17 minute read
From the Editor’s Desk
Dennis Whittam, Editor Are You Ready To Lead?
As I write my December editorial, Thanksgiving is almost upon us. I sincerely hope you “remember the reason for all seasons,” and give thanks that you are part of one of the greatest organizations, namely, the Fire Service!
Over the next few weeks, our departments will be holding their elections of new officers. I know some of you hold elections of new officers later in 2022. Regardless, whenever you hold elections, my thoughts for new officers are the same. Sitting in the front seat is only a small part of your job. Are you ready to lead by example?
Afew weeks ago, I attended a Lieutenant Joseph P. Dibernardo Seminar. If you were not there, especially as an upcoming officer, you missed a terrific three-day seminar that challenged the skills of everyone who attended. As I photographed the firefighters utilizing the search maze, I realized my place is behind the lens. Wow! Were the participants challenged! I spoke with a few members who finished the course. Their comments were similar and concluded that they were out of shape and needed to get back to the gym. As a new officer, or even an officer who is in a second year of the position, are you ready for the challenging call? I urge you to look into the mirror and evaluate yourself. We live in troubled times. Can you handle the serious or unconventional call that you are presented with when you get off the truck?
As a new officer, it is your job to motivate your crew. Is your crew serious about doing truck maintenance? If you weren’t serious about this as a firefighter, chances are your crew will follow in your footsteps. The last thing you need as an officer is to ask for a piece of equipment and it does not work. Guess what? You as the officer could be liable for not following through and checking what your crews did during truck maintenance. Remember, when your members speak to you, listen completely! Don’t just evaluate your members, evaluate yourself first. Lead by example. If you want your team to get up at 0300, you better be there with them.
As we enter the holiday season and hold Santa parades, breakfasts with Santa, and toy drives, remember to set the example and exude professionalism and goodwill toward the people you serve.
According the US Fire Administration, the fire service has lost 118 active firefighters in the Line of Duty. As a new officer, visit the US Fire Administration online athttps://apps.u sfa.fema.gov/firefighter-fatalities/. Click on a few of the names of our fallen members and look at the causes of the fatalities.
No matter what holiday you are enjoying with your loved ones, pray for those who are away from their families and let those who lost loved ones in 2021, know that you are there for them.
Remember the words of an ex-chief in my division who was taken from this world too soon. As a chaplain, Rick ended his prayers to us by saying, “Remember the reason for the season.” He encouraged all of us to give thanks and to be watchful over each other. To all of you; May the true reason for the season be remembered.
From the staff at Fire News, have a blessed holiday season. Merry Christmas!
- Dennis

Page 6, Fire News, December2021/January 2022
Suffolk Trash Truck Fire

Recently, Suffolk firefighters responded aftera trash truck caught fire close to a shopping centerin the northern part of the city. Engine 25 advised that, upon theirarrival, the trash truck was on fire and close to the building. The driverof the truck was able to exit the vehicle safely. Chesapeake Fire Department provided automatic aid to the incident. TheirLadder10 and Engine 12 responded. Suffolk units on scene were Battalion 2, Safety 1, EMS 2, Engine 25, Engine 5, Ladder5, Engine 10, Engine 9, Ladder6, Medic 5, Fire Marshal 4 and Fire Marshal 6. - Photos courtesy of Suffolk Fire Rescue

1 Burned at Richmond House Fire
On October23, 2021, the Richmond Fire Department was dispatched to the 1400 block of DecaturStreet fora structure fire. The callerreported there was smoke coming from theirhouse and that they had suffered burnes Engine 13 arrived to find a two-story, wood frame, single-family dwelling, with smoke showing. Engine 13 preformed a 360 and determined smoke was starting to come from all sides. Units went into the offensive mode and lines were quickly stretched. Once crews entered the structure they determined that the fire had started in a bedroom and spread to the attic. Command advised all units that fire was becoming visible on the CharlieBravo side of the structure. Truck 2 and Truck 5 arrived and put up ladders. Fire crews began to get a good knock on the fire and the incident was soon able to be placed undercontrol. Richmond Ambulance Authority transported one adult male to VCU with severe injuries including burns and smoke inhalation. - Fire News photo by Carter Killorn & Hayden Lear

