April 2016
Volume LIX No. 4
’ R
By: Dr. Paul Baxley, Senior Minister
As April begins, Easter Sunday is behind us and we are fully in the Easter season! It is a !me not only to con!nue our celebra!on of Jesus’ resurrec!on, but also to rejoice in all the ways God brings new life to us individually and as a congrega!on. This month our congrega!on will be celebra!ng God’s work of resurrec!on and life in several ways. First, we will have opportunity on Sunday, April 3 to call a full !me minister of children, families and outreach. The search commi-ee elected to seek a candidate for this posi!on had a remarkable experience in their work together, and came to our Deacons March 21 with a clear, convicted and joyful recommenda!on. The Deacons affirmed their recommenda!on unanimously and energe!cally. On April 3, you will have a chance to meet our candidate and her husband and vote on this recommenda!on. Like the members of our search commi-ee, I am convinced that we have been prayerfully led to this recommenda!on and I believe this will mark a wonderful new beginning not only for our children and families, but also for our en!re congrega!on as we step confidently and joyfully into the next season of our life together. Throughout April, we will also be in the most significant por!on of our capital campaign, which has taken the theme Regenerate. We were led to this theme for so many reasons. It resounds powerfully with the !tle the late Ernie Hynds gave to his wonderful history of our church, which was Always Becoming New. The theme resonates with our Bap!st convic!on that churches are “regenerate,” meaning that the church is made up of people who are have professed faith in Christ and are con!nuing to be remade and renewed in his grace. And, even more powerfully, the theme is a tes!mony to the convic!on that we believe God is making us new, as a congrega!on and in our individual faith journeys.
(Pastor’s Reflections, continued on page 2)
A Congrega!onal Lunch is scheduled for Sunday, April 10 immediately a:er the worship service in the Fellowship Hall. The en!re congrega!on is invited and we hope that many will a-end. Please RSVP to the church office by Monday, April 4 at noon. See page 3 for more details.
Pastor’s Reflections, continued from page 1
M Paul Baxley Senior Minister
Frank Granger Minister of Christian Community
Randy Bri(ain
So our sermons in April will hold up four essen!al quali!es of God’s regenera!ve work in our lives, quali!es that we find in the Book of Acts. I will not only name those quali!es, but talk about how they are present in our life and how the proposed improvements to our facili!es will be-er posi!on us to live those quali!es out. Members of our church family will offer tes!monies about how they are experiencing God’s new life through our congrega!on, why they believe this campaign offers us a chance to take next steps in faithfulness, and why they plan to support it personally. All along the way, we will be praying about the commitments we will make on May 1.
Minister of Music
Brandon Pendry Minister of Youth and Mission
Amanda Lewis Minister of College Students
Anne Bri(ain Organist/Music Associate
Alan McArthur
We have already had a number of home gatherings in our campaign, and each of them have provided wonderful opportuni!es for reflec!on and discussion. I know you are praying seriously about what kind of financial commitment you are being called to make in this campaign. Jennifer and I have certainly been praying about our commitment for some !me and are preparing to make our pledge. Like the rest of you, our first commitment will be to con!nue our current level of support for our church’s mission and ministries. Then, we will commit to give an addi!onal amount over the next five years so that we do our part to helping our church make improvements to our facili!es that will enable us to even more faithfully be a thriving community in Christ where we all par!cipate in worship and are all transformed by mission.
Jon Appleton Pastor Emeritus
Throughout this campaign, as we worship and pray, as we gather as a community, we will con!nue to see signs of God’s new life breaking out in our midst. I look forward to sharing this season of Easter with you!
