From the
What’s going on at
Pastor’s Heart
t’s hard to believe the Williams family will be celebrating our 16th Christmas with you this year. They say time flies when you are having fun. I agree! We are looking forward to celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with you again. December is packed with celebrations, parties, Christmas programs and so much more and we love doing all of those things with you. Just be sure this year as you shop, cook, go to parties, spend time with family and participate in all the things here at First Denton, that you keep in mind what it’s all about. Our country is divided politically, ideologically, morally and in so many other ways more than ever. But in spite of that, Jesus Christ is still the Savior of the world, the hope for all mankind. No matter who is in the White House or the governor’s mansion, Jesus Christ is seated on His throne in Heaven and He is still in control. Tami, Ryan, Katherine, Alyssa and I wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a great start to 2013! In His Love, Jeff
First Denton
Coats For Christ
Coats for Christ is a ministry of First Denton that helps collect coats to donate to the Salvation Army. The coats you donate are used to help keep the homeless of Denton warm. Right now you have the opportunity to show Christ to someone by helping them stay warm at night and throughout the winter. Your donations can be accepted at the “Coats for Christ” drop box in the main foyer or in the church office.
End of Year Giving We appreciate those of you who consider First Baptist while making year end charitable contributions. Please remember that gifts to the church are credited in the year in which they are received at the church or the date of postmark if mailed. The church office will be open until 4pm, December 31 to receive any gifts for 2012. The church is also prepared to receive any gifts of stocks, bonds, or securities that may be given. Please contact Jim Markle in the church office by December 15 to make arrangements for these types of gifts. First Baptist is an incredibly generous people. Your gifts are a tremendous blessing to the ministries and programs of our church. Thank You for your consideration at this time of year. Any questions concerning charitable giving should be addressed to Jim Markle. Jim can be reached in the church office at 940.382.2577, x121 or his cell phone at 214.542.0489.
First Look is for those who have recently joined First Denton and for those considering becoming members. The next “First Look” is Wednesday, February 6, at 6 pm in room S-111. Dinner will be served and our pastor will give you a “First Look” at First Baptist. You will be given the opportunity to join if you so desire. For more information or to RSVP, contact Judy Murphy at 940.382.2577, x150 or Page 2
Nora Beggs ........................... December 5, 2005 Recreation Ministry Assistant
What’s going on at
First Denton
Christmas Poinsettias It’s once again that time of the year to order your Christmas poinsettias to decorate the worship center. Each plant costs $16 and will benefit HOPE, Inc. and the work they do with the homeless and potentially homeless in Denton County. You may dedicate a poinsettia in honor or in memory of a loved one. Thank you for assisting HOPE with their work with the homeless and adding that special touch to the sanctuary for the holidays. Please contact Judy Murphy at 940.382.2577, x150 or to order a Christmas poinsettia.
2013 Budget The Finance Committee is in the process of finalizing the 2013 budget, which will be published and distributed over the next week. We are offering two opportunities for church members to speak with the finance committee about next year’s budget. The first will be Wednesday, December 12 at 6pm in Room S-110. The second opportunity will be Sunday, December 16, at 4 pm, in Room S-110. The budget will be presented at the quarterly business meeting at 5pm on December 16 and voted upon in the morning worship services on December 23, without discussion.
New Offering Envelopes
Last month we unveiled our new offering envelopes. They provide several different giving options including the use of debit/credit cards and the most convenient way of giving at First Denton, the automated option. You can set up your giving to be done automatically once a month, twice a month or weekly either by debit/credit card or by a draft from your bank. If you would like more information, contact Dr. Jim Markle at 940.382.2577, x121.
Offices Closed for Christmas The church will be closed for the Christmas holiday, December 24–26. We hope you have a Merry Christmas and enjoy celebrating Christ’s birth with your family and friends.
