10 minute read


From the Editor’s Desk

Dennis Whittam, Editor 9/11 - 20 Years Later

I still remember driving to work on September 11, 2001. Traffic was your usual Long Island bumper-to-bumper mess. As I listened to the morning news on my favorite radio station, a reporter commented on what was thought to be a private airplane that had crashed into the World Trade Center. I had no idea that all of our lives would change as a result of this incident.

Twenty-years have passed since that terrible day. As I gave thought to this editorial, I wondered what my fire company’s new firefighters knew about 9/11. I did some quick math and realized the majority of my company’s probies were infants at the time of this attack on the United States. What could they know about this horrible day? I sat with five probies one night and realized that, thanks to the yearly memorial services and other yearly activities over the past 20 years, they knew more than I had given them credit for. They had a pretty good idea of what 9/11 was like. Of course, I interjected what my department did on 9/11 and what the atmosphere was like when every member showed up at the firehouse ready to be called into NYC. Our new young members never realized we sent a crew to Alley Pond Park in Queens to stand by in case we were needed at the World Trade Center. I explained there was no hesitation by any member to jump onto the truck and help. My department’s rescue truck was called into the South Street Seaport to set up lights. I explained to my audience that once Con Edison was able return electric to the Seaport, our members proudly rode home.

I also noted that if there was anything positive that came out of this attack, it was that our nation pulled together to support the families of the fallen. Firefighters from all over the world offered support for the comfort of the families who did not know what the future held. Is that support still there?

We cannot let our first responders down by walking away from the health problems that developed after 9/11. Exposure to toxins on that day, continue to take away the lives of our responders. We must continue to support all first responders in their time of need. Thanks to the Steven Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation, Terry Farrell Firefighters Fund, the FealGood Fund and other organizations, our fallen members are remembered. The Johnny Mac Foundation coined the phrase, “Whatever it takes.” Look into and support the organizations that support us.

Every year we remain vigilant on the anniversary of 9/11. I recently heard on the news that this year, we must remain extra vigilant due to the current situation in Afghanistan. President Biden is slowly returning our military to this area, because things have quickly gotten out of hand with the removal of our troops. Until the world is at peace, we must remain vigilant at home. Let’s set the example! It is time to bring the respect and love back between Americans that we had 20 years ago after the attack on our country. - Dennis

Kanawha County School Fire

Fire crews were called out to DunbarMiddle School on June 7, 2021, aftermaterials that were being used to remodel the school caught fire. The fire started in a small area and rapidly spread. Most of the material was insulation used by the contractorto build part of the schools’roof. DunbarFire, Kanawha County Ambulance, and South Charleston Fire responded to the blaze. The WVState Fire Marshal was called in by DunbarPolice to investigate. - Photos courtesy of Kathy West

TrailerFire in BarbourCounty

At midnight on July 13, 2021, BarbourStation 4 (Philippi ), Engines 71 and 511 (Bridgeport), and 301 (Flemington) were alerted fora structure fire on Fieldstone Drive in the Brushy Fork area of BarbourCounty. Engine 71, staffed with fourpersonnel, responded in two minutes. Tanker7 responded with an additional two personnel shortly after. Engine 71 arrived to find a single-wide trailerfully involved. Adefensive attack was initiated placing a 1-3/4 inch cross lay in service and setting up the light tower. BarbourEngine 42, Tanker30, and Engine 511 supplied units with water. Asecond 1-3/4 cross lay was placed in service aftera watersupply was established. Tanker7’s manpowerassisted with fire suppression as theirtank waterwas not needed. BarbourCounty EMS was on scene for standby with no injuries reported. - Fire News photos courtesy of Nutter Fort FD

Wheeling Rubbish Fire

Wheeling Fire crews from Engine 5 and 2, Ladder1 and Rescue 1, along with Duty Chief Campbell responded to the old skating rink that burned on New Year’s Eve, a few years back. They found some rubbish burning in the rubble pile. Ladder1 provided watersupply and crews extinguished the fire without incident. - Fire News photos by Andrew Cunningham, Wheeling’s Bravest Media

FireNews.com Fire News, September/October2021, Page 7 Green Valley Drive Fire

Recently, in the early morning hours, Jefferson VolunteerFire Department, along with crews from Institute Fire Rescue, operated at a working structure fire on Green Valley Drive in Jefferson. - Photos courtesy of Institute FR

Jefferson Structure Fire

Jefferson Fire was dispatched recently fora structure fire in the 700 block of Green Valley Drive. Additional help was requested from Lakewood, Institute and St. Albans. Crews operated on scene forapproximately 2-1/2 hours.