CONGREGATION TO VOTE ON SEARCH As previously announced through other church communica!ons, the congrega!on will be called into conference at the close of worship on Sunday, April 3 to vote on the unanimous and enthusias!c recommenda!on of the search commi-ee and Deacons regarding the call of a Minister of Children, Families and Outreach. This coming Sunday, Rev. Janet Cleland and her husband will be present for a breakfast gathering before Sunday School at 8:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. She will share some of her faith story and you will have opportuni!es to get to know her. She will also share in worship leadership on the morning of April 3. You have also received detailed biographical informa!on through other announcements about our candidate. Please be present on April 3 to par!cipate in the final stage of this call process and the first step in the service of a new minister in the life of our congrega!on. 2
Please welcome our newest class of Deacons for FBC. The following members will begin serving a three-year term on September 1, 2016. Steve Barton Marcia Caskey Kathy Coleman Leslie Gordon Debbie Hargrave Cindy Haygood Wayne Hogan Julie Jenkins Doug Mar!n Wayne Rogers Mark Sanders VI Fred Young
Capital Campaign Officially Under Way PRIORITIZE: Evaluate all the ways you invest your financial resources. What priority should your church and its ministry have at this !me? How does your gi: represent sacrifice for you and your family? COMMIT: Trust God to sustain you in your giving decision, just as you trusted God to lead you in making this decision. Give the gi: amount that has meaning and value for you.
The REGENERATE Capital Campaign was presented to the congrega!on on February 14, and campaign materials were distributed on February 21 and 28. During March members were invited to meet in small groups in homes and at the church to share informa!on, fellowship and prayer. Our hope for the campaign is to fully fund a list of projects that when completed will (1) enhance the experiences we have in worship, ministry, missions, and vision; and (2) take care of the facili!es which allow us to carry out our mission as a church.
“Everyone must make up their mind as to how much they should give. Don’t force anyone to give more than they really want to, for cheerful givers are the ones God prizes.” (Alt. II Corinthians, 9:7)
The following items will be funded by our campaign: • • • • • •
WHAT IS MY PART? Our REGENERATE capital campaign is seeking gi:s and commitments to give that are “over and above” the members’ regular giving that supports the annual ministry plan. How does a person or family decide on what amount they will give? A story comes to mind.
Sanctuary PlaKorm and Organ facade redesign HVAC Upgrades for En!re Facility Founda!on repairs Renova!ons of all three floors of facility Audio Visual upgrades for Educa!onal Spaces
ADVANCE COMMITMENT LUNCH Would you like to make your commitment early in order to inspire the congrega!on to generous giving? A lunch is scheduled for Sunday, April 10 immediately a:er the worship service in the Fellowship Hall. The en!re congrega!on is invited and we hope that many will a-end. A:er ea!ng lunch with their parents, children will be cared for in the children’s area during the brief program. The program will consist of a fuller explana!on of Advance Commitments, the different ways that gi:s can be given in the campaign and the handing out of commitment cards with privacy envelopes. You will not be expected to complete a commitment card at the lunch, though you may do so if you already know what your gi: will be. Contact Heather Swank (heather@firstbap!stathens.org) by noon on April 4 to RSVP for the lunch and program. HOW WILL YOU DECIDE? All of us will be asked to make our own giving decisions and to do so prayerfully, thoughKully and cheerfully. These kinds of decisions are best made over a period of !me rather than instantly at one !me. So, how to proceed? The following is a guide to making your or your family’s giving decision. PRAY: Seek God’s leadership in determining the specific amount God would have you give. Pray individually and with your family, or a close friend. DISCUSS: With your family or a friend, talk about your prayer experiences regarding your gi:. How much is God leading you to give? How can you give that amount?
