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Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 31
Training for All Contingencies
Albemarle County Fire Rescue’s Technical Rescue Team (TRT) practiced a scenario where their trusty mannequin had a medical emergency while climbing some stage rigging and was unconscious and stuck. The TRTworked through the scenario and discussed strategies and options afterwards. ACFR’s TRTprovides services forcomplex rescue situations that require an advanced level of training. Response types include high- and low-angle rescues, light and heavy vehicle extrication, straight wall trench collapse, confined space rescue and machinery rescue. - Photo courtesy of Albemarle County FR
Ivor, Wakefield FDs Train
Ivorand Wakefield fire departments put in work with some extrication training.
- Photo courtesy of Ivor FD

Woodstock Trains
May 26, 2022, Woodstock Fire Department ground laddertraining conducted at the Shenandoah County Training Grounds. - Submitted by Zachary Hottel
Getting to FFII
On June 18, 2022, students from across southern Virginia participated in their Virginia Department of Fire Programs FirefighterII (FF2) Structure Fire Evaluation, AKA“Live Burn.” This was only the first step in completing theirFF2 course; next the students will have to complete practical scenarios set up by the state and then complete a written examination to finally earn the title of FirefighterII. Of the many students who participated, five volunteers from our agency are enrolled in this course. These students went through rigorous amounts of work and conducted themselves very well. We’d like to thank the team of instructors and other support personnel who made the entire day possible. We’d also like to thank the South Hill VFD Auxiliary forproviding students and instructors with a delicious and healthy lunch. Huge thanks go out to Lawrenceville VFD forproviding apparatus and also a huge thanks to Southside Rescue forbeing on site and assisting. We’d also like to thank @kcmediaproductions forbeing on site and snapping photos of the day’s events. - Submitted by Zach Currin

FireNews.com Fire News, August/September2022, Page 33
AFD Recognized for Cardiac Save Improvments

The Alexandria Fire Department (AFD) has received the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline EMS Gold Plus Achievement Award forimplementing specific quality improvement measures to treat patients who suffersevere heart attacks. Since 2014, the first yearof the Mission Lifeline EMS Award program, AFD has been recognized at the highest level forEMS agencies. - Photo courtesy of Alexandria FD

Page 34, Fire News, August/September2022
Dept. of Fire
Honors 4 of the Fallen
The Virginia Department of Fire Programs hosted the 25th annual Virginia Fallen Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services Memorial Service on June 4, 2022, at Richmond Raceway. The service honored fourfallen firefighters: Battalion Chief Lawrence Phipps, Sr., of HanoverFire and EMS; Captain Lyndell Woods of Fort Lewis VolunteerFire Department; Captain Sean Land of Virginia Beach Fire Department; and FirefighterTodd Landreth of Norfolk Fire Department; fortheirservice to the Commonwealth. Each honoree served formore than 20 years. The ceremony included performances by the Virginia Public Safety Pipes and Drums, a presentation of colors from HonorGuard members across the Commonwealth and a fire and EMS apparatus display. VFCAPresident John Prillaman delivered the keynote address. State flags, flown above the Virginia State Capitol, were presented to the families by Deputy Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security Brian Swann. - Submitted by William Merritt

Fire News, August/September2022, Page 35 Albemarle Crew Completes “The Murph”

Albemarle County crews completed “The Murph,” an annual Memorial Day workout to honorfallen SEALLieutenant Michael Murphy. Lt Murphy was killed in battle, in Afghanistan in 2005. - Photos courtesy of Albemarle County FR

Fire News Donates $50,000 to Charities

In May, Fire News held a charitable awards event donating a total of $50,000 to five fire-EMS-related charities. The commitment to donate the funds was made by Fire News publisher Frank C. Trotta when the Fire News 9/11 20th Anniversary Issue was released last fall.
Publisher Frank C. Trotta and Chief Operating Officer Tim Edwards presented $10,000 checks to the charities, noting that the, “Five charities continue to contribute in a positive way to families affected by the devasting effects of 9/11.”
The charities chosen work on a national basis include: The Terry Farrell Firefighters Fund, Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Foundation, The Ray Pfeifer Foundation, Firefighter Cancer Support Network - NYChapter and The FealGood Foundation.
Close to 200 people attended including chiefs, commisioners and members from many departments, state and local government officials and others. It was highlighted by the Ceremonial Color Guard provided by the Fire Chiefs Council of Suffolk County and former FDNYChief of Department Tom Richardson as the key note speaker.
“I’d like to thank the Fire News editorial and sales staff for their roundthe-clock work producing the issue, our photographers who donated their images and our advertisers who supported the issue,” said Trotta.
Thank you to the South County Ambulance Company for generously providing their facilities, hospitality and to all of their members who volunteered their time to help. - Fire News photos by Ron Monteleone &Bryan Lopez

Push Back for Ladder11
Recently, Suffolk Fire and Rescue pushed theirall-new Ladder 11 into the bay at Station 5. Suffolk Fire and Rescue is proud to have this incredible resource to help protect and serve the citizens of Suffolk.
- Photo courtesy of Suffolk FR
HanoverPublic Safety Day
HanoverCounty Engine and Medic 406 enjoyed interacting with students from Washington Henry Elementary School fortheir Public Safety Day recently. Students had great questions and enjoyed learning about the exciting opportunities that being a firefightercan offer.