19 minute read
From the Editor’s Desk
Dennis Whittam, Editor AnotherYearDown… Just Around the Corner
As I was reading the April Long Island Fire News at my firehouse, I took note of our emblem that says, “Fire News 49th Anniversary.” I found it hard to believe that Fire News’50th Anniversary is around the corner.
I finished being a Captain in the Terryville Fire Department in 2000. My company knew that in a previous life, I buffed fire calls in NYC as a young kid. I’d ride my bicycle to calls. Eventually, I acquired an inexpensive camera and took photos of the members of Engine 291 and Ladder 140. My childhood heroes loved the photos. Sadly, I never made copies for myself. But I can say the many dinners I had with the members was my reward for taking the photos. Eventually my dad’s chauffer took me under his wing and introduced me to photography. Richie Kubler had a family photo business, and my first paid job was picking up the undeveloped film and bringing it back developed the next day. Whoever thought this job would open the door to working at Fire News as a photographer? In 2000, I gained a reputation as being a photographer who had one goal in mind. My goal was to honor the volunteer fire service with photographs of the members of the Fire-Rescue and Emergency Services in a positive light. Yes, I still have many of my first photos because I was part of the digital age.
Eventually Fire News decided to expand and started a New Jersey edition, the Wildwood edition, which highlighted the NJ Firemen’s Convention, and a New York State edition, which included the emergency services throughout NYS and New York City. How did this happen? Our early expansion happened because of the support from Publisher Frank Trotta, Executive Editor Tim Edwards, Advertising Specialist Barbara Connolly, an art staff which included Cliff Chiesa, Lynn Sedler and Greg Jones. The man who brought our production of 12 editions that reach 15 states is Gary Joyce. Gary is the guy you never see, but his work is seen by everyone. Since Fire News is all digital, our stories come into the paper via email. It is a monumental job to keep the stories sorted. Bryan Lopez spends hours downloading and filing our stories, so that our art staff can prepare the photos for print.
Our 12 editions would not be possible without the support of our dedicated advertisers. Their products are highlighted in their ads, in the Fire News Special Features page and in our Industry News section. Yes, Fire News is now more that stories. Our advertisers work hard to bring you new products on a regular basis.
Finally, Fire News has a dedicated staff of recognized photographers, who go out in all kinds of weather to cover events happening all over the states that they cover. Thank you to our photographers who cover fires, motor vehicle accidents, training, dedications and so many other areas that make all of us better firefighters. In a few months, our 49 Years of Excellence will read 50 Years of Excellence! I am proud to be part of this great paper that was started by Jeb Ladouceur. Sadly, Jeb has recently passed away. He will never be forgotten as he guides my pen when I write my monthly editorial. In closing, I say thank you to the Fire Service for enjoying Fire News. There is more to come!
- Dennis

Page 6, Fire News, May/June 2022 Vacant House Goes in Kanawha

On April 3, 2022, at 1006, Kanawha County’s Station 2 (Pinch) and Station 3 (Malden) were alerted fora house fire on Pine Street. Engine 23 arrived to a single-story house well involved. Due to access issues, it was determined to work directly from Greenbrier Street as the house was on the side of a hill. Engine 32 arrived shortly thereafterand laid 800 feet of four-inch supply line from a hydrant. There have been multiple calls regarding this area for squatterfires. The house had been vacant forsome time and it was determined to control and burn down the remaining part of the house so no one would be injured. - Fire News photos by AC Bradley ‘Sparky’Scott, Malden VFD

FireNews.com Fire News, May/June 2022, Page 7 Darlington Works Street Shed Fire

On March 12, 2022, the Darlington Fire Company responded to Scarboro Road, in Street, Harford County, fora shed fire. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation, but officials could not rule out an unspecified electrical failure. - Submitted by the Office of The Maryland State Fire Marshal; photos courtesy of Darlington FC