LIFE Groups Get Connected to LIFE– LIFE Groups help adults become fullydeveloping followers of Christ by providing small groups of adults with similar ages, interests, and/or family structures meeting for interactive Bible study, connected through fellowship, organized for care, involved in ministry service, and growing through accountability. LIFE Groups meet every Sunday at 8:15, 9:30, & 11am. Get plugged in to a LIFE Group at First Denton. Go to for a complete listing of LIFE Groups or email LIFE Group Connection Sunday– Mark your calendar for Life Group Connection Day, Sunday, January 20. This is an event for anyone interested in getting connected to a LIFE Group. Come meet leaders, hear about new LIFE Groups, and how to get connected to one. Join us for door prizes, fellowship, snacks, and a LIFE Group connection for you! Holiday Schedule– LIFE Groups will not meet on Sunday, December 23 and 30. Adult LIFE Group Leadership Meeting on Wednesday, December 5 at 6pm in S-110 BEACON
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Adult Ministries Preschool Ministry
Adult 55+ Ministry Our 39ers program for Friday, December 14 will be the Young at Heart Band. We always enjoy this group of musicians and appreciate their willingness to share their talents during the holidays. Also at 39ers, we will have a sign up poster for “Fiddler on the Roof” which will be at the Mt. View College auditorium on Friday, February 1. The music department from Dallas Baptist University will be in charge of the presentation. Please note! We will have two worship services on December 23 and 30. The LIFE Groups have been canceled for both Sundays. Please let Cliff know if your group plans to meet one or both Sundays so we can inform the maintenance crew. Our trip to cruise the Southern Caribbean from April 6-13, 2013 has one cabin remaining. It may be possible to have space available with an early 2013 request, so contact Cliff at 940.382.2577, x155 very soon.
Ministry to Men Band of Brothers– Connecting men to God, His Word and other men for the purpose of winning, growing and training God’s men in Christ. Band of Brothers [1] meets each Wednesday night at 7pm in S-109 and [3] meets each Monday night at 7pm in the Conference Room. Come and join a group. For more information visit
Drop and Shop– Saturday, December 1 from 9:30am–3:30pm. Cost: $10 per child (family max of $30). Bring a sack lunch. Activities include a birthday party for Jesus, nativity play, crafts, making Christmas gifts for parents, and more. Leave your children and shop until you drop! Birthday Party for Jesus– All preschool families are invited to a Birthday Party for Jesus Sunday, December 2 from 5–7pm in the CLC. Enjoy bounce houses, games and cake. Pizza is $1 per person. Bring a birthday present for Jesus (canned goods for the First Refuge food pantry). Register at the preschool desk or online.
Kids Ministry
Women’s Ministry December is here! Find out ways you can keep plugged in over the Holiday season. Bible Study will be starting up the week of January 13. Titles of the studies to come. Be watching the bulletin and online during December for more details. Lunch Bunch – December 11 is Lunch Bunch. Join us for Holiday Music to the Ears. Bring a new friend or chat with old, as we celebrate this special season. RSVP to Jodean by December 4, at Heartstrings – December 19 at 6:30pm is Heartstrings. If you are looking for someone to help on their journey with Christ, or looking to help someone else on their journey, this is the place for you. Join us for a Christmas Celebration. Join us at Wanda Mulkey’s house. 5609 E McKinney St. Denton, TX 76208. For more information, please email Meatha Southern at For more details please visit
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Elevate Kids Worship– Join us on Sunday, December 2, 9, and 16 for a special Christmas emphasis, as we seek to live a life of worshiping the New Born King. Please note that on December 23 and 30, Elevate will not meet. Please enjoy worshiping with your family in Big Church. Elevate will resume on Sunday, January 6. Kids LIFE Groups– December is an awesome month in Kid’s LIFE Groups. Join us on Sunday, December 2, 9, and 16, as we celebrate and walk through the story of Jesus’ birth. Please make every effort to be here on Sunday, December 16 to receive a special Christmas surprise from your LIFE Group! Note that on December 23 and 30, Kid’s LIFE Groups will not meet. Kid’s LIFE Groups will resume on Sunday, January 6 to kick off the New Year.
Generational Ministries
R h 2013 Preteen
Extreme Weekend February 22 & 23 Preteen Extreme Weekend: R U Seeking Him?– Who’s Invited? This is a lock-in for Preteens (currently in 3rd, 4th & 5th grades).
When & Where?
We will have drop-off at the First Denton Fellowship Hall at 10:45pm on Friday, February 22. We will shuttle over to Strikz Entertainment at 8789 Lebanon Rd. in Frisco by midnight. We will shuttle back to First Denton on Saturday, February 23 by 6:40am. Pick-up will follow until 7am in the Fellowship Hall.
