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We Got This!
On April 4, 2023, Charlotte Fire Department Engine 39-C Shift responded to a generatorfire inside the Crest on Providence Apartments on Providence Square Drive. CFD Captain Eric Depto requested Duke Energy on a rush aftera large outside generator became fully involved. Firefighters attempted to cool the generator with water, but abandoned using too much waterdue to the unit still being powered. The cause of the fire was unknown.
- Fire News photo by Fully Involved Media Group
Around midnight on March 14, 2023, Potters Hill VolunteerFire Department, Beulaville VolunteerFire Department, Lyman VolunteerFire Department, Richlands VolunteerFire Department, and Duplin County EMS responded to Cotton Top Lane in Whippoorwill Campground fora camperfire. This campground covers Duplin and Onslow Counties, so Onslow County had dispatched Richlands VolunteerFire Department, Back Swamp VolunteerFire Department, Hargetts Crossroad VolunteerFire Department, Rhodestown VolunteerFire Department and Onslow County EMS. Potters Hill units arrived and found an engine from Back Swamp already on scene and had the fire controlled. Potters Hill cancelled all Duplin and Onslow units not on scene.
- Submitted by David Miller