August 2017
Volume LX No. 7
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By: Dr. Paul Baxley, Senior Minister August not only brings the beginning of the new academic year across our community, it also brings a me of new beginnings in the life of our congrega on. This August and the months that follow will be dierent than most that have come before because the “regenera onâ€? of our campus is in a very intense stage and we are entering the months of that process that will require the highest level of agility from all of us. This newsle'er is ďŹ lled with examples of the agility that is now required of us. We will begin this fall s ll worshipping in Fellowship Hall, and because the fall months bring an increase in our worship par cipa on, we will be oering two worship services on Sunday mornings un l we are able to return to the Sanctuary some me later this fall. At the same me, we will begin our normal Wednesday night schedule on August 16 in the full awareness that by mid fall, our midweek schedule will look very dierent as work begins on the Fellowship Hall end of our campus. The good news is that all of our Sunday School classes are mee ng again, but none of them begin August in the loca ons that will be permanent! Yes, there are opportuni es for agility all around! August also brings us some wonderful opportuni es to reconnect a1er being away some this summer and also begin new ways of growing in faith. During August we will hold a churchwide picnic to celebrate the beginning of the new school year, and at the end of the month we will hold a joint service of worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ from Chestnut Grove Bap st Church. That service is the beginning of an eort to strengthen the partnership our congrega ons already share through Interfaith Hospitality Network of Athens. Beyond those two opportuni es, this newsle'er is ďŹ lled with informa on about other ministries that are resuming as fall begins. As we enter this me of new beginnings in the life of our congrega on, I encourage you to par cipate fully. A1er all, these weeks in August are only the beginning. In our next newsle'er, we will present informa on about our return to the Sanctuary, a series of sermons and midweek conversa ons that will come later in the fall, and more informa on about our priori es in the months ahead. I look forward to seeing you as we worship, study and serve together!
A Due to the ongoing renova on of our Sanctuary, beginning on Sunday August 6 un l we return to the Sanctuary for worship we will oer two services of worship on Sunday morning. There will be a service at 8:30 AM and another at 11:00 AM in Fellowship Hall. The reason for oering two services beginning in August is that our normal worship a'endance a1er school resumes is larger than can be comfortably accommodated in one service in Fellowship Hall. By late August we will announce a date for return to the Sanctuary and in that same announcement we will also state when we will return to one service on Sunday morning. On Labor Day weekend (Sunday, September 3) we will only have one service.
Paul Baxley Senior Minister
At their regular June mee ng, the Deacons of First Bap st Church unanimously approved the mo on of the search team for a Minister to College Students that Emily Harbin be called to serve as part- me Minister to College Students. The search for a new minister to college students was authorized by the Personnel Commi'ee and Deacons following the resigna on of Amanda Lewis.
Frank Granger Minister of Christian Community
Randy Bri(ain Minister of Music
Brandon Pendry Minister of Youth and Mission
Janet Cleland Minister of Children, Families and Outreach
Emily Harbin Minister of College Students
Anne Bri(ain Organist/Music Associate
Alan McArthur Pianist Church oďŹƒce: 706.548.1359
Emily is a na ve of Dalton, GA where she was an ac ve member of First Bap st Church. She graduated from Dalton High School and the University of Georgia. For the last two years, she has served as full me Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries for Madison Bap st Church in Madison, GA. During her years on sta at Madison, Emily has been ac vely involved in CBF ministerial peer group in youth and children’s ministries and as such has built rela onships that will be extremely helpful in invi ng students from those congrega ons in to the life of our church. Our search team met several extremely gi1ed candidates in our process. But the commi'ee was unanimously convinced that Emily’s experiences growing up in Dalton, as a student at the University of Georgia and in full me ministry, combined with her personal gi1s, uniquely suited her for this posi on. Emily has accepted our call and will join our ministry in mid-August. Beginning in late August, she will begin her studies at the McAfee School of Theology in Atlanta. We look forward to welcoming her to our college ministry and to the life of our congrega on!
Submit items for inclusion in the September 2017 edi;on of FBC news by noon on August 23.