House Fire in Jefferson

At approximately 1508 on March 31, 2022, Frederick County Emergency Communications dispatched a call fora house fire in the 5600 block of Carroll BoyerRoad in Jefferson. Frederick County Division of Fire and Rescue units arrived to find a twostory, single-family farmhouse fully engulfed. The fire had spread to a nearby travel trailerand two vehicles. Command quickly requested the TankerTask Force as there were no fire hydrants in the area and crews began battling the fire from the exterior. Embers from the incident sparked a brushfire on an adjoining property and crews were dispatched there. It took 50 firefighters approximately two hours to extinguish the blaze and the house was deemed a complete loss. The single adult occupant of the residence was not home at the time, howevertwo dogs perished. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation by the Frederick County Fire Marshal’s Office. Otherstations that responded included Independent, United, Brunswick, Middletown, Guardian Hose, Walkersville, Braddock Heights, Carroll Manor, Jefferson, Wolfsville, Lewistown, Point of Rocks and Spring Ridge.

Some of Nitro’s Finest CarFire Ignites

Firefighters from the Nitro Fire Department. - Photo courtesy of Nitro FD
Elkton Chemical Reaction TrailerFire Grass

On March 1, 2022 at 1650, Wood County 911 dispatched Lubeck Station 20 to a vehicle fire on Pettyville Road. Engine 23 responded and, en route, was advised that the address had changed and the vehicle fire was in Mineral Wells-Station 40’s area. Lubeck continued its response and Station 40 was then also dispatched. On arrival, crews found a vehicle in the middle of the road fully involved and a grass fire that was approximately a half-acre and spreading. Two attack lines were pulled, one forthe vehicle and the second forthe grass fire. Both were extinguished quickly. Engine 42 arrived and theircrew assisted with overhaul of both fires. - Fire News photo by Lubeck VFD

On March 26, 2022, firefighters responded to the 200 block of Chesapeake Boulevard in Elkton in Cecil County, fora cargo trailerfire. The fire was discovered and called in by employees. The fire was deemed accidental, due to spilled hydrogen peroxide drums causing a reaction and fire with combustibles still within the trailer. - Submitted by the Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshal
Brush Fire Claims the Life of Charles County Man

Ateam of investigators with the Office of the State Fire Marshal, Charles County Sheriff’s Office, and the Maryland State Forest Service investigated the death of an elderly male victim during a brush fire on Kent Drive in Charlotte Hall on March 20, 2022. Charles and St. Mary’s County fire departments and Charles County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a the brush fire. Upon arrival, responders were told by a neighborthat a resident was in the fire area and appeared to be deceased. Firefighters extinguished the fire involving brush and debris with extension to an outbuilding on the property. Adeceased male was found in the involved area. Investigators concluded the fire originated in the rearof several outbuildings on the property and was caused by the victim burning debris, which, due to high wind conditions, extended from the area of origin to othercombustible material and one of the outbuildings. The victim was entangled in metal debris and could not escape the fast-moving fire. - Submitted by the Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshal

Single-Family House Fire in Jefferson Draws a Crowd

At approximately 2143 on February 9, 2022, multiple calls came into the Frederick County Emergency Communications reporting a house fire in the 3500 block of Fry Road in Jefferson. Frederick County Division of Fire and Rescue units arrived to find a two-story farmhouse with heavy fire showing from all sides. Command quickly requested the TankerTask Force, Fire Task Force, and RIT. Initial crews were informed by the occupants that everyone was out of the house, but two dogs and a cat were unaccounted for. With wind adding to the rapid spread of the fire, crews took a defensive attack and focused on protecting exposures. It took approximately 60 firefighters from Frederick, Washington and Loudoun counties several hours to declare the fire contained, but still actively burning. The Frederick County Fire Marshal’s Office was handling the investigation. Five adults were displaced and were being assisted by Red Cross. Responding were crews from Jefferson, Point of Rocks, Carroll Manor, Braddock Heights, Brunswick, Middletown, Independent, United, Westview, Urbana, Walkersville, New Market, Spring Ridge, Ft. Detrick, Washington County and Loudoun County.
- Submitted by Sarah Campbell
Cardiac Save in Frederick County

