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WaterRescue in Salt Creek
On November29, 2022, the Laurelville VolunteerFire Department (LVFD) and Hocking County EMS (HEMS) were dispatched to the area of Narrows Road and State Route 56 at 2104 to rescue a deer hunterthat found himself trapped on a sandbarin Salt Creek. Afterthe stranded hunterwas located by LVFD firefighters, HEMS’s waterrescue equipment was requested. Working undera unified command with Laurelville, HEMS deployed one of their rescue boats staffed by two HEMS employees with a land support of HEMS and LVFD personnel and successfully rescued the stranded hunter. The hunterwas uninjured and only complained of being very cold. “It was a great team effort,” said HEMS Chief Scott Brooker. “We are extremely fortunate in Hocking County to have such a great working relationship with all the county public safety agencies.”

- Submitted by Assistant Chief Daniel Reichelderfer