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From the Editor’s Desk

Dennis Whittam, Editor Are You Ready forSomething That Can’t Happen?

An AS/MCI (active shooter/mass casualty incident) drill was held at Greenport (NY) High School on June 4, 2022. The drill had been scheduled months prior, but somewhat eerily took place 11 days after the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting in which 19 elementary school students and two teachers were slaughtered. The proximity to that latest AS/MCI is what has prompted this editorial. The drill involved the Southold Police, Suffolk Police, North Fork fire departments and EMS services from Jamesport to Orient, and even several South Fork departments, along with moulaged teenage actors to play victims. By all reports the exercise was a success.

But what makes a successful AS/MCI drill?

According to FEMA’s 2013 white paper, Fire/Emergency Medical Services Department Operational Considerations and Guide for Active Shooter and Mass Casualty Incidents, there are several things that responding agencies need to incorporate into a specific SOPfor such an event. Why formalize reacting to an AS/MCI if your department already has an MCI plan in place? Because the “AS” part of the exercise makes it, nearly, an entirely different animal.

Some particular areas of focus, become apparent with little thought and are proved out —or have problems made obvious —by an AS/MCI drill. Some key facets are communication between the parties, including ensuring all parties are not only able to communicate with each other, but use the same terminologies when doing so. This is unlikely to be a problem between FDs and EMS, but it may become a problem when communicating with law enforcement (LE) who, in most instances, will be first on the scene.

Other areas of concern will become apparent in frequent drills involving all the aforementioned agencies, as well as local hospitals and trauma units. There needs to be a single Incident Command Post for fire, EMS and LE.

The goal of any and all SOPs is to plan, prepare and respond in a manner that will save the maximum number of lives possible.

Although in their careers most first responders have encountered some horrific scenarios, the results of a mass shooting of unarmed people — seemingly more often than not children with obviously terminal wounds —will undoubtedly be something first responders will never forget. Many of the first responders will be long-term casualties of this ongoing slaughter, even if they never spilled a drop of their own blood. As psychology researcher Deborah C. Beidel, Ph.D. of the University of Central Florida, who has studied the impact these slaughters have on first responders, put it, “There are just some events that are so horrific that no human being should be able to just process that and put it away.”

Add after-action reports and treatments to the long list of things an AS/MCI SOPdemands.

Alast note … “It’ll never happen here” too often becomes, “Oh my God, how did this happen?”

Be prepared for the thing that’ll never happen. And the only way to do so is to train for it. - Gary P. Joyce

Managing Editor Gary P. Joyce is filling in for Editor Dennis Whittam this month. Joyce is a decorated three-tour Viet Nam combat veteran.

Seymour Seymour 3-Alarmer 3-Alarmer

Lawrence 8-Alarmer

On April 20, 2022, Seymour(CT) firefighters responded to Bank Street fora building fire. Engine 13 arrived to heavy smoke showing from a store in a single-story taxpayer. An interiorattack was made, but companies had to back out due to heavy fire which had extended into the cockloft. Second and third alarms were transmitted bringing departments from throughout the valley. Heavy fire soon overtook the entire structure. Fouraerials and multiple handlines were used to bring the fire undercontrol in about two hours. The cause was being investigated by the SeymourFMO and the State of Connecticut Fire Marshal’s office. - Fire News photos by Glenn Duda, CFPA and Jack McCarthy (FillTheBoxFirePhotography)

On April 15, 2022, Lawrence (MA) Fire responded to a fire on Crosby Street. Upon arrival, Ladder4 reported heavy fire on the third floor. Deputy McInnis arrived and struck a second alarm reporting a three-story wood frame with heavy fire on the third floorextending to two exposures. Athird alarm was rapidly followed by a fourth forthree three-story wood frames, and one twostory wood frame involved. Additionally, there were numerous spot fires starting and the fifth alarm was transmitted. As mutual companies were still rolling into the city, command reported fire extending to a fifth building. The total amount of mutual aid brought to the scene classified the fire as an eighth alarm. - Fire News photos by Dylan Conway and Patrick Kerrigan

Enfield Commercial 3-Alarmer

Firefighters from North Thompsonville, Thompsonville, Enfield, Hazardville and ShakerPines (all CT) responded fora structure fire on Enfield Street at Artioli Dodge. First arriving units found heavy fire and smoke coming from the auto bay area and a second alarm was sounded. Fire quickly extended throughout the singlestory commercial building and three ladderpipes were put into use during the fire. Longmeadow responded making the fire a three alarmer. Crews would battle this fire defensively forwell overtwo hours before bringing the fire undercontrol. Mutual aid came from Suffield, Warehouse Point (East Windsor), Broad Brook and East Longmeadow. The CTAirNational Guard responded with theirairtrailer. The Hartford County coordinators were on scene as well.