On December21, 2021, Frederick County Division of Fire Rescue Services (FCDFRS) units were dispatched to the intersection of Cornell Drive and South Main Street in Woodsboro foran MVA. While en route information was updated to a possible cardiac arrest. Engine 162 (Woodsboro) arrived to find a bystanderperforming CPR on the patient. With a combined effort, E162, A248 (Walkersville), M30 (Thurmont), and EMS902 assessed the patient, applied the AED, placed a LUCAS device, and intubated the patient. They were able to regain a strong pulse reading and transported the person to Frederick Health Hospital. The patient was ultimately transferred to Johns Hopkins forfurthertreatment and released with no neurological deficits. Chief Coe and members of the seniorstaff were honored to present a Recognition of EMS Excellence to all the providers, including Mrs. Haslam, who had a hand in this happy ending. Even sweeterwas the patient himself and his family were able to join in the celebration. - Submitted by Sarah Campbell
FireNews.com Fire News, May/June 2022, Page 11 Nitro Responds Mutual Aid

The Nitro Fire Department responded and provided mutual aid for a structure fire in Jefferson recently. The cause of the blaze was underinvestigation. Also on the scene were crews from Jefferson, St. Albans, Westside and Institute. - Photos courtesy of Nitro FD

Recruit Classes 30 & 31 Graduate from Training Academy

The Frederick County Division of Fire and Rescue Services congratulated 44 of its newest members on January 28, 2021. The ceremonies was held at the Frederick County Public Safety Training Facility for Recruit Class 30 and then Recruit Class 31. Due to social distancing guidelines it was only offered in a virtual format.
The 26-week academy began on July 26, 2021. The firefighters participated in over 850 hours of coursework, which included Emergency Medical Technician, Emergency Vehicle Operator, Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Hazardous Materials Operations, Rescue Technician Site Operations and Vehicle Machinery Rescue, Firefighter Safety and Survival, Truck Company Operations, as well as challenging daily physical fitness conditioning. In addition to the standard trainings offered, these academy classes also participated in Hazmat Technician Course to better accommodate staffing needs.
Recruit Class 30 members are: Joshua Amberman, Cristian Cantarero, Jared Carlson, Matthew Cloud, Brandon DeHoff, Sterling Fogle, John Freeze, George Grandfield, Richard Hall, Josiah Fenby, Brendon Hult, David Langhorne, Eric LeFevre, Michael Long, Stephen Martin, Christopher Reinhardt, Brian Remaley, Wesley Martin, Seth Sanchez, Sean Sexton, and Michael Thaden
Recruit Class 31 members are: Tyler Weikert, Kyle Amann, Austin Barefoot, Zachary Donmoyer, William Findley, Nicholas Gentile, Ryan Horan, John Hurd, Edward Kitler, Nathan Kristoff, Alexander Mateo, Brian McQuaid, Lake Miller, Jonathan Patino, Joseph Russell, Benjamin Smith, Brandon Snow, Jared Snyder, Micah Sutphin, Christopher Thompson, David Toth II, Marlin Wagner III, and Andrew Weaver.
The recruit classes were supervised by Captain Michael Webb. Classes were led by Lieutenant Kevin Goforth (RC 30) and Lieutenant Johnathan Haddad (RC 31) and instruction was supported by several employees assigned to the Operations Section of the Division of Fire and Rescue. - Submitted by Sarah Campbell
FireNews.com Fire News, May/June 2022, Page 13 2 Apartments Go on Nelson Court

