August 2016 full color

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August 2016

Volume LIX No. 7

P ’ R

By: Dr. Paul Baxley, Senior Minister

The summer months have brought wonderful opportuni es for worship, ministry and mission in the life of our church, and I hope and pray they have also oered mes for rest, relaxa on and renewal for you. As August begins, we look not only to the beginning of a new school year, but also to several “new beginningsâ€? in the life of our church family. I want to use this space to highlight just a few! The ďŹ rst Sunday of August will bring Janet Cleland’s ďŹ rst sermon as our Minister of Children, Families and Outreach. She joined our ministerial sta at the end of June and has been hard at work with our lay leadership developing plans for our ministries with children and families in the coming months. I look forward to being in worship that morning and hearing her preach, and I hope you will do the same! That morning we will also celebrate communion, so it will be a wonderful service of worship. (Pastor’s Reflections, continued on page 2)

Talking with Children about DiďŹƒcult Social Issues

Sunday, August 28 4:30 p.m. Led by Rev. Janet Cleland Please call the church oďŹƒce or sign up online no later than Monday, August 22. Details on page 4.

Pastor’s Reflections, continued from page 1

M Paul Baxley Senior Minister

Frank Granger Minister of Christian Community

Randy Bri ain

August 21 brings our annual First Sunday! Following worship that day, we will share a covered dish meal in Fellowship Hall. The church will provide chicken and beverages, but all of us need to bring side dishes and desserts so that there is plenty of food for all who come. During morning worship on First Sunday, we will ordain four church members to serve as Deacons. The act of ordina on will be a powerful new beginning in each of their lives!

Minister of Music

Brandon Pendry Minister of Youth and Mission

Janet Cleland Minister of Children, Families and Outreach

Amanda Lewis Minister of College Students

Anne Bri ain Organist/Music Associate

Alan McArthur

And, on First Sunday my sermon will be the ďŹ rst in a series of sermons, studies and conversa ons that will last un l late October. Elsewhere in this newsle;er you can read more about our series Let’s Talk: Seeking Faithfulness, Engaging Our World. There is even more informa on available on our church website, and a thorough series introduc on will be oered on Wednesday, August 17. Please pray for this Let’s Talk emphasis and plan to par cipate fully.


Jon Appleton Pastor Emeritus

As summer ends, a new school year begins and we celebrate the beginning of a new academic year in our church’s ministry and mission endeavors, I hope you will plan to be in worship each week and par cipate fully in our life together. I look forward to seeing you soon!

NEXT STEPS TOWARD RENOVATION OF CHURCH FACILITIES At their July mee ng, the Deacons of First Bap st Church unanimously approved a recommenda on from the Master Planning Commi;ee regarding next steps toward the renova ons and possible expansion of our church facility based on the phase one proposal approved by the congrega on last fall. During June and early July, the Master Planning Commi;ee received revised renova on and expansion cost es mates from Van Winkle Construc on Company as part of their preconstruc on services. That review led to the conclusion that in order to seek formal bids for work and eventually obtain permits, it is necessary to authorize CDH Partners to produce ďŹ nal construc on documents. Once those ďŹ nal construc on documents are produced by our architects, Van Winkle would use them in a compe ve bid process to establish a ďŹ rm budget for our project. Then the Master Planning Commi;ee, in consulta on with the leadership of the Finance Commi;ee and the Capital Campaign Steering Commi;ee, could bring a ďŹ nal recommenda on on how to proceed ďŹ rst to the Deacons and then to the Congrega on. So the Master Planning Commi;ee asked the Deacons to authorize CDH Partners to produce the level of architectural documents required for seeking bids, obtaining permits, and establishing ďŹ nal project budgets. The Deacons unanimously oered that authoriza on. As we move further into fall, more updates will be provided, and as soon as possible a metable for ďŹ nal considera on and ac on will be released. Please pray for this process that now enters its most cri cal stage.