- Fire News photo by John DeForest Stratford Brush Fire

On April 28, 2022, Stratford (CT) firefighters responded fora brush fire along the southbound side of the Merritt Parkway, which grew rapidly with the help of a windy day. The fire threatened several structures before jumping the highway. The fire spread along the northbound side and into a wooded area. Several structures were threatened on that side. One garage and a picket fence were burned. The fire required a town wide response along with mutual aid from Bridgeport, Trumbull, Milford and Connecticut State Forestry Service. Departments from Shelton, Monroe and Trumbull covered. The fire took about two hours to bring undercontrol. One firefighterwas injured while battling the fire. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA

Suspicious Fires in North Smithfield

Forthe second time in just two days, the Town of North Smithfield (RI) Fire Department worked a three-alarm fire at the same address on Pound Hill Road. On June 2, 2022, a three-alarm suspicious fire struck a 200- x 200-foot horse barn on the property. This was followed on June 4, when fire struck an L-shaped construction equipment storage garage and office forNationwide Construction. This structure was a mere 20-feet away from the first fire. Anotherthird alarm was requested to the scene as this property was not serviced by a hydrant source. Tankers set up a draft and dump tank area at the entrance to the property and had to relay pump some 1000 feet to the scene. Adjacent structures were protected by watercurtains as the watersupply was being established. This complex was destroyed as well. The RI State Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating both suspicious fires on the property. - Fire News photos by Ken LaBelle

Beverly House Fire

Beverly (MA) firefighters responded to a three-alarm house fire on Swan Street on March 8, 2022. Companies arrived to find heavy smoke and fire showing from the first floorof an occupied 2-1/2 story house. The fire extended to all floors and through the roof and crews were forced to go into a defensive mode. - Fire News photos by Rick Nohl

Monroe Brush Fire

At approximately 1230 on May 25, 2022, members of the Stepney (CT) VolunteerFire Department and Botsford (CT) Fire Department were dispatched to the 300 block of South Main Street fora reported mulch/brush fire. First-in companies found a large area burning on a commercial sized mulch pile and running up a hillside. Mutual aid was called in from all overthe surrounding area (Newtown, Stevenson, Monroe and Sandy Hook) to set up a tankershuttle operation to stop the fire. It took several hours before the fire was brought undercontrol. - Fire News photo by FireGroundImages.com


Fire News, July/August 2022, Page 9 Through the Roof in Brockton

Brockton (MA) FAO transmitted Box 1346 fora house fire in the area of Green and Lexington Streets. Squad A, Engine 5, Engine 4 and Ladder1 underCommand of Car56 DC Galligan. Car56 arrived to heavy fire in the rearof a Highland Street address with a 2-1/2 story wood frame on fire and struck a second alarm. Engine 7, Engine 2 and Ladder4 responded. Crews made an interiorattack with two lines and stretched a third. Truck companies opened the roof as the fire extended into the top floor. Athird alarm was transmitted bringing Engine 3, Stoughton’s Engine 1 and Ladder2. Two more lines were stretched and the fire was knocked down. Mutual aid came from West Bridgewater, Avon, Whitman and East Bridgewater. - Fire News photos by Bob Myers

Fitchburg Fire Goes to 3 Alarms

Fitchburg (MA) firefighters battled a three-alarm fire on Ashburnham Street on May 1, 2022. Companies had fire showing from the rearof a 2-1/2 woodframe and quickly struck a second alarm. The fire extended up into the attic and command struck a third alarm. Companies made an aggressive interiorattack to knock down the fire. Multiple mutual aid companies assisted at the scene and covered the city. - Fire News photos by Patrick Kerrigan, David Bryce and Bryan Favreau

On April 18, 2022, Wakefield (MA) companies were dispatched to Albion Street to a popularlocal pizza and sandwich shop. Upon arrival at the Pizza Express, companies found smoke showing. A second alarm was ordered. Companies stretched multiple handlines and began to open up, finding a large volume of fire above the drop ceiling. As conditions worsened, a third alarm was ordered. Wakefield, along with mutual-aid, was able to open up confined spaces and extinguish the fire in the shop. Additionally, propane tanks from a neighboring 7 Eleven gas station were moved away from the fire building. Companies had the fire knocked down and overhauled in underan hour. - Fire News photos by Dylan Conway and Rick Nohl