During one church’s capital campaign, a member came up to the pastor on Sunday and said, “I have already decided on my campaign gi:. Here, I brought it with me and I hope it is the right amount.” As an envelope was handed to the pastor, he replied, “I am sure it is the right gi: if it represents you.” The member then paused and took back the envelope saying, “I will have to think about that some more.” The next Sunday the member again approached the pastor and said, “Pastor, here is my campaign gi:. I hope it is the right amount.” The pastor replied again, “I am sure it is the right gi: if it represents you.” The member, looking a li-le frustrated, took back at the envelope and said, “Well I really do have to think about this and I might as well pray about it too.” On the third Sunday the member came up to the pastor, handed him an envelope and said, “Pastor, here is my gi: and believe me, this gi: represents me!” Deciding to give an “over and above” gi: is a challenging process. It requires thought and prayer and finally ac!on. No effort will be made to tell any person what he or she should commit. There are, however, some ques!ons that might be helpful in determining one’s part. • “Have I asked God to direct my decision?” • “Does this amount give an accurate reflec!on of who I am and what my resources are?” • “How does this amount represent sacrifice for me?” Continued on Page 4
Continued from Page 3
Your Commitment To regenerate with one’s campaign commitment means considering a gi: that has significance and meaning for the giver. It is a gi: that touches one’s life. It is a gi: that includes “some pinch” in one’s lifestyle. Most of all, it is a gi: that deepens a person’s trust in God for daily living in all its richness. In order to reach our $5 million goal, our gi:s must be over and above our normal !thes and offerings. We will not be successful by cuUng or spliUng our current giving in order to give for the renova!on. We must truly trust God with our giving and our living. Do I really need to use a commitment card as long as I intend to give? The commitment card is neither a legal document nor an a-empt to coerce. Our church is involved in a very large financial endeavor. We must be wise in our planning. The total from completed commitment cards will provide our church leaders with an accurate projec!on of our cash flow over the next few years. This is valuable and necessary informa!on. By comple!ng a card, you are rendering a great service to your church.
• • •
April 6: Generosity: Biblical and Theological Founda-ons, Led by Ruben Swint, our campaign consultant and long-!me friend of our congrega!on
Open Sanctuary for Medita!on and Prayer: Sunday mornings in April / 9:00 — 9:30a.m. Prayer Guide – “Reflec!ons from the Future – Children, Youth, and College Students”: Available now Study on Generosity: Wednesday Nights in April A Bookmark to serve as a reminder to be in prayer. A Steward of Generosity is . . . Moments: An opportunity for a brief message and reflec!on in adult Sunday school classes each Sunday in April.
April 13: Generosity: Spiritual Implica-ons, Led by MaDuVall, member of First Bap!st Church Athens April 20: Generosity: Prac-cal Ways to Prac-ce and Par-cipate, Co-Led by Steve Barton and Rick Dawson, both members of First Bap!st Church Athens
April 3 —Campaign Sunday #1 with Sermon and Tes!mony April 10 — Campaign Sunday #2 with Sermon and Tes!mony April 10 — Advance Commitment Lunch April 17 — Campaign Sunday #3 with Sermon and Tes!mony April 24 — Campaign Sunday #4 with Sermon and Tes!mony April 24 — Announcement of Advance Commitments May 1 — Making It New Event with Commitment Worship Service May 15 — Beginning of Five-Year Campaign Giving
• • •
• • •
A gi: of cash that is in addi!on to regular !thes and offerings A five-year commitment to give cash over and above !thes and offerings Stocks, mutual funds, and bonds. Gi:s of appreciated financial assets may provide you with tax savings. Check with your financial advisor. Paid up life insurance policy. Personal property that you sell and give the proceeds to the church. Gi: of land or real estate with clear !tle and no environmental hazard. Gi:s in Kind of materials or services that meet building code requirements and the architect’s specifica!ons. >
Worker appreciaIon Thank you to everyone who has already given !me, energy, talents, and prayers to help our church have the best campaign possible. The work of a campaign is huge and diverse. The talents in our congrega!on are being used in a coordinated way to produce a result pleasing to God and sa!sfying to us. All who have contributed to these ends are greatly appreciated.
Q. What is the purpose of the commitment cards? A. Our church is facing a very large financial endeavor. To use our financial resources wisely we must have an accurate indica!on of our cash flow for the immediate future. Completed commitment cards enable our church leaders to make wise decisions. Q. When do commitments begin? A. We are asking everyone to give something of their 3year commitment on First Fruits Sunday, May 15, 2016.
FAQ Q. How can I know what to commit? A. The key ingredients of a worthy commitment are prayer, sacrifice, and faith. These are three guideposts that can lead you to the right decision. Q. When and where will commitments be made? A. You will receive a commitment card and privacy envelope in the mail, or at the Advance Commitment Lunch. Most members will complete their cards prior to the “Making It New” event and the Commitment Service on May 1 and turn them in during the Commitment Service. The cards can also be mailed to or brought to the church.