R D C ;> D U>E

On May 15 we formally began the giving period for our Regenerate Capital Campaign with our First Fruits Sunday in worship. So we are very pleased to announce that as of July 19, 2016 the balance of funds available in the Regenerate Capital Campaign account were in excess of $425,000 and contribu ons con nue to come in steadily. This is a wonderful beginning toward paying the pledges received to date, which are just underneath $2.7 million. Though the giving period for the campaign lasts un l May 2021, giIs received during this ďŹ rst year are par cularly beneďŹ cial in helping us plan for the work. Please con nue to make contribu ons to Regenerate as you are able. If you have not yet pledged but would like to do so, we can s ll receive commitments to the campaign and also giIs that are not pledged. And, please remember that our giIs to Regenerate need to be above and beyond our ongoing commitment to the church’s mission and ministries.

C9: 9 F ; < N = S<;> 9< We extend our Chris an love and sympathy to: • Cheri Rose and her family in the passing of her mother, Sharon Shull, on June 27, 2016. • Be y Woolbright and her family in the loss of her sister Leesha Cox on June 27, 2016. • Steve Smith and his family in the loss of his mother, Jane P. Smith, on July 9, 2016. N = B A< Congratula ons to Brent and Lucy Ullrich on the birth of their son, Arthur Pound Ullrich, on May 4, 2016. His proud grandparents are Andy and Debbie Ullrich. Congratula ons to Gaines and Jana Hill on the birth of their daughter, Nora Marie, on June 29, 2016. Her proud grandparents are Bert and Joanna Hill and Gary and Donna Young. N = M ;A Please join us in welcoming the newest members of our church family: • Jimmie Hawes • Janet and Mike Cleland • Sam and Stacy Pardue A N T9 C I would like to express my overwhelming gra%tude to the First Bap%st Church family for your prayers and expressions of love and concern during my mother’s illness and passing. I will always cherish the kindness you have extended to my family and me in our %me of grief. With love, Cheri Rose



C D F 9 : , D D D : W E T*+ S+,-+. /+0-1. -1 A303.4 By now you may have heard about our fall series of sermons, Bible Studies and conversa ons Let’s Talk: Seeking Faithfulness, Engaging Our World. Our Deacons received a full presenta on about the series in late June, and those present for our July 13 Wednesday Night meal learned about the series there. You can learn more about this emphasis by visi ng the church website (www.ďŹ rstbap or by a;ending the detailed series introduc on that will take place on Wednesday, August 17, following our ďŹ rst Wednesday night meal of the new academic year.

Muslims Believe.â€? That will be the only adult discipleship op on oered in the ďŹ rst few weeks of the new year. *On Sunday aIernoon, August 28, Rev. Janet Cleland will lead a Sunday aIernoon/early evening seminar on the topic: “Talking with Children about DiďŹƒcult Social Issues.â€? The seminar will begin at 4:30 PM and conclude at 7:00 PM. Dinner will be served at a cost of $7 for adults and $3.50 for children and childcare will be provided. To make your reserva on for dinner or childcare, you will need to call the church oďŹƒce or sign up online no later than Monday, August 22.

Let’s Talk is being designed to give our church family a chance to explore the challenging ques ons of our me Join us in August as we begin our emphasis Let’s Talk: from the perspec ve of Scripture and Chris an faith. As Seeking Faithfulness, Engaging our World. we enter this series, we will not be seeking to establish answers for our en re congrega on, rather we will be seeking to provide space where honest and faithful conversa ons can be had in a way that reects the Spirit of Christ and strengthens our unity as a church family.

Adult Sunday School Teacher & Leader Retreat Teaching Biblical Faith, Building Community

In September and October, our Sunday sermons will pose a dierent ques on for reec on and discussion each week. But before we turn to challenging ques ons related to interfaith rela onships, security, marriage and sexual orienta on (among others), we want to spend August preparing for our conversa ons. Here are the opportuni es as we enter these weeks of prepara on

Saturday, August 27 9:00 am – 1:00 pm First Bap st Fellowship Hall R L E : F C G D

*On Wednesday Evening, August 17, we will oer a complete introduc on to Let’s Talk, not only including the basic informa on that is currently available online, but also new informa on about conversa on groups, Sunday seminars, and opportuni es to hear from each other. So even if you were present on July 13, there will be good reason to join us August 17

