19 minute read
From the Editor’s Desk
Dennis Whittam, Editor Are You Ready for2023?
The year 2022 brought reality to many firefighters with the Line of Duty Deaths of many of our colleagues. Cancer took many of our heroes from their families and co-workers in 2022. To all responders, there are measures that we can take to keep ourselves and our families safe from cancer. You have heard me talk about the things we can do to protect ourselves from this insidious disease. In 2023, please take the advice from the people who are working hard to convince all responders that wearing clean protective gear and SCBAis a good start to keeping yourself safe. The IAFF states that firefighter occupational cancer is the leading cause of line-of-duty deaths in the fire service. At the 2022 IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial, almost 75 percent of the names added to the wall (348 out of 469) were members who had died from occupational cancer. Visit IAFF.org to learn about cancer among firefighters. January is Firefighter Cancer Awareness month. Take some time in 2023 to learn what you can do to be “safer” from this disease. Thank you to the IAFF for making firefighters aware of cancer and what you can do to stay safe and lessen your chances of getting cancer.
For over 30 years, I was an Industrial Arts/Technology teacher. I taught middle school kids to use tools and machinery which, today, is considered dangerous. Sadly, many of the projects we did are no longer performed in schools. Industry and the fire service is now feeling the effects of not training kids to safely use machinery. The fire service is also noticing that many probationary firefighters are uncomfortable with using cutting tools. Thank you to our chiefs, officers and training committees for teaching our members how to use machinery and tools safely.
I also would like to thank our chiefs, company officers and senior members for setting up an intense program that teaches all members, new and old, to work safely as they battle the flames that greet them at a working fire. It is evident that all departments are doing a great job teaching our firefighters to operate safely. Many of my neighboring departments battled fatal fires in 2022. It was a tough year for many of you. Thank you to the chiefs that set up counseling sessions with the firefighters who experienced death on the fire ground. Thank you to the responders that took the opportunity to be part of these classes. Your professionalism came through by your presence at these sessions.
In 2023, give thought to what you can do to be a better firefighter. Your community needs you, 24/7! Stay active, train and share your knowledge and experiences with your new members.
As a firefighter dealing with cancer, I appreciated the comradeship that I received in 2022. I am hoping that in 2023 I will be able to get back to what I love to do; that is to assist in training firefighters. In the meantime, have a safe and wonderful News Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Stay strong in 2023! - Dennis

Cover Story
Workshop Fire in Derry Twp.

Derry Township firefighters were dispatched to Back Maitland Road on November22, 2022. First arriving crews found a large workshop on fire with multiple exposures including vehicles and forest land. - Fire News photos by Patrick Shoop

Wiconisco House Fire
On October24, 2022, at 0450, crews battled a fire in Wiconisco in a structure on the 300 block of CenterStreet. Chief 23-1 arrived to visible fire showing from the B side of a 21/2 story single-family home. With multiple companies arriving, crews went to work knocking down a majority of the active fire. However, smoke continued to drift from the home and interiorwas still reporting high temps. The interiorcrew requested the roof to be vented. Shortly afterflames erupted from the vent hole as well as out the B-side attic vent. Crews responded from Wiconisco, Elizabethville, Gratz, Pillow, Lykens, Duncannon, Williamstown, Muir, Sheridan, North End Pine Grove, Pine Grove Hose Hook and Ladder, Millersburg, Linglestown, TowerCity as well as Life Team EMS and Williamstown EMS.
- Fire News photo by Seth Lasko
Abandoned House Collapses in Wilkinsburg
Just after2100 on October29, 2022, City of Pittsburgh fire crews were dispatched to the Borough of Wilkinsburg fora reported house fire located nearthe intersection of Swissvale and South Avenues. Crews arrived and found heavy fire coming from an abandoned home with an exposure problem on the delta side. Crews set up a defensive attack on the home while othercrews worked on the exposure. About 15 minutes into the fire, the home collapsed; no one was injured. The fire was placed undercontrol in just under an hour.
- Fire News photo by First Due Photography

Montgomery Twp. House Fire
On October22, 2022, around 2000, a fire broke out at a residential home on Guinness Lane in Montgomery Township. Fire spread from the garage up to a bedroom and into the attic. Aquick response from Montgomery Township Fire Department and mutual aid saved the dwelling from further damage. Crews battled the fire through the interiorand exterior attack and proceeded with ventilation once the fire was undercontrol. Mutual aid companies included Wissahickon 7, Horsham 15, Centre Square 33, Fort Washington 88, Chalfont 34, Hartsville 93, Warrington 29, and Hilltown Twp 60. - Fire News photo by Regina Jelski
Suspicious Fire Displaces 11 in Jeanette
Just before 1400 on October30, 2022, City of Jeannette firefighters were dispatched to a porch on fire along Lavelle Street. Afirefighterresponding to the porch fire reported a large working fire in three homes located along the 300 block of Division Street. Crews, who had the porch fire knocked down, responded to the second fire about a block away. Crews went to work in all three homes as mutual aid companies were requested to the scene. Crews had to evacuate two of the structures at one point due to unsafe conditions. Firefighters worked foroverthree hours before the fire was placed under control. Seven adults and fourchildren were displaced due to the fire but all managed to safely escape. The fire was investigated by the State Police Fire Marshal and is considered suspicious. - Fire News photo by First Due Photography