Q. I don’t know the future, what if I can’t fulfill my commitment? A. You are right. None of us know the future. We ask only that you pray and let God lead you to a sacrificial Q. How should I give my offerings over the next five commitment. If your circumstances change, you can revise years? your commitment accordingly. This is an invita!on to A. That is your decision. Many people will give weekly or faith and commitment. monthly, and others will give quarterly or annually. Q. Will my commitment remain confidenIal? A. Yes! As with all church receipts, commitments will be confiden!al.
Q. Can I give something other than cash? A. There can be significant tax benefits to giving property, stocks, bonds, or other appreciated assets. You are encouraged to ask your financial advisor what will be best for you.
Five Year Giving Period Beginning May 15, 2016. To Raise $5,000,000 GIFTS
$ 1,000,000
$ 500,000
$ 250,000
$ 125,000
< 5,000
During the month of April, Regenerate Bracelets will be distributed on Sunday mornings to encourage thoughKul considera!on, prayer, and remembrance for our Capital Campaign. We encourage you to wear these bracelets throughout the campaign. Our children will be receiving their bracelets during the Sunday School hour.
MISSION NEWS Adult Mission Trip Scheduled
Camp Hawkins Mt. Airy, GA
This year’s Adult Mission Trip on June 28—July 3 will be lending a hand at Camp Hawkins in Mt Airy, GA. Adult members are invited to par!cipate by joining the mission trip, dona!ng items, or simply keeping this vital ministry in your prayers.
What is it? Camp Hawkins is a summer residential camp for youth ages 8-21 coping with varying developmental disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorders, Learning disorders, Autism, brain injuries and/or other developmental delays.
We ask that you please pray for the ministry of Camp Hawkins, the volunteers, the campers, their families, and the camp staff. We are also seeking the following items for the 25 goody bags we plan to deliver. Please consider dona!ng: bo-led water, gum, granola bars, mints, candy, !ssues, or any pre-packaged snacks. Please no items with nuts.
Why it matters. With recent statistics showing there are more than 4,000 special needs children in Georgia, Camp Hawkins provides an invaluable service to many families across the state. At Camp Hawkins, campers have the opportunity to swim, canoe, and participate in variety shows, arts and crafts, Bible Study and "Messy Games."
We are also seeking dona!ons for Camp supplies. Please consider giving Baby Wipes (fragrance free), Ziploc bags (2 gallon, 1 gallon and sandwich size), Trash bags (13 gallon and 39 gallon), Latex free sterile gloves (medium and large), Laundry detergent (HE, dye free, fragrance free), food for snacks and desserts (pound cakes, brownies, cookies and cupcakes, all nutfree).
This time away allows some of these children and their families to experience the love of the God who created them in God’s own image. By participating, we get a chance to experience God’s grace and share the Christ’s love in new ways!
What you can do… Pray Visit Go Donate Contact Brandon Pendry for more information (Brandon@firstbaptistathens.org).
Mission Notes Over the Edge Please consider suppor!ng Owen Young, FBC member and UGA student who is willing to repel off the S.P.A.R.C. building to raise funds for IHN. The goal is to raise $1000. There are two ways to donate: 1. Online at www.firstbap!stathens.org/OTE 2. Submit a check payable to FBC with “OTE Owen Young in the memo line. To date we have raised $536 towards the goal. Please make your dona!on today!
Volunteers Needed • •
Volunteers are needed to help serve at the Emergency Food Bank on April 12, 13, and 27. Volunteers are also needed daily for Our Daily Bread.
Sign up for either online or on the mission board in the hallway. 6
Sisters on a Mission
Serving at FBC
On Monday, April 11, Sisters on a Mission with gather in the FBC Fellowship Hall to assemble 200 Hygiene Kits. Women from Ebenezer West Bap!st Church will join the effort and all will enjoy a meal together.
On the FIRST and LAST Sundays of every month, a mission team member will be in the main hallway to help you sign up to serve with FBC’s mission partners. Make sure you engage your faith in 2016!