All of our Adult Sunday School teachers and leaders – including our class leaders, community leaders, and care leaders — are invited to come together for our annual retreat. Frank Granger will be leading this year’s session. Our Schedule: 9:00: Arrival & Light Breakfast 9:25: Scripture and Prayer 9:40 – 10:45: Session I 10:45 – 11:00: Break 11:00 – 12:15: Session II 12:15 – 12:30: Closing Worship 12:30 – 1:00: Lunch

*Our sermons August 21, 28 and September 4 will set the stage for the discussions we will have beginning on Sunday, September 11. You can see a schedule for the August sermons elsewhere in this newsle;er *On three consecu ve Wednesday evenings beginning August 24, Dr. Rob Nash (Associate Dean of McAfee School of Theology and Professor of Global Chris anity and Chris an Mission) will make presenta ons on “What

Please RSVP to the church oďŹƒce, or by e-mail to heather@ďŹ


Children Discovering God!

By: Janet Cleland, Minister of Children, Families, and Outreach

I have so loved beginning ministry here at First Bap st! The first week I had so much fun going to Passport Camp with our elementary children. What a great me of learning how precious we are in God’s eyes! Our children were amazing as they all got along so well and cared for one another. They especially were great the day we had to move from one dorm to another! They did a great job packing up, aIer they had just unpacked! They all pitched in and helped and we made the move in record me! The best part was the pizza party we had that night that the camp gave them for being such good sports! Our theme for the week was “This Wild Life”, so what will we do with this one wild and precious life? The theme verse for the week was: “. . . I came so that everyone would have life and have it to its fullest.” (John 10:10b) Each day our children experienced morning devo ons, a celebra on me, Bible Study and a variety of elec ve ac vi es, prayer, missions and worship. Our mission emphasis was Bali and the children got to experience life in Bali one evening as they wandered through the Bali mission market. The last evening featured a talent show, which was filled with so many talented children! A huge thank you to Frank Granger and Emily Bailey who accompanied us to camp and did such a great job chaperoning! Thank you to all the parents who entrusted us with their precious children and to all our children who were so amazing to be with! Then one week later I had the privilege of experiencing “A Whole Lo;a Drumming” in our fine arts camp! So many musical experiences for our children, so much drumming! So many talented musical guests who gave concerts and so many talented teachers who led workshops! So many leaders who guided our children through each day! So many amazing children who a;ended and par cipated in our workshops and concerts! Thank you Teresa Granger for your leadership in puSng all this together! Thank you to all the workshop leaders and leaders who guided our children! This does not happen without your giI of service! Thank you to all the parents who allowed us to drum with their children and to all the children who par cipated and made it so much fun! You may be thinking, “boy she must be bored these days aIer all that camp!” Not so! Many, many, many exci ng things to come!

Children’s Ministry Dates to Note: •

Sunday, August 7: Promo on Sunday Children move up to their next grade

Sunday, August 7: Children’s Ministry Parent Breakfast at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, August 17: First Wednesday Kick off for Music and Missions Youth and Adults: Introduc on to “Let’s Talk”

Sunday, August 21: First Sunday

Sunday, August 28: Sunday Seminar “Talking with Children about Difficult Social Issues?”


C9 E ’ C9 K C- Our FBC Athens Children’s Choirs will begin the 2016-17 choir year with a Choir Kick-O Event on Wednesday evening, August 17 at 5:45 in the children’s choir rooms. This year our theme is tled, “Be Strong in the Lordâ€? and is based on the scripture passage from Ephesians 6:10. The songs and the musical ac vi es that the children will experience in children’s choir this year will reinforce the scriptural truths of having courage, being pa ent, enduring hardships without giving up, loving God, and experiencing God’s grace. At FBC Athens we have children’s choirs available for children ages 3 through sixth grade. Our children’s choirs are divided into three age groups. They are: Brownie Bears: Ages 3 through Pre-K Music Makers: Kindergarten, First and Second Grade Children Joyful Singers: Third, Fourth, FiIh, and Sixth Grade Children If you have any ques ons regarding your child’s par cipa on in one of the choirs, please contact Teresa Granger who coordinates the children’s choirs at FBC Athens. Looking forward to August 17.

