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Page 18, Fire News, July/August 2022 Training
Training at GreaterPhiladelphia Expo Center
On May 23, 2022, Perkiomen Township Fire Company volunteers went to the GreaterPhiladelphia Expo Centerin Oaks, Upper Providence Township, fora combined training with area fire companies including UpperProvidence Township Fire and Emergency Services, Royersford, Collegeville and Black Rock. Various scenarios were played out to review working together, communication, coordination and incident command. Thanks to the Greater Philadelphia Expo Centerat Oaks forthe unique opportunity to have a training at theirfacility. - Fire News photos by Ted Hodgins

MVAwith Fire in Granville
Granville Township Fire-Rescue along with Fame EMS arrived to find a vehicle that went airborne into a backyard. Aquick acting neighborpulled the occupant from the burning vehicle. - Fire News photo by Patrick Shoop
Delivery Van DriverDies after Hitting Apparatus
In May 2022, Bensalem Township Fire-Rescue was operating Engine 222 on Street Road when an Amazon delivery driverhit Engine 222 nearly directly head-on, causing majordamage to both vehicles. The firemen inside the truck jumped out, grabbed theirrescue tools to free the injured Amazon driver, who suffered fatal injuries. The firefighters were not badly hurt, said Bensalem Township Public Safety DirectorBill McVey. - Fire News photo by Dawn Altstatt

Freak MVA in Bensalem
Bensalem EMS and Cornwells Fire Company responded to a freak accident in May 2022. The crash happened on the 900 block of Bristol Pike. Avehicle was traveling south in a reckless mannerwith the doors open. When that vehicle got to Richardson Avenue, anothervehicle was sideswiped and the striking vehicle flipped onto its roof. That driversustained serious injuries. The driverof the othercarwas treated forabrasions. - Fire News photo by Alex Lloyd Gross

4 Injured in 3-CarMVAin Bristol Twp.
Agrinding three-vehicle crash sent at least fourpeople to various hospitals in Bristol Township in April 2022. Originally dispatched as an extrication, it was held to Levittown 2 (Station 13) and the Township (Engine 225). At least fourmedic units transported patients with serious but non-life-threatening. The crash happened when one carcrossed over, and smashed head on into anothervehicle, afterside-swiping the third car. - Fire News photo by Alex Lloyd Gross

Motorcycle Crash on BridgewaterRd.
On May 8, 2022, Bensalem medics responded to Bridgewater Road fora motorcycle crash. Abikerwith a passengerwas traveling too fast, rounded a curve and slammed into a curb on the street. The motorcycle flipped overand both occupants were thrown. The injuries were said to be serious. - Fire News photo by Alex Lloyd Gross