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House Fire forCoshocton House Fire forCoshocton
On February 28, 2023, at about 2245, a callerto the 911 Centerreported white smoke coming from a house on the 100 block of South 12 Street. The Coshocton Fire Department was paged out to respond. Upon arrival, crews determined it was a working fire. An all-hands call was put out forall members to report to the station. Mutual aid was requested from Jackson Township and Three Rivers. The fire was mostly located in the basement of the home but had spread throughout. An aggressive interiorattack was performed and contained the fire. Anothercrew laddered the roof and cut a vent. Also helping on scene was the Coshocton County EMS, Coshocton County Sheriff’s Office, and the Salvation Army DisasterServices.

- Fire News photos by Jim McKeever