T9 C : VBS V :

Have You Heard? . . . Vaca on Bible School was wonderful this year. The children learned about Jesus as a shepherd who loves them, cares for them, listens to them, and calls them. This week was such a good experience of learning and joy because of the many adults and youth who volunteered to lead our children. Below you will see the people who helped, and where they shared their giIs. We especially oer our thanks to Susan Hogan and Trish Hogan who provided direc on, and daily leadership, to our week of Vaca on Bible School. Directors: Trish Hogan & Susan Hogan Elementary (Grade 1 – Grade 6) Opening/Worship: Frank Granger, Paul Baxley; Bible Story: Anna Randa; CraIs: Deborah Millians; Music: Margaret McDonald; Recrea on: Brandon Pendry Preschool: Gathering Time: Kathryn Fountain; Centers: Nancey Lee Wilbanks, Trish Hogan, Susan Hogan; Read Aloud Transi on: Frank Granger, Paul Baxley, Janet Cleland Music: Charlo;e House Shepherds: Emily Bailey, Livy Baxley, Hollin Hargrave, Paige Hilley, Georgia Hogan, Emma Hopper, Julie Jenkins, Colin Law, Brianna Mar n, Ethan Mar n, Laura Mar n, Yerahm Hong, Rebecca Williamson, Zeke Williamson Snack: Jennifer & Craig Ellis, Tom Brown RegistraXon: Carol Reddish


N = ; 9 Y : 9 R ;

A<: B E P E <, M Y : 9 E M

As our church begins working through culturally sensi ve and very important conversa ons in worship this fall, I want to tackle many of the same issues with our teenagers and families. So beginning on Sunday night, August 21, we will walk together through the series Let’s Talk: Seeking faithfulness, Engaging Our World that will be the topic for Paul’s sermons during the fall. Our Sunday evenings will tackle subjects such as immigra on, security, human rela onships and human sexuality. As we explore these topics, we will do it with one ques on always guiding our conversa on — Jesus’ ques on to the disciples and to us, “Who do you say that I am?â€? When we gather on August 21 for worship and later that evening for our annual me to kick-o the Youth year, we will explore Jesus’ ques on and begin our process of seeking faithfulness and engaging our world together. Logis cally, there will be some Sunday evenings where parents will be invited to join the youth for special conversa ons, guests or unique experiences. These evenings will include a shared meal. My plan is to have one such evening each month for the dura on of the series. As we enter into this exci ng and important season together, please be in prayer for our church, our world and your own families. If you have ques ons or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.

August Youth Calendar HIghlights Youth & Parent Fall Kick-O

Wednesday Nights

Sunday, August 21 5:00 -6:00 p.m. Youth Room Come learn about what we’ll be doing on Sunday and Wednesday nights, sign-up for retreats, and get informa%on on long-term youth plans including next summer’s Interna%onal Mission Trip to Slovakia!

Wednesdays in Youth Area 6:00 -7:15p.m. C.O.W. (Christ on Wednesday). Churchwide dinner is served at 5:00 p.m. Youth sit together! AIerwards, we read some stu Jesus said and apply it to our lives. And we chill. And we Pong.


Let’s Talk: ChrisXanity and Islam Sunday, August 28 6:00-8:00 p.m. Youth Area A Night with Dr. Adel Amer, UGA Prof of Linguis%cs and Imam of Al Huda Islamic Center in Athens Parents and Youth Covered Dish Dinner and Conversa on with Dr. Amer.


Pictured from top leI clockwise: Camp Hawkins counselors; Youth Group enjoys the Coca-cola Museum; the 50+Group enjoys a day at the lake; Passport campers prepare to depart; Our walking group mee ng on Sundays before exercise; Fine Arts campers and drums; Passport Campers dress up for the Wild West. 8

MISSION NEWS News from the Interfaith Hospitality Network Our next hos ng week for guests from the Interfaith Hospitality Network begins on August 7. Please consider volunteering your me and talents to this important ministry. There are a variety of volunteer opportuni es. Select the job of your choice on the FBC website or on the mission board in the main hallway. We are excited to announce that IHNA has hired a new Assistant Director. First Bap st Church new member Stacy Pardue comes to us from Raleigh, NC and most recently served as Chaplain of Meredith College. She will work 20 hours a week and began on Tuesday, July 26. You can reach her at 706-425-1881 or at Read Stacy's bio at: Know someone who is interested in becoming a volunteer at IHNA? Invite them to a;end our volunteer training on August 27th from 9-11 upstairs at the Day Center (393 West Hancock Avenue). No need to RSVP. Just show up!