Wakefield Restaurant Fire


Fire News, July/August 2022, Page 11 FFInjured in WindsorLocks Fire

Shortly before 1500 on May 7, 2022, the WindsorLocks (CT) Fire Department was dispatched to Cherry Street fora structure fire. Upon arrival, crews found heavy fire coming from the first floor and front porch of the house. WindsorLocks Police located all residents and pets outside the structure. One firefighterreceived an injury when the porch collapsed. He was transported to a local hospital, treated and released. Warehouse Point responded on mutual aid. Bradley International Airport provided the RITand Windsor provided station coverage. - Fire News photos by Coral Ruggiero and Jim Peruta

New London 3-Alarmerwith Extra Call

Around 0930 on April 30, 2022, New London (CT) Fire responded to FullerStreet fora dwelling fire. Crews arrived to two dwellings on fire. Engine 2, A200 and Truck 2 arrived and command requested a second alarm, followed by a general alarm. The street was a dead end and limited apparatus access. A-1 requested a third alarm. Due to high winds and a gas-fed fire, conditions deteriorated and commanded evacuated the dwellings. During the defensive operations, a brush fire started across the street and command requested an extra alarm forthis fire. - Fire News photo by Robert Ladd, CFPA

Hot Times on a Hot Day

Pawtucket (RI) firefighters arrived to find heavy smoke showing from the three-story wood frame on Warren Avenue. Companies had fire showing from the porch on second floorextending to the third floorand attic. Companies made an aggressive interior attack and had the fire knocked down in a short amount of time. Ambient temperatures were in the upper90s and command called foradditional manpower. Mutual aid came to the scene and to coverthe city.

- Fire News photo by Kevin Kerrigan

Man, They Came a Long Way …

On April 22, 2022, Pittsfield (MA) firefighters responded to what would become a four-alarm fire in an apartment building. Mutual aid was requested from several area departments. Dalton sent theirladdercompany which is currently a loanerrig that served in Boston. This made forsome interesting photos and confused citizens since Dalton is about 140 miles from Boston.

FireNews.com Fire News, July/August 2022, Page 13

Shelton 2-Alarmer

At approximately 1900 on April 1, 2022, the Shelton (CT) Fire Department received several calls fora building fire in the area of Howe Avenue and Maple Street. First companies arrived to heavy fire showing from the rear of a three-story, wood frame, multi-family home on the second and third floors. All fourShelton companies, as well as an engine and truck from Derby, operated at the scene that escalated to a second alarm. All occupants had been able to evacuate the structure without injury; one firefighterwas transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Ansonia, Stratford and Monroe provided station coverage while the Red Cross was called in to help relocate the occupants. - Fire News photo by FireGroundImages.com

Newington Fire

On May 10, 2022, Newington (CT) firefighters responded to a working fire on ReservoirRoad. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta

Pepperell 2-Alarmer Pepperell 2-Alarmer

On April 17, 2022, Pepperell (MA) Fire was dispatched to Brookline Street fora building fire. Upon arrival, heavy smoke and fire were showing from a two-story wood frame with a single story “L” shaped addition. Aworking fire was transmitted followed by the second alarm about a minute later. Companies ran multiple handlines and set up the Pepperell Ladder. Mutual aid engines came from Townsend (MA), Groton (MA), Dunstable (MA) and Nashua (NH). AHollis (MA) toweralso responded. Companies had the fire knocked down in about half an hourand remained on scene foran extensive time foroverhaul. Asingle occupant escaped the fire prior to fire department arrival and refused transport. - Fire News photos by Dylan Conway

Taftville Handles CarFire

The Taftville (CT) Fire Department responded to a well involved carfire on Pratte Avenue on May 17, 2022. - Fire News photo by Joe Shefer

Fully Involved on Arrival

New Ipswich (NH) crews responded to a two-alarm fire in New Ipswich on April 25, 2022. This was the second majorfire in New Ipswich that week. The structure was fully involved with exposure problems on arrival. This was also in a non-hydrant area. - Fire News photo by David Bryce

FireNews.com Fire News, July/August 2022, Page 15 Salem Neighborhood Saved From Possible Conflagration

