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MVA, No Fire in Limerick
On March 13, 2023, at 1729, the Limerick Fire Department was dispatched fora single-vehicle MVAwith a reported vehicle fire. Engine 51, Traffic 51-2, Command 51, and Chief 51 responded. Deputy Chief 51 reported there was no fire. Crews assisted in directing traffic and clearing debris.
- Submitted by the Limerick FD
At 1534 on February 3, 2023, Perkiomen Township’s Engine 66, Tanker66 and Field 66 responded to an MVAwith injuries across the street from theirstation. Collegeville Fire Company Squad 34, Harleysville Area EMS and PAState Police also responded. Gravel Pike/Route 29 was closed temporarily between Trappe Road and Stephanie Lane while first responders worked the scene. Volunteers were in service forabout 50 minutes.
- Fire News photo by Ted Hodgins
LowerMahanoy MVA
On January 24, 2023, crews were dispatched to Route 225 in Lower Mahanoy fora serious crash with entrapment. Crews from Pillow and Hickory Corners arrived to find a tractortrailerhad lost control and lost his entire load of OSB sheeting and came to rest on and off the roadway. The truck also sheared off a telephone pole leaving live wires down and an SUV severely damaged resting about 100 feet off the roadway neara small stream. Crews found the driverof the truck unharmed and out of the rig but the driverof the SUVstill trapped. Crews went to work removing the doorfrom the vehicle. As they began to extricate the driver, the engine compartment began to smoke and a small fire ignited which was rapidly extinguished. The driverwas transported to GeisingerMedical Centerin Danville. PP &L arrived and informed the line was no longercharged. Kellers Tow ing arrived as did Sunbury Motors.

- Fire News photo by Seth Lasko