Mission OpportuniXes Our Daily Bread This is an opportunity to spend me with the guests by passing out lunch numbers, gree ng guests as they arrive, and filling other needs the ODB staff may have that day. Come make a difference for an hour or two with a wonderful community of guests and other volunteers! FBC also provides lunch on the second Thursday of each month from 10:00 am to 1:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to help prepare and serve. Sign up on the FBC website.

AAEFB Serve at the Athens Area Emergency Food Bank at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday of the second and fourth week of each month. We meet to pack sacks of food for clients, count dona ons and restock shelves. Sign up to volunteer on the FBC website. We also need dona ons of food. In August, the Food Bank has a par cular need for Canned Salmon, Canned Tuna, and Dried Beans. Please place dona ons in the Mission Room at church.

FBC members pack lunches on July 25 for Smart Lunch/Smart Kid.

CONTRIBUTIONS Received week of May 29 Received week of June 5 Received week of June 12 Received week of June 19 Received week of June 26 Received week of July 3 Received week of July 10 Received week of July 17 Received week of July 24 YTD April 30, 2016 Needed $598,000.00 Received $510,168.18 Expenses $572.572.32 Balance ($62,404.14) 9

$12,117.78 $15,406.00 $25,619.28 $20,427.27 $14,827.78 $18,376.00 $13,052.59 $20,272.83 $11,611.78

S \ D T D 9


Co-Deacons for the Weeks of: July 31– August 6: August 7-13: August 14-20: August 21-27: Aug. 28– Sept. 3:

Gigi Las nger, Evelyn McNair Milton and Helen Mills Pam Bickley, Tom Brown Evelyn Mar n, Ray Noblet Robin O’Rear, Lori Ragsdale

Fellowship Team for August Chris Conley, Rick Dawson, Tony Dillard, Sherri Divers

Usher Team for August Anne;e BarďŹ eld, Larry Divers, Wilson Denney, Julie Jenkins, Bert Hill, Joanna Hill

Welcome Center Team August 7 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: August 14 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: August 21 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer: August 28 Branyon Foyer: Fanning Foyer:

Judy & Jim Ebert Debbie & Tom Brown Charlo;e Crowe, Pam Bickley Karen Price, Cindy Haygood Debbie & Tom Brown Judy & Jim Ebert

Brad Las nger, Bill Hopper Buddy Snow, Dallas Cannady Ray Noblet, Joyce Fleeman Alan Reddish, Dallas Cannady

Extended Session: August 7: August 14: August 21: August 28:

Sunday, August 14, 2016 – 13th Sunday aIer Pentecost Sermon: Surrounded! Text: Hebrews 11:29-12:2 Sunday, August 21, 2016 – 14th Sunday aIer Pentecost F[\]^ S_`abc Ordina on of Kathy Coleman, Leslie Gordon, Debbie Hargrave and Wayne Hogan as Deacons Sermon: What is the Most Important Ques%on? Texts: Ma;hew 16:13-20, Ephesians 4:11-16 Sunday, August 28, 2016 – 15th Sunday aIer Pentecost Sermon: Texts: Acts 15:1-29, I Corinthians 13:4-13, Gala ans 5:22-23

Karen Price, Cindy Haygood Charlo;e Crowe, Pam Bickley

CounXng Commi ee: August 7: August 14: August 21: August 28:

Sunday, August 7, 2016 – 12th Sunday aIer Pentecost Celebra on of Communion Sermon by Rev. Janet Cleland Texts: TBA

Ka e & Edwin Hanks Colin & Katrina Law Leslie & Rob Gordon Craig & Jennifer Ellis

WEDNESDAY MENUS Adults $7.00; Children $3.50 August 17 Hot Meal: Children: Salad Bar: August 24 Hot Meal: Children: Salad Bar: August 31 Hot Meal:

The 50+ Team will meet Thursday, August 4 at 11:00 a.m. at the home of Jim and Tommie Hall (180 Huntcli Way, Athens) for a short mee ng and a covered dish lunch.

