A message from Stephen Vincini, Agency Division President
I want to take a moment to thank all of you for the incredible hard work and dedication you’ve shown this year. It’s been a long season, and just like the MLB teams battling it out in the playoffs, we’ve faced our share of ups and downs. But here’s the thing: we’ve made it through the tough innings, and now we’re in the bottom of the ninth, the pressure’s on, and this is where the magic happens. Just like in baseball, it’s not about how you start it’s about how you finish.
We’ve pushed through the challenges, adjusted our game plan, and kept our focus. Now, as we approach the final stretch of the year, it’s our time to swing for the fences. The best teams step up when it matters most, and I know we’ve got that same grit and determination. So, let’s make this push to the finish line fun, let’s stay hungry, and give it everything we’ve got. Every play matters, and we’ve got the talent to close this out strong. Just like those playoff teams chasing the World Series, let’s go out there and show everyone what we’re made of!"
We’re pleased to welcome sales team members who have joined First American’s Agency Division recently. Thank you for being part of our team – we’re glad you’re here!
Reminder - Developed and enhanced for internal purposes only, this platform serves as your primary information source for products and services that support our sales teams, drive agent success, strengthen relationships, and grow First American market share.
Now available at Agency Sales Playbook (sharepoint.com)
To support our growth initiative to recruit new agents, we are pleased to announce that our Online Agent Application is now available! This new tool will enhance the customer experience, accelerate the application process, and offer tracking information to applicants.
It is essential that our sales team is fully informed and prepared to use this tool and share with prospects as they begin the process of becoming an agent for First American. Please reference the Agency Sales Playbook to familiarize yourself with the process and frequently asked questions.
Be sure to attend the October 18th session of “Secrets of AgentLinx” to learn more. You can also reference the previous session held on August 23rd.
Do you need guidance accessing AgentLinx on your mobile device?
Here are some tools to assist you:
PDF Instructions - How to Access AgentLinx (pages 4-9 review mobile access)
Video AgentLinx Secrets - Sales Secrets – Accessing AgentLinx on Mobile
For technical support contact agentlinx@firstam.com or open Case record type ‘AgentLinx Support’
- - - - - - Missed an episode of the Agency Insider?
Missed an episode? You can find all of our episodes here
Be sure to read all of our bi-weekly marketing updates in every Agency Insider email campaign which goes out every other Friday!
Have an idea for a future episode? We’d love your feedback!
Having the right people, in the right roles, focused on the right things, is how we will achieve our goals. This internal resource is here as your partner so you can focus on what you do best – Selling and Growing Market Share!
The ASO Team is currently supporting or being utilized as backup for all jurisdictions. This team specializes in providing support to help you navigate the OAM processes & procedures and case submissions, ensuring complete packages so there are minimal delays and timely approvals.
The support offered by the Agency Sales Operations Team continues to grow and evolve, with focus on complimenting your growth strategy efforts, all with our common goal of being THE preferred underwriter of choice for our Agent partners.
Here is where to find the team: AgencySales@firstam.com
The rules of the Firm Contact Role of Principal (Silent) have been updated in AgentLinx. The intent of the Principal (Silent) role is to stop mass email communication for Principals not involved in the day to day operations of the agency. Examples of excluded communications are firm license expiration notifications and Audit Reports. The Silent Principal will now also be excluded from Marketing Cloud which is utilized by Underwriting and other units.
Reps have the ability to change existing Principals over to the Principal (Silent) role by selecting the button on the Firm Contact Role record:
You will receive an error message when trying to switch the only active Principal over to Silent, as each Firm needs to have an active Principal of record.
In order to have the Silent Principal go back to a Principal, the standard OAM vetting process would apply by selecting the Send Vetted Role Survey button on the Firm Contact Role record:
The 2025 plan cycle for next year’s audits opened on Monday, October 14th and will run through Friday, November 8th. Please take this time to review your agents in AgentLinx and if necessary, make requests to add or remove them from the 2025 audit plan.
Please review Sales Secrets of AgentLinx -Annual Audit Planning if you have questions, you may also contact your Audit Analyst for assistance.
AgentNet Classic customers will be redirected to AgentNet Services beginning October 20th. Support your customers:
1. Direct them to on-demand courses available now on AgentNet Knowledge: AgentNet Services: Introduction & Basics
AgentNet Services: Accounting, Reporting, and Payments
2. Share this FAQ document.
3. Direct customers to the Agency Support Center to report any issues: agencysupport@firstam.com or 866-701-3361.
4. Update your Outlook signature here.
AgentNet Production Essentials (fka ANTE) users will default to the production dashboard beginning October 20th. Navigating to AgentNet Services can be accomplished through the App Launcher.
Tech on Deck (internal)
ALTA ONE recap and AgentNet Product Metrics
Monday, October 21 | 2:00 p.m. EDT
Be In the Know with AgentNet® Knowledge (internal)
Get the latest information to share with customers.
Thursday, Oct 24 | 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
How the new Underwriting Communication process works with AgentNet Knowledge
The Order Insights - AgentNet Knowledge relationship
Zip Files availability for Forms
Have content for AgentNet Knowledge? Send details on your upcoming event, recorded course, or other customer-facing resource content to agencycontent@firstam.com.
