training at www.nysfirechiefs.com. (Left to right): NYSAFC Education Coordinator Sue Revoir, Marshall & Sterling Vice President and Branch Manager Christopher Harris, NYSAFC CEO Bruce Heberer and Director Timothy Boel, and Marshall & Sterling Sales Executive Linda Flanagan.

Fire News, April 2021, Page 21 Grease Fire Knocked in East Greenbush

On a very cold February 14, 2021, the East Greenbush Fire Department responded to a grease fire in a local restaurant on Route 4. Upon arrival, firefighters noticed heavy brown smoke coming out of the exhaust system of the restaurant. Two firefighters climbed the staircase with a couple of extinguishers and were able to bring the fire undercontrol. - Fire News photos by Martin E. Miller

Early on the morning of January 12, 2021, Yonkers Fire responded to the cornerof Yonkers and Seminary Avenues fora reported fire in a deli. On arrival, firefighters found heavy fire coming from the rearof a single-story taxpayer. Asecond alarm was transmitted as fire traveled the roof line and into an additional commercial property attached on the 4/D side. Athird alarm was eventually struck to contain the fire. - Fire News photos by FirstDuePhotography.com

Chief Rombaut Named Citizen of the Year

Brockport firefighters joined one of their own tonight when the Town of Clarkson named Brockport Fire Department pastChief John F. Rombaut Citizen of the Year. Surrounded by family and friends, John was humbled to be honored in such a fashion. Town SupervisorChrista Filipowicz opened the regularsession of the Town Board, and immediately suspended the normal agenda to recognize John forhis dedication and loyalty to the Clarkson Community. Nominated forthis distinction by County LegislatorJackie Smith, the award was presented to John by Clarkson Town Board Member Leslie Zink. SupervisorFilipowicz cited John’s long history of volunteerism mentioning his tenure with Brockport. John joined the Harrison Hose Co 2 of the Brockport Fire Department in 1968. He has been Lieutenant, Captain, Assistant Chief, Fire Chief and Association President. He has also served the Fireman’s Exempt Association as Director, Vice President and President among a multitude of othertitles and responsibilities to his company, his department, and the association, while he continues to serve his community. Retired from the Eastman Kodak Company, John spends his free time volunteering in the community in a variety of ways in addition to the fire service. SeymourLibrary DirectorJennifer Caccavale was on hand, sharing remarks from herteam at the library about the hours he has spent at the library doing anything and everything he was asked to. He is also a familiarface at Nativity BVM Church, and at the Brockport Fire Museum where he has volunteered his talents forboth organizations as a handyman formany years. - Fire News photos by Christopher R. Martin, District PIO

Painting Brightens Covid POD

This beautiful mural was painted by the Bruderhof Community from Chesterin the COVID-19 vaccination POD in Goshen. Thank you foralways stepping up to help. The photo was provided by Brendan Casey, the Commissionerof Emergency Services of Orange County. - Fire News photo provided by the Warwick Fire Prevention Team

Chili Cook-off in Colonie

Congratulations to Colonie High School’s Chili Cookoff winners from the Midway Fire Department. The annual event helps support local charities and this yearhelped to support an Albany County Sheriff who was recently injured in the line of duty. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn

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