The renova on of the facili es at First Bap st Church has reached an intense stage, with work taking place almost over the building. During the month of August, work will con nue in the following areas: •
Comple on of the construc on of the new arrivalhood outside the Branyon Foyer and the waterprooďŹ ng work along both sides of the Sanctuary on the ground oor. We s ll project re-opening the normal entrance to the church oďŹƒce around August 1. Con nued renova on inside the Sanctuary with the installa on of the bap stery, the construc on of the new wall, work on the new plaRorm area and installa on of the ďŹ re protec on system. Renova on of the Branyon Foyer itself to provide enhanced gathering space along with the new Farrall Conference room just o the Foyer
By mid to late August Live Oak Morning School should re-open in nearly completed space and our preschool and children’s Sunday School classes should be able to return to that part of the ďŹ rst oor. Watch other publica ons for exact dates.
During the month of August some of our Sunday School classes will con nue mee ng in unďŹ nished space on the third oor while others meet on the ground oor underneath the Sanctuary. Also please remember that as soon as work is ďŹ nished in the Sanctuary, renova on will begin of the Fellowship Hall, the areas nearest the Fellowship Hall and the ďŹ rst oor of the Sanctuary building and the educa onal building. More informa on about that phase of the work will be published in the September newsle'er. 2
WORSHIP AND MUSIC NEWS By: Teresa Granger, Children’s Choir Director
Singing in a choir is an important ac vity for children to experience during their childhood. Through par cipa on in a children’s choir program, children develop their singing voices, learn to work as a team, and develop a love for music. FBC Athens has a wonderful children’s choir program for children ages 3 through sixth grade. In the weekly choir rehearsals, the children sing, play instruments, move, and play musical games which help them experience the love of God through music. At First Bap st, we have three children’s choirs. The age breakdown for the children’s choirs is as follows: Brownie Bears ages 3, 4 and pre-k children Music Makers Kindergarten, ďŹ rst, and second grade children Joyful Singers Third, fourth, ďŹ 1h, and sixth grade children
Our Children’s Choirs will begin on Wednesday evening, August 16 at 5:45 with a Kick-O party. This year our choir theme is “All Crea on Sings.â€? This theme ďŹ nds its inspira on in Psalm 150:6 which guides children to recognize God as the maker of all things. Through the various anthems introduced in the curriculum, the children learn to honor the world around them as God’s crea on and express their praise and thanksgiving to the Lord of earth, sea, and sky. During the school year, the children’s choirs will sing in worship and perform for several other special church events. If your child is interested in joining a children’s choir at First Bap st, please email Teresa Granger at for more informa on. Looking forward to seeing your child on August 16th.
C G ? B FBC H J W S ? F
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Sunday, August 27 at 4:00 p.m. For several years, the congrega ons of First Bap st Church and Chestnut Grove Bap st Church have joined together to host families through Interfaith Hospitality Network. Over the last several months, we have been in conversa on with the leadership at Chestnut Grove about how we can not only celebrate our exis ng partnership but strengthen it. Those conversa ons have led to an invita on for members of First Bap st Church to join members of Chestnut Grove Bap st Church for a joint worship service on Sunday, August 27 at 4:00 PM at Chestnut Grove. Music will be provided by musicians from both churches, and our pastor Paul Baxley will preach. Following the service we will share a meal so that we have opportuni es to get to know one another be'er and celebrate the rela onships we already share. Beyond this opportunity for worship, we will hold monthly gatherings for prayer and Bible Study for interested members of both congrega ons. Those mes will be co-led by Wilson LaZmore (pastor of Chestnut Grove) and Paul Baxley. They will be unique opportuni es to study Scripture with other believers and strengthen our fellowship through prayer for each other, our churches and our community. We will announce a schedule for these monthly opportuni es in the September newsle'er and at the August 27 joint service. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us at Chestnut Grove on August 27! 3
, M F G , C O Our summer adventures are very quickly coming to a close and we are gearing up for fall adventures in children’s ministry. We have had a great summer discovering in God in a variety of ways. We began early in June with “Star Trip� our VBS where we experienced the truth awakening in the lives of our children. They spent a week discovering Jesus, building rela onships with friends and leaders, and enjoying snacks, art, games, and music.
Our next adventure was to Passport Kids Camp in Summerton, SC. We had a great week experiencing doing jus ce, loving kindness and walking humbly with our God! A week of celebra on, devo ons, worship, music, games, Bible Study, food, swimming, Rec Party, Night Market, and an amazing Variety Show. We had such fun discovering God and building rela onships with one another, can’t wait un l next year!