At 2132 on February 20, 2022, Kanawha Counties Station 5 (Belle), Station 6 (CedarGrove) and Malden Station 3 were alerted foran apartment fire on Nelson Court off of WitcherCreek Road. Belle Engine 53 arrived to heavy fire showing from the Aside of a singlestory three-unit apartment complex. CedarGrove Engine 62 reverse laid 600 feet of five-inch supply line to the hydrant above the scene. Aquick knock down contained the fire to two of the three units in the complex, There were no injuries reported. Units that responded were Belle Engine 53, Truck 55, CedarGrove Engines 62 and 63 Medic 64, Malden Engine 32, and Squad 3 Utility 3. Crews cleared the scene around 2335. - Fire News photo by AC Bradley ‘Sparky’Scott, Malden VFD

Nitro Works Apartment Fire

Nitro Fire Department firefighters provided mutual aid to Tyler Mountain VolunteerFire Department fora working apartment fire on Cross Lanes Drive. No injuries were reported and the blaze was contained to one unit. There was additional smoke and waterdamage to adjacent apartments. Also providing assistance were fire departments from St. Albans, Dunbar, Institute and Bancroft. - Photos courtesy of Nitro FD

Page 14, Fire News, May/June 2022 Busy Days forNutterFort

At 1430 hours on April 7, 2022, Company 7 was alerted to set up an LZ forHealthNet 1 on Buckhannon Pike on the bridge between I79 and Suds Run forHarrison County EMS as a result of a traumatic injury. Truck 7 and Unit 74 responded in just overa minute. HealthNet 1 landed and departed safely with crews assisting transferring overpatient care as well as shutting down the roadway. As aeromedical was landing, crews witnessed a two-vehicle rear-end accident on the I-79. Upon investigation, it was determined there were injuries and Anmoore EMS was dispatched. Truck 7 and Unit 74 cleared from the LZ and responded to the scene with Squad 7 responding from station. The exit ramp was shut down fora short time while crews packaged and loaded two BLS patients fortransport to UHC by Ambulances 15 and 16. Afterroadway clean up and EMS obtaining fourRMAs, crews returned home at 1552. At 1304 on April 8, 2022, Unit 75 was alerted to assist West Milford VFD, along with Anmoore, Harrison County, Salem and Bridgeport EMS at South Harrison Middle School fora large-scale incident requiring transport of over30 patients to UHC. Unit 75 responded with fourpersonnel and assisted in patient triage and care before being released at 1506.
- Photos courtesy of Nutter Fort FD
Busy Morning forSBVFC

On a foggy March 19, 2022, morning in Berkeley County, the South Berkeley VolunteerFire Company’s (SBVFC) Squad 25, staffed with two Berkeley County CareerPersonnel and a SBVFC volunteer, had just cleared a vehicle accident when they were dispatched fora two-vehicle collision, with two trapped at the intersection of TablerStation Road and Business Park Drive. Also assisting at the scene was the 167th AirNational Guard with Squad 16, as well as two medic units from the Berkeley County Emergency Ambulance Authority and Berkeley County Chief 90. Both patients were extricated and were transported to Berkeley Medical Centerwith non-life threating injuries. - Submitted by Adam Ayers
Route 60 2-CarMVA

On February 23, 2022, at 2103, Kanawha County Station 3 was alerted foran MVAwith injuries on Route 60 (Kanawha Boulevard) at Campbells Creek Drive. Utility 2, and Chief 3 (William L. ‘Squeak’Peterson) arrived at the scene advising that two vehicles had heavy damage but no entrapment. Three patients were transported to CAMC General Division with non-life-threatening injuries. Units that responded Malden Rescue Engine 33, Utility 3, KCEAASupervisorUnits 504,591, Medics 113,151 & 175 KCSD Units 55,70 & 93 Hutch's WreckerService. All units cleared the scene at 2155. - Fire News photos by AC Bradley ‘Sparky’Scott, Malden VFD
Brush Fire Stops Train Traffic
On April 15, 2022, at 1917, Kanawha County Station 3 Malden VFD was alerted to a brush fire on Kanawha Boulevard (Route 60) in the area of the Malden underpass. Chief 3 Utility 3 arrived at the scene and found a brush fire between Route 60 and the railroad tracks. Engine 32 arrived shortly thereafterand attacked the fire from the Malden Drive side of the tracks. Kanawha RiverRailroad was notified to stop train traffic in the area till the fire could be extinguished. Crews cleared the scene at 1955. Units the responded were Malden Utility 3 and Engine 32. - Fire News photo by AC Bradley 'Sparky' Scott, Malden VFD