Makefield Lakes Truck Fire
Firefighters from the Yardley-Makefield Fire Company (YMFC) and Morrisville Fire Company were recently dispatched to the Makefield Lakes Development fora trash truck fire. YMFC Chief Chamberlain arrived on location and found a trash truck cab well involved extending into the rearcompartment. An engine arrived and firefighters quickly stretched a hoseline. Rescue 80, Engine 98, and Utility 80 arrived and assisted with extinguishment. YMFC Fire Police assisted with traffic control operations throughout the incident. The YMFC Fire Marshal’s Office was investigating the fire. - Fire News photo by Jeff Goldberg

Halifax Attic Fire
On December5, 2022, the Halifax Fire Department, along with mutual aid companies from Fisherville and Millersburg, responded to Market Street and Front Street in Halifax Borough. As crews were responding, Director1 asked county forthe first alarm and to notify Norfolk Southern to shut down train traffic due to the proximity of the incident to the tracks. Chief 29 arrived to smoke coming from all eaves. Engine 29 was advised to tag the hydrant at 2nd and Market and lay into the scene, and the first truck in to setup on the Delta side of structure. Crew from Engine 29 with Chief 3 made entry into the bravo side stretching a line to the second floorwhere they encountered fire. Truck 20 arrived and setup on the D side as crews were making forward progression up the attic stairwell to the main fire load in the attic of the two-story duplex. Fire began to exit from the roof peaks on the Aand C sides of the home. The bulk of the fire was knocked down within 10 minutes. Truck 20 worked to vent the roof on the Delta side as Perry Truck 2 arrived and went to work on the Aside. Crews worked to snuff out remaining stubborn pockets of fire located in a void spacing between two layers of metal roof.
- Fire News photo by Seth Lasko

Allentown CarFire
Members of the Allentown Fire Department responded to the salvage yard on Lehigh Street fora carfire. - Fire News photo by Dennis Wetherhold, Jr.
North Whitehall House Fire
Firefighters from numerous departments battled a dwelling fire on Route 309 in North Whitehall Township on November12, 2022. - Fire News photo by Dennis Wetherhold, Jr.

Kitchen Fire Spreads in City of Butler
Vacant Steelton Fire Attributed to Squatters
On December20, 2022, around 1545, the ButlerCounty 911 Centerreceived a call for a kitchen fire in the 500 block of 3rd Street in the City of Butler. Station 1 (Butler Bureau of Fire), Station 3 (ButlerTwp. Fire District), Station 38 (Veterans Affairs FD), Station 99 (ButlerAmbulance) and City of ButlerPolice were dispatched. ButlerBureau of Fire arrived and requested a second alarm bringing in all off-duty Bureau of Fire personnel. Members made an offensive push on the fire which started in the kitchen on the first floorand progressed to the floors above. Command 1 requested all members to exit the structure due to rapid fire spread. Masterstreams darkened down the fire and members went back in to extinguish the remaining fire. One resident suffered minor burns to the foot. - Fire News photo by Artie Osniak
On November25, 2022, a vacant Steelton building was damaged shortly before 0730. Firefighters responded to South Front Street fora structure fire in a vacant three story building. Chief 50 (Vance) arrived to fire showing. Engine 91-2 stretched lines to the balcony area of the second floor. Interiorcrews reported no floors on the first floor. The building was said to be occupied by squatters. - Fire News photo by Jason Coleman-Cobb

