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OliverTwp. House Fire
McVeytown VolunteerFire Company recently responded to a working house fire.
- Fire News photo by Patrick Shoop
65 Displaced by Monroeville Apartment House 3-Alarmer
Just before 0100 on March 14, 2023, Monroeville firefighters were dispatched to an apartment fire located in the Cambridge Square apartments. Crew quickly arrived to find heavy fire showing from the alpha side of the building and quickly extending across the roof area. Crews began to make an aggressive attack while also assisting residents to evacuate Unfortunately, the building did not have a sprinklersystem orany type of fire stops, so the fire continued to spread consuming the entire complex. Crews battled the three-alarm fire forseveral hours in bittercold, snowy conditions before finally placing it undercontrol. Atotal of 65 people in 36 apartments were displaced. All the residents did make it out, but several were treated forburns and smoke inhalation. The fire was under investigation.
- Fire News photo by First Due Photography