What to bring? All preteens will need to bring their Bible, a pen,
a sleeping bag and a pillow (for those kids who wish to take a nap during the event).
What to expect? Join us for a night of seeking Him! We will have two large group sessions, four small group breakouts, food and plenty of Fun! Fun! Fun! During our sessions, expect to be challenged as we discover what the Bible says about how Christ followers are to act in a dark and sinful world.
Cost & Deadlines? The cost is $50 per preteen. This payment will cover: Unlimited attractions - bowling and laser tag, Mostly unlimited games, 2 slices of pizza & a drink, and a T-shirt. Please register online at or bring your check in a P.E.W. Registration envelope (2nd Floor upstairs communication rack), to the Kids Ministry Office by Sunday, February 17 to reserve your preteen’s spot. Don’t go so fast that you miss it!
Student Ministry DNOW– This event will begin Friday, January 18 at 7 pm in the Youth Hall. We will eat dinner and then disperse to your host homes for Bible study and fun! DNOW will conclude on Sunday, January 20 at noon in the Youth Hall. Mark your calendars and don’t miss this amazing weekend. In order to play, you have to learn how to PAUSE. Holiday in the Park– Get in to the spirit of the season with us as we head out to Six Flags Holiday in the Park on December 1. We will depart from the CLC at 1 pm and arrive back at 10 pm via the church bus. Cost is $40 per person and includes dinner. Bring money for snacks and souvenirs. Girls Night Out– We are going to see The Nutcracker Ballet performed by the Denton Ballet Academy at TWU’s Margo Jones Performance Hall, 1322 Oakland Street. We are attending the 7:30 pm Friday, December 7 performance and are meeting as a group in the foyer at 7pm. The ticket cost is $15. Invite a friend or your mom and join us! Crave & Blitz– During the month of December, we have some date changes. Crave will meet on December 12 and not meet on December 5, 19 & 26. On December 5, we are meeting in the CLC at 6 pm to help with Elves Shelves set-up. Blitz will meet on December 2 & 16, but not meet December 9, 23 & 30. LIFE Groups– There will be no LIFE Groups on December 23 & 30. There will be two worship services both mornings. 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament– Get your teams together and sign up at the Post for our 3-on-3 basketball tournament. Come and meet the challenge on Wednesday, January 2 from 2-5 pm in the CLC. Page 5
Mission News World Mission Offering Emphasis– In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells the disciples “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” In 2013, First Baptist Denton will embark on a new vision to fulfill this scripture. An aggressive plan has been developed to reach others in Jerusalem (Denton), Judea (Texas), Samaria (North America), and the ends of the earth (International). To reach these goals, a new World Mission Offering has been established that encompasses this vision. By giving to the World Mission Offering, you will help secure the funds needed to implement and advance this God-given vision. Below are The complete list of goals for 2013. Description Amount Denton Missions (Jerusalem) Elves Shelves $15,000 Food Pantry $9,000 Benevolence Giving $24,000 Texas Missions (Judea) Mary Davis State Missions $7,500 McAllen Mission Trip $3,500 McAllen House $8,500 North American Missions (Samaria) Annie Armstrong - North American Missions $15,000 Mosiac Mission Trip & Interns $7,000 Key West Mission Trip $3,000 University Spring Break Mission Trip $9,500 Alaska Mission Trip $8,000 International Missions (Ends of the Earth) Lottie Moon - International Missions $30,000 World Hunger $2,500 Jamaica Mission Trip $17,000 Haiti Mission Trip $10,500 Haiti - New Church Plant $9,000 University Mission Trip - Ethiopia $6,500 University Mission Trip - Hondurus $6,000 Kenya Mission Trip $8,500 UUPG - India People Group $25,000 Totals $225,000
First Refuge Ministries First Refuge Ministries has started a Cancer Support Group ministry. If you are a cancer survivor, newly diagnosed, or in the middle of the storm, come and see what God has in store for you. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at 6:30-7:45pm. The meeting is at the First Refuge Ministry Building, located at 1701 Broadway, (Two blocks south of First Baptist Denton at corner of Malone Page 6
and Broadway.) For more information, contact Clint Blackmon at 469.222.4575 or First Refuge Food Pantry– The First Refuge Food Pantry is looking for strong men and women that would like the opportunity to serve families in our community. Shipments of food arrive in Denton on the first Monday and third Tuesday of each month. Opportunities are available to pick up food and then unload it at First Refuge. If you are interested in joining our Food Pantry team, please contact Jodi Massey at 940.484.4384 or The Food Pantry served 59 families during the month of October. As the days get colder, we are noticing an increase in clients. Thank you for all of your donations and continued support in this ministry. In October, the Food Pantry team consisted of 26 volunteers donating their time.