Greenhouse Fire on Meng Road
Quick Stop at York County House Fire

At approximately 1300 on November23, 2022, LowerFrederick Fire, along with multiple othercompanies, were dispatched fora building fire at a greenhouse on Meng Road. Callers reported heavy black smoke coming from the back of the greenhouse. Crews laid hoses forthe watersupply all the way down the hill to Route 29 as there were no hydrants nearthe fire. At around the 30-minute mark, command asked foradditional manpower. Crews and apparatus were able to keep the fire from spreading throughout the greenhouse and to adjoining buildings. Crews responding were LowerFrederick 52, Perkiomen 66, Trappe 77, Skippack 86, UpperSalford 78, Royersford 98, Limerick 51, and Pennsburg 65. - Fire News photo by Regina Jelski
On October25, 2022, at approximately 1937, York Area United Fire and Rescue (YAUFR) was alerted forthe residential structure in Manchester Township, York County. The normal first-alarm assignment was supplemented by additional mutual aid as they were responding from an earlierbuilding fire assignment. First arriving units reported heavy fire in the AD cornerof the first division and requested a working fire assignment. Fire was called undercontrol at 2101. Assisting at the scene were units from York City, ManchesterBorough, West York and Strinestown. - Submitted by York Area UFR

Busy Sunday forLimerick
Firefighters from Limerick Fire Department had a very busy Sunday afternoon on November20, 2022. The department was dispatched to seven separate calls within a couple hours. Several were simultaneous. Squad 51, Engine 51, Field 51-1, Field 51-2, 51 Fire Police, Command 51, and Chief 51 all responded. Due to high winds in the area, there were several trees down on wires that then sparked brush fires. Crews also responded to several odors of gas and powerissues that were reported. Most of the calls were on the north side of the township including Highland Road, North Limerick Road, and NeifferRoad. - Submitted by the Limerick FD
2 Alarm House Fire in Watts Township
On November22, 2022, crews were called to Amity Road in Watts Township fora reported house fire. Chief 9, responding to the station, advised county of seeing a column of smoke and requested the box to be upgraded to the second alarm. On arrival they found a 2-1/2 story single-family home with fire from the wall alongside the chimney on the B side. Smoke began pushing from the second floorand attic windows. Aline was placed into service to division 2. Truck 2 was assigned to open up the roof and assist the interiorcrew. Additional crews began to arrive and sent manpowerforward. Company 29 assisted with fill site operations. Crews were able to halt and extinguish the fire before spreading and causing additional damage. Pennsylvania State Police were requested to the scene as a resident refused to exit the structure. - Fire News photo by Seth Lasko

Gas Explosion Levels Susquehanna Township Home
On December13, 2022, at 0906, Box 32-2 sent Company 32 and Engine 301 to Crest Road in Susquehanna Township fora gas leak. Reports indicated an excavatorstruck a gas line, with gas flowing into the residence, and they were in the process of evacuating. Engine 32 advised they had an odorof gas in the air. Command 32 requested Rescue 37 and Engine 91 to the scene as companies began evacuating the block. Twenty-five minutes from dispatch, command 32 radioed that there was a massive explosion with one house com-
pletely involved in fire, and possibly fire in the exposure, and requested the second alarm. Engines 33, 37, Tower1, Truck 34, Rescues 40, 59, 91, 91-5, and Squad 20 (RIT) made up the extra alarm. Acontractorworking at the home struck the gas line setting off the powerexplosion that rocked the neighborhood blowing out the windows of several homes, just moments afterfirefighters and the residents evacuated. Two people suffered non-life-threatening injuries. - Fire News photo by Jason Coleman-Cobb MCI Declared at Pittsburgh 5-Alarm
Just after2230 on December11, 2022, City of Pittsburgh fire crews were dispatched to the Roosevelt Apartments located along Penn Avenue in Downtown Pittsburgh. The call was then upgraded to a commercial structure fire afterreports of a fire in the building. Arriving crews found fire coming from the twelfth floorof the building and the call was upgraded to a fourth alarm high-rise plan. Crews discovered the elevators were not functioning so crews had to climb the steps to gain access to the fire. Afifth alarm was requested as crews continued to climb the steps and also assist residents with evacuating the building. Once crews arrived at the apartment on the twelfth floor, the fire was quickly knocked down. One resident was found in cardiac arrest and was pronounced dead at the scene. Asecond resident was transported to the hospital in critical condition. Aparamedic and firefighterwere also transported to local hospitals with smoke inhalation. Due to the amount of residents, a mass casualty incident was declared bringing in additional EMS agencies from throughout Allegheny County. The fire was placed undercontrol in just undertwo hours but crews remained on-scene throughout the night. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation. - Fire News First Due Photography

Basement Fire on 1st Street
Firefighters from Slatington, Walnutport, Friedens and Greenawalds, along with Northern Valley and Lehighton Ambulance, responded to a dwelling fire on 1st Street in the borough on October27, 2022. Crews arrived to find a basement fire that had gotten into the walls. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation. - Fire News photo by Dennis Wetherhold, Jr.
On December15, 2022, at 2350, dispatched Company 32, Engines 33, 37and 40, and Rescues 35 and 37 to Grandview Drive fora building fire. Engine 32-1 advised of a second-floorbathroom on fire with two patients. Police indicated a working fire and all occupants evacuated. Truck 34 was added to the box due to Truck 32 being short staffed. Crews arrived to fire showing from a two-story, single-family dwelling with no exposure issues. An attack line was stretched from Engine 32-1 that was able to darken down the bulk of the fire. The fire extended into the loft and companies had to open up the roof to ventilate and access hot spots. Asecond line was stretched and operated to assist with interiorcrews. One occupant suffered from smoke inhalation. - Fire News photo by Jason Coleman-Cobb
Occupant Treated forSmoke Inhalation