Suffolk Garage Fire Stopped

Suffolk Fire and Rescue and Suffolk Police responded on October 17, 2021, to a building fire in the 1400 block of Nansemond Parkway. Engine 3, Ladder3, and Medic 3 arrived to find a large, two-car, detached garage on fire in the backyard of a residence. Units placed three lines into service and were vable to prevent the fire from spreading from the well-involved garage to nearby structures. The garage sustained heavy fire damage. The main residence sustained heat damage. Responding units included Battalion 1, Battalion 2, Engine 3, Engine 1, Engine 26, Ladder3, Medic 3, Rescue 1, EMS-1, Safety 1, and Fire Marshal 7. - Submitted by Michael J. Barakey, Fire Chief

FireNews.com Fire News, December2021/January 2022, Page 9 9 Displaced in Apartment Building Fire

Suffolk Fire and Rescue units responded on September19, 2021, to a residential apartment building fire in the 300 block of Wellons Street, in Downtown Suffolk. Emergency Communications was contacted at 0300 and the first unit arrived on scene at 0304. Battalion 1, Engine 1, Engine 2 and Rescue 1 arrived to heavy black smoke showing from the front doorand flames visible from the rearof the structure. An aggressive interiorattack found heavy fire on the first floorof the two-story residential apartment building with fire venting from the rear. Residents had to be evacuated on the second floor of the building by fire crews. Nine adults were displaced and were assisted by the American Red Cross. There were no injuries. The fire was called brought undercontrol at 0338. The fire was ruled suspicious.
- Submitted by Michael J. Barakey, Fire Chief

Diesel Fuel Leak in Chesterfield
On September5, 2021, at 1549, Chesterfield Fire and EMS responded to 900 Walmart Way at the Walmart fora full hazmat assignment. Atruck was reported to be leaking diesel fuel from a refrigeration trailer. Engine 205 quickly had a line stretched and the leak was controlled within minutes of arrival. Hazmat 202 was needed to the scene to assist with cleaning up the approximately 25 gallons of diesel fuel that leaked onto the parking lot.
Page 10, Fire News, December2021/January 2022 Cover Story
4 Injured at Ghent 3-Alarmer
Recently, Norfolk B and C shifts worked a three-alarm fire on Greenway Court in Ghent. The call came in at 0439 and was upgraded to a third alarm by 1710. Fire crews affected rescues of six occupants, fourof whom were assisted down exteriorladders. Fouroccupants were transported to the hospital with non-lifethreatening injuries. - Photos courtesy of Norfolk Fire Rescue

Holland Home Destroyed by Fire

Suffolk Fire and Rescue units responded to a residential structure fire in the 6500 block of Holland Road on October6, 2021. The first units arrived at 1551 to find heavy fire showing from the front of the two-story residence, and firefighters began an exteriorattack of the fire that extended to the first and second floors. It was confirmed that all of the occupants had safely evacuated priorto theirarrival. The structure was determined a total loss and a neighboring residence also sustained extensive heat damage to the exteriorsiding. Responding units included Battalion 1; Engines 1, 2, 4, and 7; Tankers 1, 7, and 8; EMS-1, Rescue 1, Ladder6, and Safety 1. - Submitted by Tim Kelley

Richmond House Fire Snuffed

On October2, 2021, at 1824, the Richmond Fire Department responded to the 4800 block of HanoverAvenue fora structure fire. The callerreported that they could see smoke coming from their neighbor’s house. Engine 19 arrived to find smoke coming from the alpha side of a single-story structure. Engine 19 began an aggressive fire attack on fire showing in the cornerof a bedroom. Battalion Chief 1 declared a working fire. Fire crews soon got a knock on the fire and then the incident was able to be marked undercontrol. - Fire News photos by Carter Killorn & Hayden Lear