Our Sunday morning adventure this summer has taken us to the book of Exodus as we have explored the story of plagues and Passover and the par ng of the Red Sea through workshop rota on. We have experienced these stories in video, cooking, art and game workshops during the months of June and July. We have also ventured this summer on a family mission project at the Food Bank. Lots of families came together to share lunch and then work at the food bank. Everyone did a great job and we accomplished much to help out the eorts of the emergency food bank on Barber St. Thanks to all who were able to par cipate! We ended our summer adventure with a family “Back to School Swim Partyâ€? at the Bentley home. A fun a1ernoon of swimming, fellowship, and refreshments. This was a great opportunity for families to invite friends and enjoy and a1ernoon together. We look forward to our fall schedule. We will begin on Sunday, August 6 with promo on of our children to their new age/grade and our annual family breakfast and parent mee ng at 9:30 a.m. on the 3rd oor. Please plan to join us for this special me of fellowship and communica on about upcoming opportuni es. On Wednesday, August 16 we kick o our Wednesday evening schedule of dinner, children’s choir and mission kids. A new year of choir with the theme “All Crea on Singsâ€? and a new year of learning about and par cipa ng in missions locally and around the world.
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O A — Wednesday Evenings 6:00 p.m. We are pleased to announce that we will resume our normal Fellowship Meals and midweek ac vi es on Wednesday, August 16. Beginning that night un l renova on begins in the Fellowship Hall, we will serve our meal at 5:00 p.m., share prayer and announcements at 5:45 p.m. and oer a full range of opportuni es for children, youth, college students and adults. You can read more about those study opportuni es elsewhere in this newsle'er.
Op;on 2: What Do You Really Believe About . . . ? hosted by Frank Granger
What are the resources we use in developing the framework of our faith beliefs? The Bible might be the ďŹ rst and primary resource you think of when making that list. What other resources would you include? Tradi ons and teaching of the church? What are your beliefs about: God Once the Fellowship Hall closes for renova on, our Wednesday night ac vi es will transi on primarily to small Jesus Christ groups in homes with a few groups mee ng at church. We The Holy Spirit The Trinity will share more about these unique opportuni es when The Church we are able to announce a concrete date that they will begin. In a genuine Bap st environment, we will gather as priests to one another to explore these topics, to listen with one We look forward to seeing you as our Fall Wednesday night schedule begins August 16. Call the church oďŹƒce to- another, and to discover. The guide for shaping our conday to make your dinner reserva on! versa ons and explora ons will be the book, A Faith of Your Own: Naming What You Really Believe, by Ronald J. Op;on 1: Midweek Bible Study: Allen. In his introduc on he states: “What we believe evolves in response to insights into the Bible, to ques ons, Rise of David in I Samuel 15-31, led by Paul Baxley to changes in life circumstances, or the things that happen A weekly explora on in 1 Samuel of the rise of David, the in the larger world. A faith is a living thing. Nevertheless, Chris ans o1en ďŹ nd it helpful to iden fy what they can shepherd boy who became King of Israel. most fully believe at a given moment.â€?
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M E O Aug 27 at 6:30 p.m. The Po(er’s House (655 Po(er House Rd., Jeerson, GA 30549 ) FBC has been invited to play against the men’s so1ball team at The Po'er’s House just outside of Athens. This is a transi onal housing community that helps men who have experienced homelessness and/or addic on transi on back into society in a beau ful seZng as they work together to meet goals, get jobs, etc. Many of these men currently serve our guests at Our Daily Bread several days a week and are among our best and most faithful volunteers. This will be a family friendly game where fun and Chris an fellowship is the most important outcome. We invite anyone who is interested to come be a part of the inaugural game, with the hope of con nuing this as o1en as possible if people are interested. Sign-Up online beginning Aug 13 so we can an cipate if we’ll have enough! 5
By: Brandon Pendry, Minister of Youth & Missions at FBC Athens