Salem fire responded fora building fire on Hancock Street. Companies arrived to heavy smoke and fire showing from the third floor with extension to at least five exposures. “Witch City” Jakes made an interiorattack, while protecting the exposures at the same time. Deputy Chief Pelletierdid not hesitate to call foradditional trucks, knowing that it would likely be vital to get them into place early in the game (likely anticipating impending surround-anddrown ops) while they still had a shot to set up ladderpipes close by. The chiefs also did a great job covering all surrounding streets as well which no doubt had a majorimpact on the outcome. The early-made decisions by the first-due officers and aggressive tactics of the men saved the neighborhood. About five buildings were damaged from the 3-plus alarmer, but it could have been much worse. SFD was assisted on the ground by Lynn, Beverly, Danvers, Wenham, Swampscott, Marblehead, Peabody and Middleton. Hamilton, Manchesterand Lynn also covered. As always, the faithful and diligent volunteers from Rehab-5 provided fireground rehab services. - Fire News photo by Glenn Preston

Bedford and Manchester Extinguish CarFire

Bedford and Manchesterfirefighters received reports of a Jeep on fire on Interstate 293 south nearthe Bedford town line on Wednesday. Bedford fire arrived to find the vehicle fully engulfed and confirmed the occupant had safely exited. Firefighters used water, foam and extinguishers to knock down the fire. The highway had significant traffic backups as the travel lane and breakdown lane were closed while firefighters worked the scene. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office worked to direct traffic around the incident. The sheriff’s office was helping to coverthe highways as some members of New Hampshire State Police attended the funeral of a Massachusetts State Trooper killed in the line of duty The highway was completely reopened afterthe vehicle was towed from the scene.

- Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings

Page 16, Fire News, July/August 2022

Hancock Barn Fire

Hancock (CT) Fire was dispatched fora tractorfire threatening a barn. Units found one barn well involved and a second threatened. Efforts were focused on keeping fire from spreading to the second structure and from spreading into the nearby brush. - Fire News photo by Ed Harvey

Watertown Commercial Fire

Recently, Waterbury and Watertown (CT) fire departments were called to Falls Avenue fora building fire. Engine 8 arrived to heavy fire from a two-story commercial building and a second alarm was soon struck. Crew worked through the morning hitting hot spots. - Fire News photo by Rick Kulmann Pittsfield

Local 2647 Hits 4 Bells

Good Stop in Peabody

On April 24, 2022, Peabody (MA) companies responded fora building fire on Pine Ridge Lane. Engine 7 got some quick water on the fire in the garage of a three-story-frame town house. Agreat stop was made by PFD Jake’s. - Fire News photo by Glenn S. Preston

Chimney Fire in Canterbury

Firefighters battled a chimney fire in Canterbury (NH) on April 9, 2022.

- Fire News photo by Sean Fesko / 911 ERV

Winds Push Middletown Brush Fire

Several departments responded to a multi-acre brush fire in the southern section of Middletown (CT) on May 10, 2022. The fire had started aftera tree fell onto a powerline in a wooded area. Due to strong winds, the fire quickly spread to approximately 250 acres throughout the day. Crews were on scene working to control the fire until approximately 0330 on May 11. - Fire News photo by Sam Baber

Everett Fire

Crews battled a blaze in Everett (MA) on January 24, 2022. - Fire News photo by Rick Nohl

Agawam House Fire

On April 28, 2022, Agawam (MA) firefighters were called to the area of Springfield and Bessbrook Streets just after2130 fora structure fire. Engine 2 reported the house was fully involved on the Aside of the two-story wood framed dwelling. Engine 2 used its tank waterand opened the deck gun to start attacking the fire. Crews went defensive knocking down much of the heaviest fire on the exteriorbefore entering. It took crews well overan hourto bring the fire undercontrol. Mutual aid came from Longmeadow, Westfield and West Springfield. The fire was underinvestigation by the Massachusetts State Fire Marshal and Agawam Police. - Fire News photo by John DeForest

Newport Hotel Fire Goes to 4-Alarms

Just after2000 on May 23, 2022, Newport (RI) firefighters arrived to find a fire in a wing of the WayfarerInn, a large hotel consisting of several buildings. The fire was in a 2-1/2 story section approximately 150- × 75-feet, located immediately adjacent to the main building, a four-story structure. During the interiorattack, companies encountered a floorcollapse on the second floorand were forced to back out. Engine 5 reported they were missing a firefighterand, aftera few tense moments, the missing firefighterwas accounted for. All companies were pulled out of the building and a defensive posture with multiple ladderpipes and masterstreams began. The fire eventually extended into the main building and special calls foradditional engines and tankers were made above the fourth alarm.