Burning Sump Pump
At 1649 on November4, 2022, the Limerick Fire Department was dispatched fora building fire on Pruss Hill Road. Tower51, Engine 51, Squad 51 and Fire Police 51 responded. Mutual aid came from New Hanover, Sanatoga and Pottstown. Crews arrived, investigated, and found a burnt sump pump in the basement. No injuries were reported. - Submitted by the Limerick FD
Halifax Inn Fire Stopped
On October16, 2022, crews were dispatched to a reported fire at the Halifax Inn on North RiverRoad. The box was upgraded to a working fire when it was found of smoke from the structure and a confirmed small fire found in a bathroom ceiling. Crews arrived and quickly stretched a line and went to work opening up the ceiling and then putting wateron the fire. As additional crews arrived, assignments were given to check for extension in otherrooms and send manpowerforward. - Fire News photo by Seth Lasko

FireNews.com Fire News, January/February 2023, Page 17
Medevac for Struck Pedestrian

Reliance Hose Fire Company 21 was called out fora pedestrian struck in the area of Koppys on the Square in Elizabethville on November8, 2022. Upon the arrival of fire and EMS and the evaluation of the victim, EMS requested a medevac. Firefighters cleared the scene and responded to the UpperDauphin High School to establish an LZ. Engine and Rescue 21 as well as Life Team Medic 6-6 along with PSPawaited Life Lions arrival. - Fire News photos by Seth Lasko
Limerick Cleans Fuel Spill
On November24, 2022, at 0918, the Limerick Fire Department was dispatched to a fuel spill at the Wawa on South Township Line Road. Upon arrival, the crews from Squad 51 and Rescue 51 cleaned up the fuel using absorbent. Traffic 51 assisted with directing traffic around the scene. - Submitted by the Limerick FD

Tractor-Trailer Flip
Harrisburg crews were called to the US Route 11/15 south to the 22/322 east ramp fora tractor-trailerMVA. Rescue and Traffic 2 found the tractortrailerhad flipped onto its side just priorto entering 22/322 East. Crews assisted with checking forhazards and fluids. Traffic 2 remained on scene as RiverDriverService Centerarrived to begin the task of up-righting and removing the rig and trailer. Newport EMS, PSPand PennDot also assisted. - Fire News photo by Seth Lasko
3 Extracted at MVA
On November17, 2022, the Limerick Fire Department was dispatched at 1106 to assist New HanoverFire Company with a vehicle rescue. Deputy 51 and Rescue 51 responded. Deputy 51 arrived on location, assumed command, and advised there were three subjects to be extricated. Rescue 51 performed stabilization and extrication on the passengerside. All occupants of the vehicles were extracted and treated by EMS units. - Submitted by the Limerick FD

Fire News, January/February 2023, Page 19 Royersford Puts a Smart Spin on Recruitment

Royersford Fire Company created a three-day “Firefighter for a Day” program. Ten people (including myself) from around the area signed up and participated. Day one, September 22, 2022, consisted of an introduction, getting sized for gear, a short classroom presentation about the deptartment and basic fire knowledge, learning how to unload and operate hoses, and putting on SCBA.
Day 2, September 29, involved gearing up and visiting the grounds of the Royersford EMS station to crawl around in full gear in the neighborhood playground. Next, participants crawled through a makeshift shed smokehouse for search and rescue. After returning to the station, crews and participants pulled hoses, used a hydrant, and dragged the hose through the station before going outside and “attacking.”
On day 3, October 1, the final day of the program, everyone geared up and rode the apparatus to the Skippack Fire Company burn building. There, crews went through a series of evolutions from search and rescue in fake smoke to upgrading with live fire, search and rescue, hose operations, and sitting in front of the fire to see what the heat feels like. Everyone had a great time stepping into the boots of firefighters and learned a lot along the way. Two participants put in applications to volunteer at RFD right after the program. As a participant (who is not yet a firefighter), I enjoyed the experience to be in gear and train in real-life scenarios. RFD did a fantastic job with the program, and I believe it is a great way for community members to experience what firefighters do and perhaps, even volunteer. - Fire News photos by P.W. & J. Jelski