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Up Close and Personal

Amsterdam FirefighterChris Fernandez. - Fire News photo by Mark Perfetti

Long Stretch to Knock Out Averill Park Fire

On July 8, 2022, the Averill Park Fire Company was dispatched for a fire involving three buildings. On arrival they found fire around a very large propane tank, with the fire burning in two homes and spreading. Asecond alarm was sounded. Athird alarm brought fire companies from as faras East Greenbush. Afive-inch hose lay brought waterfrom 2200 feet away. - Fire News photos by Martin E Miller and Lori Washburn

Good Stop in Springfield Garden

FDNYunits in the Springfield Gardens section of Queens operated at an attic fire in a private dwelling on 157th Street on June 30, 2022. The blaze was brought undercontrol within 20 minutes. - Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos.com

Fire News Donates $50,000 to Charities

In May, Fire News held a charitable awards event donating a total of $50,000 to five fire-EMS-related charities. The commitment to donate the funds was made by Fire News publisher Frank C. Trotta when the Fire News 9/11 20th Anniversary Issue was released last fall.

Publisher Frank C. Trotta and Chief Operating Officer Tim Edwards presented $10,000 checks to the charities, noting that the, “Five charities continue to contribute in a positive way to families affected by the devasting effects of 9/11.”

The charities chosen work on a national basis include: The Terry Farrell Firefighters Fund, Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Foundation, The Ray Pfeifer Foundation, Firefighter Cancer Support Network - NYChapter and The FealGood Foundation.

Close to 200 people attended including chiefs, commisioners and members from many departments, state and local government officials and others. It was highlighted by the Ceremonial Color Guard provided by the Fire Chiefs Council of Suffolk County and former FDNYChief of Department Tom Richardson as the key note speaker.

“I’d like to thank the Fire News editorial and sales staff for their roundthe-clock work producing the issue, our photographers who donated their images and our advertisers who supported the issue,” said Trotta.

Thank you to the South County Ambulance Company for generously providing their facilities, hospitality and to all of their members who volunteered their time to help. - Fire News photos by Ron Monteleone &Bryan Lopez

$50,000 check unveiling.

Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Foundation The Ray PfeiferFoundation

FirefighterCancerSupport Network - NYChapter Terry Farrell Firefighters Fund

FealGood Foundation

Page 16, Fire News, September2022 RochesterFire on Conkey Avenue

In the afternoon of June 11, 2022, Rochesterfirefighters were dispatched to Conkey Avenue forthe report of a house on fire. Engine 2 arrived to find smoke coming from the rearof the home and declared a working fire. Firefighters found a small rubbish fire in the yard that had extended to the rearof the structure and, due to a quick call and a fast response, crews were able to keep the spread to a minimum.

- Fire News photo by PuckStopperPhotography.com

Seneca Falls LumberYard Fire

On July 3, 2022, Seneca Falls firefighters were dispatched to Ferrara Lumberon West Bayard Street. As firefighters arrived at theirfirehouse, they could see flames shooting through the roof of the building which sat directly across from theirstation. Mutual aid was summoned to the scene and to backfill stations as firefighters quickly scrambled to catch up to the already well-advanced fire. Lines were stretched into the building as firefighters made an aggressive interiorattack, but the building was filled with lumber and otherbuilding materials which forced firefighters out of the building. The flames quickly jumped to an attached building connected to the lumberyard, as multiple aerial masterstreams and large lines went into operation. - Fire News photo by PuckStopperPhotography.com

Smoke Shows in Barnard Fire District House

Looking back to April 2022, firefighters from the Barnard Fire District were dispatched to Denise Road fora fire. On arrival, companies found heavy smoke showing from all sides of the home with heavy fire blowing out the first floorin the rearof the home. Crews were able to make good progress on the fire but the flames found voids in the roof line, which made fora labor-intensive fire. After making numerous roof cuts chasing pockets of fire, companies were able to get the fire undercontrol. - Fire News photo by PuckStopperPhotography.com

Fire Breaks Out in Coxsackie

Investigators are probing the cause of a fire that broke out at Chrissy & Tim’s Dinerin Coxsackie recently. Firefighters were called out fora fire at the popularrestaurant in a strip mall at the cornerof State Route 9Wand Mansion Street. When the first crews arrived, smoke and flames were visible out the back door. The fire was brought undercontrol in about 30 minutes. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation by the Greene County Fire Investigation Team. On scene were fire departments from Coxsackie, Athens, Earlton, Medway-Grapeville, New Baltimore, Coeymans and Hudson. Catskill Ambulance, Ravena Rescue Squad, and Greene County EMS also responded. - Fire News photo by John C Miller


Fire News, September2022, Page 17 Suspicious 2-Alarmerin Schenectady

Schenectady firefighters battled an early morning two-alarm fire in a vacant building on Albany Street. Access to the building was hampered by fences and close proximity of otherbuildings. No injuries were reported and the cause was reportedly suspicious. The building was torn down the next day. - Fire News photos by Peter R. Barber

