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Up Close &Personal
Family from New Hampshire, Owen and Addy, visit Firefighter Johnny Fagan at the Lake Placid Fire Department. - Fire News photo provided
Captain Brian McGorman and his wife Heather of the Winona Lake Engine Company. - Fire News photo by Vincent Dominick
Alex and Steve Bennett of the Winona Lake Engine Company. - Fire News photo by Vincent Dominick

Lightning Destroys Home in East Greenbush
Avery strong storm crossed the Hudson, dumping heavy rain, high wind and huge bolts of lightning on the area. The East Greenbush storm brought down trees and powerlines. ReporterMartin E. Millerresponded to Route 28B as he saw lightning strike the area. Upon his arrival, the road was blocked with tankers and portable tanks. Thank you to the responders from about 20 departments who gave it theirall in the 90-degree heat. Unfortunately, the home was lost.
- Fire News photo by Martin E. Miller
1 Fatality, 4 FFs Injured in Queens Penthouse Blaze
One person was found dead afteran explosion and fire in a penthouse apartment in the Elmhurst section of Queens on August 10, 2021. The incident on 41st Avenue near73rd Street went to four alarms with the fire extending to lowerfloors and extensive damage to exteriorwalls. Rescue companies provided extensive shoring as one of the rearwalls of the building was severely comprised. At least fourfirefighters suffered minorinjuries. - Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com

FireNews.com Fire News, November2021, Page 29 Working Fire in Rochester

On August 29, 2021, Rochesterfirefighters were dispatched to Lennox Street afterreceiving a report of a fire in the area. The first arriving company found heavy fire showing from the first floor extending up and showing from all three floors of a dwelling. Entry was made and searches were started as there reports of an occupant unaccounted for. Crews found no victims in the building and then worked to open up as engine companies got wateron the fire. The fire was quickly knocked down and firefighters worked hard to open up and get to hard-to-reach areas to knock down the remaining fire. - Fire News photos by PuckStopperPhotography.com

Mahopac 2-CarMVA
Recently, Mahopac Fire, EMS and multiple units from Carmel Police and Putnam County Medic 3 were dispatched to a two-carMVA. EMTs and medic units found two vehicles involved, one in the lane of traffic and the otheroff the road. Both drivers were triaged by EMTs and Medic 3 and one driverwas transported to Putnam Hospital while the otherwas an RMA. Skyline and StillwaterAuto Body removed the vehicles. - Fire News photo by Jack Casey, PIO
No Fire, No Pin in Mamaroneck Village MVA
On August 30, 2021, Mamaroneck Village Engines 38, 41 and 42; 66-A1; and Cars 2242 and Car2243; were dispatched to the 1600 block off Harrison Avenue foran MVAwith injuries. Reported as a possible pin and carfire, first arriving Chief 2242, advised control that he had no carfire and no pin. Ambulance 66A1 had one RMA(refused medical attention). Car2242 held the call with Engine 42 and Engine 38, while units waited forthe tow truck to arrive. - Fire News photo by Brandon Colon

1 Injury in Rte. 385 MVA
Athens Fire along with Town of Cairo Ambulance responded to an MVAon Route 385. One vehicle went off the road striking a utility pole, and hitting a parked pickup before nearly crashing into a home. The driverwas taken to Columbia Memorial Hospital with a shoulder injury. - Fire News photo by John C Miller
Watervliet Rollover on I-787
On September26, 2021, Watervliet Fire and EMS responded to an MVAon I-787 south of exit 8 around 1130. Upon arrival they found a carhad rolled onto its roof and (2) othervehicles were involved. The operatorof the rolloverwas removed and sent to Albany Medical Center Hospital, condition unknown, and the operators of the othertwo vehicles were not injured. The cause of the crash was being investigated by the New York State Police. - Fire News photo by Tom Heffernan

2021 CCVFAFirefighters Convention/Awards Ceremony

On July 30, 2021, the CCVFAand the Firefighter of the Year Committee announced the 2021 and the 2020 Lifetime Achievement Awards. The following Columbia County firefighters were awarded these honorable merits and were inducted into the Columbia County Firefighters Hall of Fame. 2020 CCVFA Firefighter Lifetime Achievement Award : Chief William ‘Bill’ Blaauw - Philmont Fire Company and Chief Randi W. Shadic of the Copake Fire Department.
The 2021 CCVFAFirefighter Lifetime Achievement Award went to Chief William ‘Bill’Hunt - Ancram Fire Department and retired Columbia County Fire Coordinator.
Each year at the annual convention, the CCVFAand the committee of members review nominations submitted from the 32 fire departments in Columbia County. The committee utilizes a strict set of guidelines to choose and recognize members of the fire service that have given a lifelong commitment to the betterment of the volunteer fire service. These seasoned veterans have dedicated thousands of volunteer hours to serve their communities and the greater Columbia County area.
At the awards ceremony, which in 2021 was attended by nearly 200 firefighters, dignitaries, families and friends, the awardees were presented with a plaque, a citation from the Columbia County Board of Supervisors and inducted into the Firefighters Hall of Fame. This Hall of Fame is a series of special large plaques, displayed at the County Training Facility where all current, new and future firefighters can view the accomplishments of those that came before them.
For additional information on the CCVFAor this awards ceremony contact the CCVFAsecretary Laura Foster at ladyfire@gtel.net or the Firefighter of the Year Committee Chairperson Eric Barnes at ejb58005 @aol.com.
Note: Due to Covid 19, awards ceremonies for both years were held in 2021. - Fire News photos provided