Children: Salad Bar:

Chicken Fingers, Macaroni & Cheese, Broccoli Spears, Fruit Cup, Breads cks, Dessert Hot Meal Baked Irish or Sweet Potato

Hamburger Steak & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Sliced Peaches, Biscuit, Dessert Hot Dog and Tater Tots Baked Irish or Sweet Potato

Sausage & Egg Casserole, Scrambled Eggs & Bacon, Cheese or Plain Grits, Fruit Salad, Biscuit, Dessert Hot Meal Baked Irish or Sweet Potato

Make reserva'ons and view supper menus on the church website. You may also call the church oďŹƒce to make or change exis'ng reserva'ons. All reserva'ons or changes should be made no later than noon on the Monday prior.

Everyone 50+ is invited to an Ice Cream Social on Thursday, August 18 at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for delicious homemade ice cream and an "Evening of Music with Jim McKillip". RSVP to the church oďŹƒce by Wednesday, August 17 so we will know how many freezers of ice cream to make.


AUGUST 2016 1 2 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Smart Lunch/Smart Boy Scout Troop Kid 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng

3 5:00 p.m. Founda on Mtg.

4 10:30 a.m. 50+ Team Mtg.

7 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 9:30 a.m. Children’s Ministry Family Breakfast 5:00 p.m. IHN Hos ng 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

8 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng 5:00 p.m. IHN Hos ng

10 5:00 p.m. IHN Hos ng 5:15p.m. Property Mgt. Mtg. 5:30 p.m. Music and Mission Leader Team Mtg. 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir

11 12 13 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. FBC serves at IHN Hos ng IHN Hos ng Our Daily Bread 5:00 p.m. IHN Hos ng 5:30 p.m. Please note that the IHN CoordinaSanctuary Choir tors Mtg. resumes Wednesday

14 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 9:00 a.m. Sanctuary Prep. Team 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

15 10:00 a.m. Embroiderer’s Guild 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng

16 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop

17 5:00 p.m. First Wednesday Evening Ac vi es 5:15p.m. Finance Commi;ee 5:45 p.m. Children’s Choir Kick-Off Event

18 12:00 noon Ac on L.A.C. Mtg. 6:30 p.m. 50+ Ice Cream Social

21 First Sunday Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 8:45 a.m. Mission Team Mtg. 5:00 p.m. Youth/Parent Fall Kick-off 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

22 10:00 a.m. Embroiderer’s Guild 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng 6:00 p.m. Deacons Mtg.

23 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop

25 24 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Ac vi es

28 Sunday Worship & Ac vi es 4:30 p.m. Seminar: Talking with Children about Sensi%ve Issues 6:00 p.m. Youth/Parent Dinner “Let’s Talk” 6:00 p.m. Walking Group

29 2:00 p.m. Staff Mee ng

30 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop

31 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Ac vi es

9:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

9 10:00 a.m. IHN Coordinators Mtg. 5:00 p.m. IHN Hos ng 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop



evening rehearsals on August 10!




27 9:00 a.m. Adult Sunday School Leadership Retreat

Submit items for inclusion in the September edition of FBC news by noon on August 24.

Sunday Schedule Coffee, Donuts Sunday School Worship Youth Ac vi es College Bible Study

5:00 –5:45 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00—6:50 p.m. 6:00—7:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 11

Wednesday Schedule Wednesday Dinner Children’s Choir Adult Discipleship Youth Ac vi es College Ac vi es Mission Kids Sanctuary Choir (beginning August 10)

First Baptist Church (USPS 193-040) 355 Pulaski Street Athens, Ga 30601



FIRST SUNDAY – AUGUST 21 Please mark your calendars and plan to join us Sunday, August 21 for our annual First Sunday. In worship we will ordain four church members to serve as Deacons and also begin the sermon series that is part of our emphasis Let’s Talk: Seeking Faithfulness, Engaging Our World. Following worship, we will have a covered dish luncheon in Fellowship Hall. Chicken and beverages will be provided, but all of us need to bring side dishes and desserts. When you arrive August 21, you can bring your dishes directly to Fellowship Hall so that the serving lines can be set. Please prepare for First Sunday by marking your calendars, planning to be here, and by invi ng others to join you as we celebrate new beginnings in the life of our church!


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