It has been fun and exciting to collaborate with the states and provide assistance with education and training requests! We wish to remind everyone that our content creators are dedicated to supporting you, ensuring that your educational preparation is both more straightforward and efficient. They are available at any time via email or phone and will be pleased to assist you.
Here are a few ways they can assist.
Research Topic
Draft outline for review and approval
Create initial PowerPoints
Obtain course accreditation in your state
Assisting with the final presentation in your desired format (live webinar, inperson seminar, self study)
Hosting webinars through GoTo Webinar
Providing voiceover recordings for your existing presentations
Submission of individual attendee continuing education credits
You can submit requests using our online Education Team Request Form which can be found in the Sales Playbook on the home screen under Resources and Links. By scrolling down, you will find the option “Submit Education Request.”
Our team has been diligently working to bring forth new and captivating learning opportunities. We are excited to announce the addition of new courses to AgentNet Knowledge, now accessible to you and your agents. AgentNet Knowledge is poised to be the ultimate hub for agent education, offering a diverse array of resources including underwriting content, self-paced learning, and options for live or webinar presentations. You can view all new state(s) available courses by accessing the AgentNet Knowledge New Courses link in the Sales Playbook AgentNet Knowledge New Courses.
Our education and training team has been established with the objective of streamlining and creating user-friendly processes, making interactions with our team as effortless as possible for all of you. We are continually evolving, engaging with each state to implement improvements. We eagerly anticipate continued collaboration with all of you!
For further assistance, please contact us via email at AgencyEducation@firstam.com.
Chelsea Sumrow, Chief Marketing Officer
Brand is often on my mind, even when I am not at work. But hang with me for a minute – I don’t mean the First American logo, even though we are 135-year-old company who has had the same logo for over 60 years! You might expect that we'd jump at a logo refresh, especially since our executive team wants to modernize the brand and emphasize innovation However, we took a different approach
Before any redesign, we needed to clearly define our identity, purpose, and unique qualities on paper I've always believed in a greater purpose at work beyond just earning a paycheck. When companies have a meaningful purpose, brand consistency becomes vital in delivering that message to customers, creating top-of-mind awareness and ultimately driving long-term revenue.
So, who are we really? Let’s dive in
At our core, we believe property ownership is the key to unlocking economic strength and growth. We also believe that everyone should enjoy the freedom to own property, and that the process of buying and selling a home should be simple and safe. These beliefs, or deep convictions, don’t actually set us apart from the competition – our behaviors do Beliefs guide an organization and are meant to draw people in to engage with the brand On the other hand, behaviors actually define an organization and encourage people to buy-in to what we believe This creates brand authenticity, so we hold true to who we say we are When we bring the brand to life consistently through our 16K+ employees, our customers see it, feel it, and then believe it. Our new Signature Behaviors that we launched internally in May guide us to the actions that make us truly special – it’s our people that make the difference for our customers.
First American delivers certainty and trust to power seamless real estate transactions Back to the beginning of this story though one of our goals was to bring innovation to the brand, but we can’t just say who we want to be We have to BE it. Did you notice that our purpose statement does not have the word innovation in it? We decided that the word “seamless” was the right choice to represent innovation, because it is the reason we want to be innovative in the first place. Innovation for the sake of something shiny and new doesn’t deliver value for our customers, but anything that creates a seamless experience for them is top priority for First American It’s who we are Dare I say, it’s in our DNA!
The First American brand serves as the trusted guide, leading our customers to move forward with confidence to whatever comes next for them. That’s all our customers really want - homeowners want the keys to their new house at closing, real estate agents want to get paid, and lenders want to know the deal is safe and secure. We combine the vision to see what’s next with 135 years of experience to know how to deliver on our promise
After we defined the meaning of the brand on paper, it was time to focus in on our visual system. Yes, a visual system includes the brand logo, but there is so much we can do to modernize the brand without even touching a single feather on our eagle. Our new visual identity from photography to typography reflects a modern First American, yet respects our storied past Will we change the logo or give the eagle a touchup in the future? Maybe But we ’ ve done so much to leverage brand in a new way by matching what we say to what we do
In summary, strong brands require focus. If the brand tries to be all things to all people, it won’t be remembered for anything at all. Think how powerful a large organization of people like us can be when we are all placing the customer at the center of what we do, bringing the brand to life through our intentional actions. So, while you might automatically think of a logo refresh when you hear the word brand (stay tuned!), we ' re already soaring high with a fresh look and feel that's all about delivering certainty and trust We are First American time-tested, forwardthinking, and customer-centric Together, we are not just a company; we are a movement Let’s go!
Have you checked out our new PPT templates and brand guide on FALive?
There are so many great business books and podcasts available, but which ones resonate with you?
Recommendation from Don Kennedy:
“It’s hard to narrow it down to one recommendation for a business podcast but in terms of entertainment value and leadership lessons I pick the Wall Street Journal’s “Bad Bets” series. It covers two monumental failures in leadership. First, the rise and fall of Enron and then the bizarre ascendance and collapse of Trever Milton and the electric truck company, Nikola. The common thread across the two stories is the profound arrogance and “fake it ‘til you make it” mentality of the business leaders involved.
Humility is an essential part of leadership and the people involved with Enron and Nikola lost sight of that principle in historical fashion. I hope you enjoy the podcast!”