WMU December, Christmas and Lottie Moon For many years in Southern Baptist life, Christmas has been the time to emphasize International Missions. This year the theme for International Missions is “Be Obedient–His heart/His hands/His voice.” Lottie Moon is our prime example of a missionary who gave her “heart, hands and voice” to the Lord’s work, serving almost 50 years in the heart of China at a time when women were not well accepted. The Week of Prayer for International Missions is to be observed in our church from December 2-9. Prayer guides for the week will be available in the LIFE Group boxes on December 2, in the church office, and at First Refuge (1701 Broadway). A percentage of donations given to the World Missions Offering throughout the year go to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. To study International Missions, there will be a program Tuesday morning, December 4 at 10am, in S-109, with an International Food Luncheon to follow. Everyone is invited.
Additional Ministries Special Needs Ministry Our next worship service will be December 1, at 3 pm in the Fellowship Hall. We welcome all families, friends, and caregivers affected by a disability to join us. first denton’s special needs ministy Our worship service will last about an hour followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments. Come join us at GPS and remember, there are no disabled souls! If you would like more information contact Jim Markle at
God’s GPS Perfect Souls
Additional Ministries Recreation Ministry Wild Game Dinner When: Saturday, February 23 Time: 6 pm Where: Fellowship Hall Who: All men and their sons What: Start saving your wild game and bring it already cooked to share with other men and their sons. We want you to invite any hunters and fisherman along with their sons and come and enjoy a fun night of fellowship, fun games, and eating. Wild game can include, but is not limited to: fish, deer, elk, dove, quail, boar, squirrel, duck, turkey, etc. Our special guest speaker will be Paige Patterson, President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Paige will be sharing stories about some of his big game hunts as well as presenting the gospel. We want you to invite all of your male friends and family that are hunters or fisherman and are unchurched or not in a relationship with Christ.
Family Ministry
the most points at the end of the night is the winner. Each family will be responsible for their own camera and transportation. Date: Saturday, December 15 Time: 6 pm Where: Meet at the Christian Life Center Christmas Blessings Tree– If you are a church member and need help getting gifts for your children this Christmas, Christmas Blessings Tree is for you. In order to sign up for this program you need to go to and fill out the registration form. Once the registration form is filled out, an anonymous card with your needs will be placed on the Blessings Tree for someone in our church to adopt. Whoever chooses your card off of the Blessings Tree will purchase gifts for your children based on the information you provided. Neither your name nor your children’s names will be on the card. They will return the gifts they have purchased to the church and then you will be notified that you can come and pick up the gifts. If you have questions concerning this ministry, you can contact Brad Cockrell at
Family Spring Break Ski Trip– The Family Spring Break Ski Trip to Winter Park, Colorado will be March 10-15, 2013. The cost for the trip is as follows: Adults $498; Students $474; Children $438. Cost includes transportation, lodging, ski rentals, and lift tickets. Lodging will be at Frasier Crossing and is ski-in/ski-out. The lodges have full kitchens, 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and sleeps up to 6. Initial deposit of $200 per person is due by December 1. For questions, please contact Brad Cockrell at
CHRISTMAS ––––––– ––––––– CELeBRATION 2012
Dec. 9
Dec. 10
of First Baptist Denton December 9 at 7:00 pm AND
Family Fun Night with Christian comedian Tim Hawkins Date: Saturday, January 12, 2013 Time: 4 pm and 7 pm shows Cost: General admission - $20 advance purchase; $25 at the door Premium admission (4 pm show only) - $30 advance purchase; $35 at the door VIP– includes dinner with Tim at 6 pm and premium seating (7 pm show only) - $40 advance purchase only Only general admission tickets may be purchased in the CLC. All premium and VIP tickets as well as general admission tickets can be purchased online. Go to to purchase tickets. Family Fun Night – Christmas Light Picture Hunt Each family will compete against other families as you go throughout the town taking pictures of various Christmas light decorations. Different decorations are worth different points. The family with BEACON
December 10 at 7:00 pm
tickets &in available the Main Office
Canned goods will be accepted for the church food pantry. . .