Hundred VFD Handles MVA

Denton Structure Fire

On March 19, 2022, firefighters responded to Camp Road, in Denton, fora residential structure fire. The occupant and one firefightersustained minorinjuries as a result of the blaze, with both refusing medical treatment. One dog and a cat perished during the course of the fire. The Red Cross responded and was actively assisting the occupants. - Submitted by the Office of The Maryland State Fire Marshal
Fire News, May/June 2022, Page 19 Mt. Airy Garage
Fire Snuffed

On February 26, 2022, firefighters from the Mount Airy Volunteer Fire Company responded to the 2900 Block of Lonesome Dove Road, in Mount Airy, fora garage fire. Crews had the incident undercontrol within 20 minutes, and no injuries were reported. - Submitted by the Office of The Maryland State Fire Marshal

Saratoga Street House Fire

On March 12, 2022, at 1722, Kanawha County Station 3 Malden Volunteer, Station 4 Rand and Station 5 Belle were alerted to Area 3 at on Saratoga Street fora house fire. Engine 31, Chief 3 (William ‘Squeak’Peterson) and Utility 3 arrived to find two-story house with heavy smoke showing. Engine 31 went to work with extinguishment and Rand Engine 42 laid in 800 feet of four-inch supply line from the hydrant. Interiorcrews were able to contain the fire to the living room and kitchen area, but there was heat and smoke damage throughout the house. Both occupants were able to escape the house priorto the fire department’s arrival. No injuries were reported. Units that responded were Malden Engine 31, Engine 32, Squad 3 Utility 3, Rand Engine 42, Engine 43, Utility 4, Belle Engine 53 KCOEM Units 990, 991, CedarGrove Medic 64. Also we would like to thank KCOEM units 990 and 991 forbeing able to break away with Belle Engine 53 to respond to an auto accident on Kanawha Boulevard while we were tied up with the fire. - Fire News photos by AC Bradley ‘Sparky’Scott, Malden VFD
ElevatorTraining and More

On March 26, 2022, firefighters from all seven county fire departments, law enforcement officers, and staff from Days Inn attended an in-depth training class at the Days Inn and Conference Center complex. As one of Braxton County’s largest facilities, there are many unique fire protection features not normally found in ordinary dwellings and buildings. The Skidmore Development Company hosted the event while Emergency Services Director John Hoffman delivered the instructions. The group learned in detail about the facilities fire sprinklersystem, its fire standpipe system and otherfire safety features. Additionally, firefighters learned how to operate the building’s elevator’s fireman service override system. Everyone was then trained on how to safely remove occupants from the elevatorshould it get stuck between floors. The elevatortraining will enable firefighters to operate elevators in otherfacilities in the same safe manner. - Submitted by John Hoffman
Where There’s Smoke …

On March 3, 2022, at 2015, Wood County 911 dispatched Lubeck, Blennerhassett and Washington Bottom to a house filling up with smoke. Engine 23 arrived and reported light smoke in the first floorof the home and moderate smoke on the second floorwith no visible fire. Crews started investigating. The homeownerstated she was drying clothes and thought the dryerwas the cause. They had waited 15 minutes before calling 911, thinking the smoke would go away. The dryerwas pulled out and the vent was disconnected and smoke was venting from the vent pipe. Crews quickly went to the crawl space underthe house and found the underside of the house to be on fire. An 1-3/4 inch line was deployed and the fire was quickly extinguished. Engine 11 stood by the hydrant and crew from Engine 31 assisted with extinguishment and overhaul. All departments were out 90 minutes. - Submitted by Mark Stewart