Good Rescue at Suffolk House Fire

Suffolk Fire and Rescue, and Suffolk Police responded on October 24, 2021, to a residential building fire in the 700 block of Hollywood Avenue. Emergency Communications was contacted at 0126 and the first unit arrived on scene at 0131. Engine 3, Ladder3, and Medic 3 arrived to heavy fire showing from the front of the structure and fire venting from the left side and attic space of a singlestory residence with a report of a person trapped. One occupant was pulled out of the structure by citizens and was in the street priorto arrival of fire units. Citizens confirmed one occupant still trapped. Ladder3’s crew initiated a vent, enter, search tactic by entering the rearwindow of the structure and found a disabled and bedridden male in the bed with heavy smoke conditions and zero visibility. The rearwindow was cut to make a large opening and the male occupant was rescued through the opening. The rescue was completed at 0141. Otherfire units placed two lines into service and were able control the fire in the structure while the rescue was taking place. The fire was contained to the front porch, front living area and attic space. The residence sustained heavy fire, smoke and heat damage. Three occupants were displaced and the occupant rescued was transported to SNGH in critical condition with the flight crew of Nightingale AirAmbulance. The occupant rescued by citizens was evaluated on scene by medics and refused transportation. The fire was underinvestigation by the Suffolk Department of Fire and Rescue Fire Marshal’s Office with Fire Marshal 5 and 6 leading the investigation. Responding units included Battalion 1, Battalion 2, Engine 3, Engine 1, Engine 2, Ladder3, Medic 3, Medic 6, Rescue 1, EMS-1, Safety 1, and Fire Marshal 5 and 6. - Submitted by Michael J. Barakey

Truck Fire Held from Extending
On September27, 2021, Chesterfield Fire and EMS responded to the 2200 block of Apperly Terrace fora vehicle fire. Battalion Chief 204 arrived to find a fully involved box truck with a structure as a immediate exposure. Engine 216 then arrived and stretched a line. Engine 205 arrived and assisted Engine 216 with the fire attack. Fire units got a knock on the fire and controlled it from spreading to the exposure. - Fire News photo by Carter Killorn and Hayden Lear
Pets Die at Richmond Blaze
On September26, 2021, the Richmond Fire Department responded to the 2110 block of 2nd Avenue fora structure fire at 1524. The callerreported that they could see black smoke coming from the structure and that the fire had started in the kitchen. The caller also advised that there was a dog and a cat still inside. Fire units arrived and found black smoke showing from side Alpha and Bravo. Aline was quickly stretched. Battalion Chief 1 took command and advised smoke was still showing from side Alpha. Truck company 2 preformed a primary search throughout the structure. Fire units quickly got a fast knock on the fire and the incident was put undercontrol. Animal control was requested to the scene. One dog and a cat were found dead at the scene. - Fire News photo by Carter Killorn & Hayden Lear

FireNews.com Fire News, December2021/January 2022, Page 15 2 Rescued, 1 a Fatality, in Mechanicsville Blaze

HanoverFire-EMS crews were dispatched to the Pine Apartments on Garden Park Lane in Mechanicsville, fora reported explosion with injuries and trapped occupants. Upon arrival, crews found smoke escaping from a first-floorapartment. During the search of the apartment, crews discovered a victim who was quickly removed and transported to VCU Medical Center. The victim’s injuries appeared to be life-threatening and unfortunately, upon arrival at VCU, the person succumbed to theirinjuries. Asecond patient was identified with non-life-threatening injuries and was treated at the scene. This subject refused transport. - Photo courtesy of Hanover Fire -EMS

2 Injured at Rixeyville Rd. MVA
On September19, 2021, Little Fork was dispatched foran MVAat the intersection of Rixeyville Road and Colvin Lane. Initial reports stated possible entrapment. Units arrived to find all occupants outside theirvehicles. There were three vehicles involved. Crews transported two occupants to FauquierHospital. Medic 9-1, Ambulance 9, Rescue Engine 9 and Chief 9-1 responded to this incident.
- Photo courtesy of Little Fork Fire Rescue
Medevac at Rixeyville Road MVA
On September30, 2021, at approximately 1530, Little Fork was dispatched foran MVAon Rixeyville Road in front of Hillcrest Memory Gardens. The volunteers were advised that it involved an SUVand a tractortrailer; the road was blocked and a vehicle was smoking. Chief 9-2 confirmed an entrapment. Chief 9 arrived minutes later, assumed command and assigned Chief 9-2 to the extrication. Both ambulances arrived and the crews began to assess the trapped occupant while Rescue Engine 9’s crew began extrication. Afterassessment it was decided to airlift the injured occupant to the closest trauma center. An LZ was established on Jeffersonton Road. The engine crew opened and removed two doors forpatient extrication. Additional Little Fork volunteers responded with theirsecond pumperand completed the LZ set up forAirCare 6. - Photo courtesy of Little Fork Fire Rescue