ickets are now available for Christmas Celebration 2012 after the 9:30 and 11 am services, as well as before the meal on Wednesday nights in Fellowship Hall. Page 7
First Baptist Beacon
Congratulations! Travis & Melissa East on the birth of their daughter, Emma Diane East
FIRST BAPTIST BEACON (USPS571400) is published monthly by First Baptist Church, 1100 Malone Street, Denton, Texas 76201-2799. Periodical Postage Paid at Denton,Texas.
This Month’s Giving LIFE Group Average Attendance November 2012 Adult ..................................................................245 Adults 55+ ......................................................... 217 Single Adults..........................................................4 College .............................................................. 100 International .......................................................... 5 Youth ................................................................. 122 Kids ................................................................... 118 Preschool ..........................................................136 Other ................................................................... 39 TOTAL (Average) ............................................. 975 Budget & Designated Funds Annual Budget.......................................$3,400,000 Budget Received This Month....................249,898 Budget Needed, YTD................................3,138,462 Budget Received, YTD...........................3,218,939 Building Fund, Total....................................677,090 Over/Under Budget.....................................80,477 World Missions Annie Armstrong .......................................... 13,257 Lottie Moon ..................................................14,500 Mary Hill Davis ...............................................5,718 World Hunger ................................................. 2,369 TOTAL World Missions, YTD.......................35,844
First Baptist Church Denton, TX • 940.382.2577 •
Sunday Schedule
8:15 am.............................Adults 55+ LIFE Groups 9:30 am...........................LIFE Groups and Worship 11:00 am.........................LIFE Groups and Worship
FBCD Staff Dr. Jeff Williams, Senior Pastor...........................150 Jeff Dooley, Senior Associate Pastor .................111 Keith McGee, Minister of Music/Worship.............141 Jim Markle, Minister of Business Admin.............. 121 Brad Cockrell, Associate Pastor......................171 Cliff Feeler, Minister to Adults 55+......................155 Chris Barfield, Minister to Kids ..........................131 Shirley Jones, Min. of Preschool Education.......161 Mark Caswell, Minister to Students ................ 191 Austin Wadlow,University Minister.................... 181 Todd Spurgin, Facilities Manager........................127 Lisa Lee, Senior Accountant...............................120 Judy Murphy, Pastoral Ministry Asst...................150 Brad Hill, Communications Director......................112 Doug Giles, Missions Minister ...... 940.484.4384 Maegan Woodard, CDC Director ...................... 167
In Memoriam Barbara Ashworth Virginia Littlefield
Christian Sympathy Larry & Sue Wilson in the death of his father, Marion Wilson; and for grandchildren, Kyle Wilson & Kelly Calvert and great-grand children, Christian, Alyssa and Zack Martha Tieszen on the death of her sister, Helen Marsh; aunt of Jeff Battey
Homebound Report: October 2012 Visits: 94 • Cards/calls: 21 Magazines: 23 • CD’s/DVD’s: 5 • Favors: 32
Wednesday Menu Dec. 5 – Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies & hot rolls Dec. 12 – Hamburgers, hot dogs & fries All items for our Wednesday evening meals are available on a first come, first serve basis. Prices: Age 0-3, Free Age 4-12, $2 Age 13-up $4
Following Christ: How to Become a Christian We joyfully share this information with you in anticipation of meeting you personally. Whether you are new to the community or have been here awhile, we have a place for you. But even more importantly, God has a place for you and wants to change your life! If you want to accept Christ as your Savior and have certainty of eternal life, then pray this prayer from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and have displeased You in many ways. I believe You died for my sin and only through faith in Your death and resurrection can I be forgiven. I want to turn from my sin and ask you to come into my life as my Savior and Lord. From this day on, I will follow You by living a life that pleases You. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for saving me. Amen.” After you have received Jesus Christ into your life, tell a Christian friend about the important decision you have made. Follow Christ in believer’s baptism and church membership. Grow in faith and enjoy new friends in Christ by becoming part of His church and attending the Bible study class the church has just for you. You’ll find others who will love and support you.