- Fire News photos by Ed Burke and Patrick Kerrigan

Brockton Attic Fire

Brockton (MA) FAO transmitted Box 2213 fora house fire. Engine 5 arrived to heavy smoke showing from the attic of a 2-1/2 story dwelling. Engine 4 and Ladder1 responded. Several lines were stretched as Deputy Chief Jeff Marchetti arrived and struck a second alarm. Deputy Chief Kevin Galligan arrived as Acting Chief of the Department. Heavy fire conditions continued in the attic area and a third alarm was struck. Engine 3, and West BridgewaterEngine and Ladder4 responded to the scene. The fire was knocked down in about 45 minutes. - Fire News photos by Bob Myers and Dave Stewart/ MassFirePics.com

Kitchen Fire in New Britain

New Britain (CT) firefighters responded to a kitchen fire on SlaterRoad on March 19, 2022.

Hartford Fire Department

On April 18, 2022, at 2052, Hartford (CT) was dispatched to the area of Albany Avenue and Adams Street fora reported house on fire. First-due units reported a 2-½ story single-family house with heavy smoke and fire showing. Due to the intensity of the fire, a second alarm and defensive approach was ordered. Crews set up two towerladders to help extinguish the deep-seated fire. The roof completely burned off the house and the cause of the fire was under investigation by the FMO Office. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photos by Nick Peruta and Jim Peruta

On April 17, 2022, Hartford (CT) firefighters were dispatched to a fire in a brick apartment building on Asylum Street in Hartford. Engine 5 could see heavy smoke showing fleaving theirhouse. Ladders were quickly setup and a chief called forthe second alarm due to the fire being in a occupied building. Crews reported fire had extended into the hallway as they were moving in. The fire extended to the third floorand cockloft before \being extinguished. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta

On May 9, 2022, a Hartford (CT) Fire Department engine was sent out to investigate smoke in the area of Hillside and Flatbush Avenues. Engine 15 found smoke coming from a 1-½ story wood frame on Hillside Ave. The fire was quickly brought undercontrol. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta Hartford (CT) firefighters responded to an early morning fire on Westland Street in the city’s North End on April 16, 2022. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta

Hartford (CT) firefighters responded fora fire on Main Street on May 10, 2022.

Page 20, Fire News, July/August 2022 Staying Busy in Haddam

- Fire News photo by Olivia Drake

Fall RiverPorch Fire

- Fire News photo by Ken Leger

1 Civ Injured at Wallingford Fire

- Fire News photo by Joseph Ciscone

South Windham 2-Alarm Fire TrailerHome Fire in Uncasville

- Fire News photo by Robert Ladd CFPA

Watertown 2-Alarmer

- Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan

AnotherPiece of History Burns

- Fire News photo by Bud Harris

Hart’s Location Brush Fire

- Fire News photo by Sean Fesko/911 ERV

Berlin Church Fire

Berlin (CT) firefighters responded to a two-alarm-plus fire in the United Methodist Church on Main Street in East Berlin on April 1, 2022 at 0400. The church was built around 1896. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley

Charlton Truck Fire

On April 15, 2022, Charlton (MA) firefighters responded to a fire within a truck body filled with tires. Although finding heavy fire upon arrival they were able to keep the fire from extending to a nearby vacant structure.

- Fire News photo by Bud Harris

New Haven 2-Alarmer

- Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA

North Haven House Fire

- Fire News photo by Jack McCarthy, FillTheBoxFirePhotography

Fire Destroys Berkley Home

- Photo courtesy of Berkley FR

3-Alarm Fire in Dalton

- Photo courtesy of R. Blessing

Lincoln Apartment Fire

- Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

Kittery Blaze

- Fire News photo by Dylan Conway

Wolcott Responds

- Fire News photo by Rick Kulmann

Canterbury Tales

West Hartford Building Fire

West Hartford (CT) firefighters responded to an occupied building fire on Lilley Road on April 16, 2022. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta

Mother’s Day Fire in Windsor

Windsor(CT) firefighters were alerted to a working fire on Mother’s Day 2022. Crews encountered heavy fire conditions within the structure and briefly resorted to defensive operations before continuing theirattack. Mutual aid from surrounding towns were called in to assist with fireground operations and town-wide coverage.

