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MVAwith Entrapment and Fire in Woodstock
Early on the morning of November29, 2022, the Woodstock Fire Department was alerted for an MVAwith entrapment within town limits. Upon responding, Engine 12 was advised one person was trapped inside a vehicle, which was also reported to be on fire. Crews from Woodstock, Shenandoah County Department of Fire and Rescue, Edinburg VolunteerFire Company, and Woodstock Police Department were able to quickly extinguish the fire and extricate one individual. The occupant of the vehicle was airlifted.
- Fire News photos by Zachary Hottel
MVAand Extrication on Brandermill Pkwy.
Recently, Chesterfield Fire and EMS responded to the 200 block of Brandermill Parkway foran MVA with entrapment. Fire crews arrived to find one vehicle off the roadway and into the woods. Fire crews found one Yellow patient heavily entrapped and crews began the extrication processes.

- Fire News photo by CFN Media