Suffolk Fire & Rescue Responds to Overturn

Suffolk Fire and Rescue, and Suffolk Police, responded to the scene of an overturned box truck MVAon October1, 2021, in the 6000 block of Route 58/Holland Road. Suffolk emergency communications was contacted at 0844. Following emergency medical assessment and treatment, the driverwas transported to an area hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
- Submitted by Tim Kelley
2-Vehicle MVA with Entrapment
Suffolk Police ,and Suffolk Fire and Rescue responded fora two-vehicle accident that occurred in the 600 block of North Main Street at the Kimberly Bridge. Emergency Communications received calls at 1946, advising of the accident involving two vehicles, a pickup and passenger car, in a T-bone collision with one person trapped. Both southbound lanes were briefly closed to extricate the driverfrom the passengercar. The driverand one passengerof the passengercarwere transported to Norfolk General with non-life-threatening injuries. - Submitted by William Kessinger, Battalion Chief

Fatality at Suffolk MVA
On September17, 2021, Suffolk Fire and Rescue crews responded to an MVAinvolving two vehicles on Whaleyville Boulevard. Crews had to extricate one of the drivers. Both drivers were transported to area hospitals in critical condition. One driver succumbed to his injuries hours later. - Photo courtesy of Suffolk Fire Rescue
Gasoline Leak at MVA
On September14, 2021, Little Fork was dispatched foran MVAat the intersection of Rixeyville Road and Lee Highway. Units arrived to find a two-vehicle collision with two occupants. Ambulance 9-1, Ambulance 9, Rescue Engine 9, Chief 9 and Utility 9 responded. One vehicle had a gasoline tank ruptured with no fire. The engine company took care of the hazards while EMS units checked the occupants. One person was transported to FauquierHospital. The remaining units assisted the state police with traffic control. - Photo courtesy of Little Fork Fire Recue

Extrication at Ambulance vs. CarMVA
The Hampton Sydney VolunteerFire Department (HSVFD) responded to a head-on two-vehicle MVArecently, with one person confirmed trapped and anotherinjured on Route 15, about a mile north of Kingsville. Prince Edward Rescue was also dispatched. Dispatch received more info that the MVAinvolved was an ambulance. Squad1 and HSVFD forced the cardoor open and crews extricated a victim. The driverof the ambulance had minor injuries. Both patients were transported to Central Hospital in Farmville. - Fire News photo by Dan Pempel

Fire News, December2021/January 2022, Page 21 DriverAirlifted Following MVA on Whaleyville Blvd.
Suffolk Police and Suffolk Fire and Rescue responded to a two-vehicle accident on September21, 2021, that resulted in the closure of the roadway in both directions in the 2500 block of Whaleyville Boulevard. Suffolk Fire and Rescue crews had to extricate the driverof the passengervehicle, and the adult male received emergency medical assessment and treatment forcritical injuries and was airlifted via Nightingale to a local hospital forfurther treatment. The adult male driverof the work truck also received emergency medical assessment and treatment and was ground transported to a local hospital with minorinjuries. - Submitted by Diana Klink

Suffolk Fire & Rescue Responds to 3-Vehicle MVAon Bridge Tunnel

Suffolk Fire and Rescue responded September14, 2021, to a three-vehicle MVAon the Monitor-Merrimac Memorial Bridge Tunnel involving a pick-up and two passengervehicles. Battalion Chief Barney Howard advised Emergency Communications was contacted at 0628 advising of the accident. Suffolk Fire and Rescue crews provided emergency medical assessment and treatment foran adult female and adult male who were ground transported to a local hospital fortreatment of non-life-threatening injuries. - Submitted by Diana Klink

Extrication at 2-Vehicle MVA

Suffolk Fire and Rescue, and Suffolk Police, responded to the scene of a two-vehicle accident, on October7, 2021, on westbound Route 58 nearBob FoellerDrive. One vehicle overturned during the incident with the adult male driverhaving to be extricated from the vehicle. Following emergency medical assessment and treatment, the driverwas transported to an area hospital with non-lifethreatening injuries. The roadway at this location was closed for approximately one hour. - Submitted by Tim Kelley