Looking Back

Arlington - 2013

Arlington firefighters were dispatched during blizzard conditions fora reported explosion and fire in a residence on Marple Road. Firefighters arrived to find a well involved two-story, raised-ranch with several windows that apparently were blown out in the explosion, laying in the front yard. - Fire News photo by Bill Johnson

Plattekill- 2013

Plattekill firefighters responded to a three alarm structure fire on QuakerStreet in Plattekill. - Fire News photo by Steve Lenz

Village of Wappingers - 2013

The Village of Wappingers Fire Department, Mobile Life Support Paramedics, and the Village of Wappingers Police were dispatched by Dutchess County 911 fora reported house fire on Downey Avenue. - Fire News photo by Bill Johnson

Page 20, Fire News, September2022

Quick Stop at Truck Fire

Recently, the Harrison Fire Department was dispatched to Halstead Avenue and West Street at the Citgo gas station, fora truck fire. While units were en route, 60 Control received additional reports of the fire being next to a structure. Car2164 upgraded the assignment with an engine from Purchase. Engine 13 was first to arrive and confirmed an active truck fire. Firefighters quickly stretched the trash line off of Engine 13 and began to extinguishing the fire. The fire was brought undercontrol within seven minutes. - Fire News photo by Brandon Colon

Head-on MVAin Carmel

Recently, multiple units from Carmel Police, Mahopac Fire, Rescue, EMS and Fire Police, Putnam County Paramedic, and tow trucks from SkyLine and Still WaterAuto Body were dispatched to a head-on accident on Route 6. Arriving units began triage of the patients as Mahopac’s assistant chief took incident command. Fire Police slowed traffic allowing fire crews to contain spilled fluids and spreading absorbent. Minorinjuries were reported and tended to by the medical units. - Fire News photo by Jack Casey PIO Co.18

Fire News, September2022, Page 21 MVA, Extrication on the

NYS Thruway

Recently, two people were transported to the Albany Medical Centerafteran MVAon the NYS Thruway at Exit 22. The passengerof the semi was trapped and the Selkirk Fire Department Heavy Rescue Unit and Ravena Rescue worked forabout 25 minutes to free him. His condition was unknown, but appeared very serious. - Fire News photo by Tom Heffernan

Vehicle Fire Extends to Home Early Morning Fire in Mahopac Falls

At 2356 on July 16, 2022, the RochesterFire Department was dispatched forfire at the back of a house on Stratford Park in Rochester. Priorto the arrival updated information reported a vehicle on fire in a driveway close to a house. Engine 7 arrived and immediately declared a working fire as a fully involved vehicle fire in the driveway of the home had extended into the house. Companies quickly worked to extinguish the carfire, as well as knock down the fire that had spread up the B and C sides of the house and into the attic. - Fire News photo by Matt Leo On July 12, 2022, at approximately 0720, Mahopac Falls Volunteer Fire Department, along with Carmel Police were dispatched to AgorLane fora structure fire. Dive Lieutenant Willie Gabay confirmed that there was a two-story structure with heavy smoke conditions and flames pushing out the top of the front door. This confirmation automatically triggered mutual aid bringing Mahopac and Putnam Valley to the scene orforcover. Crews went to work to extinguish the fire on the exteriorof the building and performed an aggressive interiorattack and quickly knocked down the fire. - Fire News photo by Ellen Nistico, PIO

Up Close & Personal

Amsterdam Battalion Chief Jeff Urbanczyk. - Fire News photo by Mark Perfetti

Catskill Porch Fire Displaces Resident

The Catskill Fire department was dispatched fora porch fire on lowerMain Street recently. When units arrived the three-family wood frame home had heavy fire and smoke visible from the second floorand roof. The City of Hudson Fire Department arrived and both Hudson and Catskill engaged in the initial attack. Athens and West Athens Lime Street arrived and started to relieve the first-in crews. Kiskatom and Palenville relocated to the Catskill station and Leeds stood by in theirstation, as Earlton covered for West Athens. Greenport Fire Department was at the scene as the FAST. The Greene County Fire Investigation Team arrived to investigate the cause of the fire. One resident found othermeans of shelter. - Fire News photo by John C. Miller

Fire News, September2022, Page 23 1900s Era Structure Burns

At 1301 on July 20, 2022, the RochesterFire Department was dispatched to a warehouse on fire at the cornerof Lyell and Dewey Avenues. Battalion 2 arrived to smoke showing in the vacant commercial structure. Crews forced entry into the boarded-up building, and quickly located heavy fire. Crews went defensive after conducting searches, and the fire ended up going to three alarms as both the heat and condition of the building made the fire difficult to fight. Afterwell overan hourthe fire was brought undercontrol. - Fire News photo by Matt Leo

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