COMMUNITY NEWS Baby Shower for Pendry’s
Please mark your calendars and join us for a CHURCH-WIDE BABY SHOWER for Brandon and Stacey Pendry on Sunday, April 3, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Parents of FBCAthens Youth are sponsoring the shower in the fellowship hall. Should you wish to bring a gi:, the Pendrys are registered at Target and Babies R Us. All are welcome! No RSVP
3 youth D 10 youth D 17 Volleyball & Cook Out 24 youth D Mission Trip REQUIRED Meetings 5/1
7pm, following Youth
Mark your calendars and look for trip info in mail!
ST V T We extend our Chris!an love and sympathy to: • Alison Gross in the loss of her aunt, Melanie Sloan McCarthy of Virginia on February 25, 2016 •Emily Bailey in the loss of her father, Marion Earl Bailey, on March 2, 2016. Congratula!ons to • Wilson and Nancy Denney on the birth of their granddaughter, Sawyer Ruth Denney, who was born January 28, 2016. Sawyer is the daughter of Aus!n and Erica Denney. • Pam and Greg Bickley on the birth of a grandson, Maxton Eugene Bickley, on March 4, 2016 to Ma-hew and Andrea Bickley and he joins big brother, Adrian.
W[\]^_` Gabcd eb afgb_hf_f The Recrea!on Team invites you to join in Fitness and Fellowship star!ng Sunday, April 10. The Walking Group is for all ages and fitness levels and will walk 1— 1.5 miles. Meet outside the Fanning Foyer on Sunday evenings from 6:00 — 7:00 p.m. The Walking Group will be facilitated by facilitated by Debbie Hargrave and Stacey Pendry. Don’t forget your water bo-le!
The March 10th trip to the Biblical Center and Museum, Lagrange, sponsored by the 50+ Team was fantas!c according to the 34 First Bap!st friends who a-ended. The museum, tour of the replicas of early biblical city/ countryside and the biblical meal presented a good insight into what life was like in Jerusalem during Jesus' !me.
The College Group enjoyed an evening of Fellowship and compe!!on at Showcase Bowling earlier in the month, then helped ďŹ ll and hide the Easter Eggs for our Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Annual Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday.
A rainy Easter didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t dampen the spirits of FBC members who gathered in worship at 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to celebrate Jesusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Resurrec!on.
Mission Kids helped to prepare for the Regenerate Campaign. Pictured here are a few of our young members decora!ng piggy banks to save money to donate to the campaign.
The Virginia Appleton Circle delivered Easter Treats to the residents of Denny Towers just before Holy Week. 9
CONTRIBUTIONS Received week of March 6 Received week of March 13 Received week of March 20
JOIN US FOR WORSHIP IN APRIL Sunday, April 3, 2016 Sermon: Regenerate: God’s Persistent Ini!a!ve Texts: Isaiah 43:14-21, Acts 2:1-21, Revela!on 2:1-6 Sunday, April 10, 2016 Sermon: Regenerate: Prac!cing Generosity Texts: Acts 2:42-47, 4:32-37 Sunday, April 17, 2016 Sermon: Regenerate: Recovering Sight Texts: Acts 9:1-20 Sunday, April 24, 2016 Sermon: Regenerate: Cul!va!ng Agility Texts: Acts 11:1-18
$25,098.34 $14,142.28 $17,918.64
YTD February 28, 2016 Needed $184,000.00 Received $172,346.78 Expenses $182,965.23 Balance (10,618.45)
Submit items for inclusion in the May edi!on of FBC news by noon on April 21.