- Photos courtesy of Jefferson VFD

Cover Story

CarDealership Blaze in Clarksburg

At 2233 hours on August 19, 2021, Company 7, Engines 121 (Stonewood), 81 (Reynoldsville) and 151 (West Milford), along with HCES, were alerted fora commercial structure fire at Country Club ChryslerDodge-Jeep-Ram on Good Hope Pike in Clarksburg. Engine 71, staffed with four, responded in two minutes with Engine 72, Squad 7 and Tanker7, following with an additional six personnel close behind. Upon the initial size up, Ladder521 (Bridgeport) was added to the box. Engines 71 and 72 arrived to a single-story commercial structure with heavy smoke showing throughout the building. Engine 71 placed a 1-3/4 inch cross lay in service and forced entry into the showroom area while an additional crew forced entry into the service centerarea with an additional 1-3/4 inch cross lay. Engine 72 laid a four-inch LDH directly into 71. Truck 21 (Clarksburg ) was then added to the assignment. The fire was located in the service garage area originating from a full size pickup on a lift with extension to the structure. Crews utilized a saw to gain access to the garage. All units remained on scene forextensive ventilation as well as salvage and overhaul. Several vehicles inside the garage area suffered heat and smoke damage as did the rest of the structure. No injuries were reported and the West Virginia State Fire Marshal’s Office was handling the investigation. Units on scene included: Engines: 71, 72, 123, 81, 151, 153, Ladder 521, Truck 21, Squad 7, Tanker7, Unit 125, HCES 612, WVSP. - Photos courtesy of Nutter Fort FD

Charleston Vacant Structure Fire

Recently, Charleston crews responded to a house fire on Amity Drive. Units arrived to find a well involved, vacant, single-story structure with a basement fire that extnded. First-due companies went to a defensive attack, and held the fire to the building of origin. No injuries were reported. - Photo courtesy of Charleston FD

Vehicle Fire on I-64

In the early hours of July 17, 2021, Institute Fire Rescue firefighters responded to a vehicle fire on I-64 nearmilemarker47. - Photo courtesy of Institute FR

Page 12, Fire News, September/October2021

Cross Lanes Motel Fire

In the early morning hours of August 9, 2021, firefighters responded to the Kanawha County Motel. Crews arrived to find heavy smoke and visible flames showing. The motel was occupied, but crews cleared seven rooms, and nobody was found inside. The time of day slowed the response time with the normal heavy morning rush hourtraffic in the Cross Lanes area. The traffic was made more difficult by the first day of school in Kanawha County and heavy school traffic as well. Crews from Nitro, St. Albans, Institute, West Side, Teays Valley and Poca were all dispatched to help battle the blaze. No injuries were reported and the cause was under investigation by officials. - Photos courtesy of Institute FR

FireNews.com Fire News, September/October2021, Page 13 Busy Day forNutterFort

At 1755 hours on June 18, 2021, Company 7 was alerted to assist Reynoldsville VFD and HCES with a multi-vehicle accident with injuries on Route 50 westbound at the intersection of Route 98. Squad 7 staffed with five personnel responded in three minutes. Anmoore EMS and Salem EMS were also alerted due to the possibility of multiple patients. Medic 16, Ambulance 631, Unit 85, Engine 81, and Squad 8 arrived to find five vehicles involved ranging from moderate to heavy damage and two lanes of Route 50 blocked. All patients were determined to have self extricated upon arrival. One ALS and one BLS patient were transported to UHC. While units operated on scene, Engine 72, staffed with three personnel, handled an automatic fire alarm at Baughman Towers in Philippi. Engine 72 and Unit 75 with an additional three personnel responded with Anmoore EMS to a CVAin city limits that required the patient to be flown by Healthnet 6 from NutterFort Elementary School. Squad 7 handled the LZ. - Photos courtesy of Nutter Fort FD


Kanawha Handles RolloverMVA Kanawha Handles RolloverMVA

On July 27, 2021, at 1636, Kanawha County Station 3 was dispatched foran MVArolloverin the 100 block of Campbells Creek. Rescue Engine 33 and Utility 3 responded. Utility 3 and Chief 3 were the first to arrive and advised a patient priority 2 with no entrapment. KCEAAMedic 134 transported the patient to CAMC General and Kanawha County Sheriff Department investigated the accident. - Fire News photo by AC Bradley ‘Sparky’Scott; Malden VFD Kanawha County Station 3 and the Charleston Fire Department were dispatched to the 95 milepost southbound fora tractor rollover. The driverwas transported to CAMC with minor injuries. Units that responded were Malden Rescue Engine 33, Charleston Engine 456 and Rescue 482, Charleston Medic 436 and Turnpike State Police. - Fire News photo by AC Bradley ‘Sparky’Scott; Malden VFD

MVAwith Injured in Artie

ClearCreek units were dispatched to an MVAwith injuries on ClearFork Road in Artie. Whitesville Fire and EMS assisted on scene. - Photo courtesy of Shane Wriston

I-64 West MVA

Recently, Institute Rescue 242 responded foran MVAwith overturn and possible injuries at milemarker50 of I-64 westbound. - Photo courtesy of Institute FR

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