- Fire News photo by Stephen Hess

New Hampton MVA

Crews responded to a MVAin New Hampton (NH) on April 29, 2022. - Fire News photo by Sean Fesko/911 ERV

NH State Trooper Injured

New Hampshire State Trooperwas injured while on a traffic stop on the Everett Turnpike nearExit 11 on April 30, 2022, at about 0730. The trooper was on a motorvehicle stop in the right-hand northbound breakdown lane when a cartraveling north slammed into the cruiser. The carthat struck the cruisercareened off the cruiserdown to the Exit 11 north on-ramp. Merrimack fire, police, and NHState Police responded, the trooperon his radio was reporting injuries to himself and the driverof the othervehicle. The trooperand the woman driving the carwere given medical treatment at the scene and immediately transported to local hospitals. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings

Milton MVA

Crews responded to an MVAwith entrapment in Milton (NH) on April 23, 2022.

- Fire News photo by Sean Fesko/911 ERV

Wrong Way MVA

An apparent wrong way elderly driver collided with several vehicles in Nashua on the F.E. Everett Turnpike (NH) in the southbound lane just before 1100. Multiple calls came into 9-1-1 from people reporting a blue vehicle operating on the wrong side of the road from the Circumferential Highway in Hudson. Callers then reported the vehicle was traveling north in the southbound lane of the Everett Turnpike. New Hampshire State Police and Nashua Police were responding to the highway in an attempt to stop the vehicle when a multivehicle collision occurred just north of the southbound lane, and north of Exit 4.

Nashua Police and multiple Nashua Fire units and several AMR ambulances responded to the scene. While en route it was reported one driver was heavily entrapped in a passenger car, and one vehicle had rolled over. Additional Nashua Fire apparatus was dispatched, and a trauma alert was requested for an elderly female who was trapped inside the passenger car. Firefighters used cutting and spreading tools to gain access to the woman. She was removed from the vehicle and rushed to Southern New Hampshire Medical Center with serious injuries. Several other vehicles that were involved were scattered across the roadway, and medics treated the occupants of those vehicles and transported at least three people to hospitals.

New Hampshire State Police, were assisted by Nashua Police in opening one lane of the roadway for traffic to pass. Traffic on the Everett Turnpike backed up for several miles, and the delay lasted for hours as the scene was investigated and cleared.

It appears the elderly woman began to collide with other vehicles, according to witnesses, One vehicle that was struck was pushed into a Jeep causing it to rollover the embankment.

FireNews.com Fire News, July/August 2022, Page 27 RiverRd

MVA Rollover

At approximately 1530 on May 28, 2022, Shelton (CT) Fire Companies 4 and 1 were dispatched to RiverRoad foran overturned vehicle. It was reported that there was still one person trapped in the vehicle. Upon arrival of the first units, they found that the driverhad just self-rescued as they pulled up. Luckily the driverappeared to have no injuries and refused medical help. This accident took place in the same location as a previous multiple fatal accident a few years ago. - Fire News photo by FireGroundImages.com

DOTCrew Struck

ANew Hampshire DOTcrew on Route 101 doing line painting near the Auburn and Candia town line were struck by a vehicle traveling eastbound on Rte 101 recently. Several trucks were lined up on the right side of the roadway traveling east when a passenger car struck the rear protective cage of the NH DOTtruck at about 1130.

Fire and EMS were dispatched from Auburn and Candia and responders were advised there were two people entrapped in the car. When Auburn Fire arrived, they found a car with heavy damage, with two injured occupants. The occupants of the car were not trapped and firefighters began to provide medical aid. Additional ambulances were requested from Derry and Londonderry to assist with the occupants of the car and evaluate the NH Dot workers involved in the accident.

New Hampshire State Police responded and closed all paved lanes of 101 but were able to slowly move one lane of traffic into the grass median to keep traffic moving.

The accident is being investigated by New Hampshire State Police. The condition of the people involved is unknown but the injuries did not appear to be life threatening while they were treated at the scene.

State Police remind drivers to move over and yield when you approach red, blue, and yellow lights on vehicles in the roadway. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings

Truck into Swamp in Carver

Firefighters and the Carver(MA) Fire Department Dive Team responded to a crash in which a truck that exited the roadway landed in a swamp on March 28, 2022. The initial dispatch reported that the vehicle was in the waterwhich prompted the activation of the divers. Although the occupants self-extricated, members in survival suits secured hazards and assisted with the removal of the vehicle. The crews were challenged with the elevated position of the truck, which was still running with the wheels spinning, and waist deep waterbelow. - Fire News photo by Rob Reardon

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