WEDNESDAY MENUS Adults $7.00; Children $3.50 April 6 Hot Meal: Children: April 13 Hot Meal: Children: April 20 Hot Meal: Dessert Children: April 27 Hot Meal: Children:
Turkey and Gravy, Rice or Dressing, Broccoli, Fruit, Rolls, Dessert Hot Dog and Tater Tots
Co-Deacons for the Weeks of: April 3-9: April 10– 16: April 17—23: April 24-30:
Oven Fried Chicken, Squash Casserole, Green Beans, Fruit Salad, Biscuit, Dessert Pizza
Phyllis and Don Nelson Milton and Helen Mills Evelyn Martin, Ray Noblet Robin O’Rear, Lori Ragsdale
Fellowship Team for April
Oven Fried Pork Chops, Cabbage, Stewed Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cornbread,
Dallas Cannady, Carol Reddish, Kim Rogers, Beth Sanders
Jerry Gouge, Carl Hedrick, Jimmy Thomason, Milton Mills, Randan Ashmore, Steve Smith
Chicken Fingers, Macaroni and Cheese, Broccoli Spears, Fruit Cup, Breads!cks, Dessert Hot Meal
Welcome Center Team
Usher Team for April
April 3 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: April 10 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: April 17 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: April 24 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer:
There is also a Salad Bar Op/on with Baked Irish or Sweet Potato. Make reserva-ons and view supper menus on the church website. You may also call the church office to make or change exis-ng reserva-ons.
Farrall-Hynds Circle meets Tuesday, April 5 at 10 am in the Joe Callaway room at church. Patsy Hogan and Nancy Dempsy are hostesses.
Wanda Grogan, Al Henderson Teresa Granger, Chris!ne Lo Becky Adams, Stacey Pendry Bobbie and Carl Monk Teresa Granger, Chris!ne Lo Wanda Grogan, Al Henderson Bobbie and Carl Monk Becky Adams, Stacey Pendry
CounIng Commi(ee: April 3: April 10: April 17: April 24:
The 50+ Team will meet on Thursday, April 7, at 10:30 a.m. in the Aderhold-Farrall Sunday School Room. Please join the 50+Team for a guided tour followed by a demonstra!on of container gardening at Goodness Grows, 332 Elberton Rd., Lexington, GA on April 21. We will meet in the front parking lot at the Walmart on Lexington Road at 9:30 a.m. and depart 9:45 a.m. We can carpool or travel separately to arrive for 10:00 a.m. tour. 10
Randan Ashmore, Alan Reddish Steve Barton, Ray Noblet Brad Las!nger, Lewis Shropshire Joyce Fleeman, Dallas Cannady
Extended Session: April 3: April 10: April 17: April 24:
Colin & Katrina Law Anna & Jeff Randa Susan & Wes Hogan Caroline & Ma- DuVall
28 27 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities
26 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
25 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting
24 Sunday Worship and Activities 9:00 a.m. Sanctuary Open for prayer and meditation 4:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
21 12:00 noon Newsletter Deadline
20 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities
19 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
18 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting 6:00 p.m. Deacons Meeting
17 Sunday Worship and Activities 8:45 a.m. Mission Team Meeting 9:00 a.m. Sanctuary Open for prayer and meditation
Sunday Schedule Coffee, Donuts Sunday School Worship Youth Ac!vi!es Adult Handbell Choir College Bible Study
15 9:00 a.m. Samaritan Counseling
9:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
7 10:30 a.m. 50+ Team Mtg.
13 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities 5:15 p.m. Finance Committee 5:15 p.m. Property Mgt. Committee
12 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
11 10:00 a.m. AIM Board Meeting 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting 4:00 p.m. Sisters on a Mission
10 Sunday Worship and Activities 9:00 a.m. Sanctuary Open for prayer and meditation 12:00 noon Advance Commitment Lunch
6 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities
5 10:00 a.m. Farrall-Hynds Circle 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop
4 10:00 a.m. Embroiderer’s Guild 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting
3 Sunday Worship and Activities 8:30 a.m. Nominating Committee 8:45 a.m. Congregational Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Sanctuary Open for prayer and meditation 2:00 p.m. Baby Shower for Pendry’s
APRIL 2016
30 3:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday Schedule 5:00 –5:45 p.m. Wednesday Dinner 5:45 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:00—6:50 p.m. Adult Discipleship 6:00—7:15 p.m. Youth Ac!vi!es 6:00 p.m. College Ac!vi!es 6:30 p.m. Mission Kids 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir
First Baptist Church (USPS 193-040) 355 Pulaski Street Athens, Ga 30601