One evening in Slovakia, ten of us went for an evening stroll, walking through town and up a long, slow road leading to a high spot between Vazec and the next town over. We passed a beau ful old cemetery and came upon breathtaking sunset views of the High Tatras mountains — part of the reason for the evening walk. There is a small picnic shelter we were aiming for about 1.5 miles from our home in town. The walk was beau ful the whole way — the rocky clis of the mountains on the le1 and the rolling hills of the Low Tatras on the right with owing grass valleys leading to both. It was a reminder of the beauty of God’s crea on and the gi1 of enjoying what God created. When we ďŹ nally got there, feeling accomplished and a li'le winded, we turned around and nearly simultaneously realized this had been a terrible idea. Coming upon us faster than we could return to the house were black clouds and a visible wall of rain, accompanied by steady winds. We huddled together under the shelter, temperatures dropping, night falling, and no end in sight for the storm and decided as a group to brave the rains and begin the long walk back. It was terrible — penetra ng rain through our clothes, all of us soaked within ďŹ ve minutes of a 40 minute walk. Some ran back, some walked, but all were drenched and cold. It will be a youth story that will live in infamy for many years to come, one you can’t forget but one you can certainly learn from. Our work in Slovakia was teaching English in the local school to Roma and non-Roma students AND leading a bible school camp for the Roma kids in the a1ernoon. Some elements were like the enjoyable, beau ful long walk up the hill — taxing but a great reminder of all God’s goodness. When a quiet student would engage in the English ac vi es or something we planned with the Roma kids went excep onally well, we smiled and it gave us energy to con nue. Then other elements of the me were like seeing the coming storm, with all its fury. We had to watch a ďŹ ght break out between two older students, watch some boys be barred from ac vi es due to bad behavior, and see debilita ng poverty in the Roma se'lement that pierced our hearts and spirits like the piercing rain of the coming storm. But as short-term missionaries, our job was to walk up the hill and then turn around and walk right back into the storm — doing whatever God placed in our path and doing it together. God didn’t leave us on earth by ourselves but became human, Emmanuel ‘God with us’ to show us the depth of God’s love and to give us a chance at redemp on in Jesus. We do missions in that spirit, looking for opportuni es to be with people in ways that show them the depth of God’s love and oer us all redemp on from the parts of our lives that need it. Some mes this means enjoying God’s beau ful crea on, some mes it means walking through a storm. But it means never doing it alone. As we ďŹ nished our walk back to the village, the rains stopped, winds ceased, and the sun made its ďŹ nal warming descent behind the mountains. Those of us bringing up the rear enjoyed a squishy last 10 minutes of the sunset, laughing in our misery and being reminded that even when we go through the storms, God promised to be with us. And what’s on the other side is o1en even more beau ful and more appreciated than we could ever imagine. Thanks be to God for walks, sunsets, storms, and Emmanuel. 6
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Co-Deacons for the Weeks of:
Services at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sundays Sunday, August 6, 2017 – The 9th Sunday a er Pentecost Sermon: “More than Enough� Texts: Isaiah 55:1-5, Ephesians 3:14-21, Ma'hew 14:13-21
July 30—Aug. 5: Don Nelson, Cindy Haygood August 6 — 12: Debbie Hargrave, David Graves August 13 — 19: Leslie Gordon, Tony Dillard August 20 — 26: Carol Cofer, Kathy Coleman Aug. 27 — Sept. 2: Marcia & Phil Caskey
Fellowship Team for August Tony Dillard, Leslie Gordon, David Graves, Debbie Hargrave
Usher Team for August Anne'e BarďŹ eld, Larry Divers, Wilson Denney, Julie Jenkins, Bert Hill, Joanna Hill
Welcome Team August 6 Debbie & Tom Brown, Judy & Jim Ebert August 13 Jackie & Pam GriďŹƒn, Karen Price, Cindy Haygood August 20 Debbie & Tom Brown, Judy & Jim Ebert August 27 Jackie & Pam GriďŹƒn, Karen Price, Cindy Haygood
Coun;ng Commi(ee:
Sunday, August 13, 2017 – The 10th Sunday a er Pentecost Sermon: “Believing and Confessing� Texts: Psalm 85:8-13, Romans 10:5-15 Sunday, August 20, 2017 – The 11th Sunday a er Pentecost Sermon: “A Hard Lesson in Humility� Texts: Isaiah 56:1, 6-8, Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32, Ma'hew 15:21-28 Sunday, August 27, 2017 – The 12th Sunday a er Pentecost Sermon: “Unlikely Heroes� Texts: Exodus 1:8-2:10, Romans 12:1-8, Ma'hew 16:13-20 Sunday, August 27, 2017 – A ernoon Joint Worship At Chestnut Grove Bap st Church at 4:00 p.m. Sermon by Paul Baxley Music provided by Chestnut Grove and First Bap st Meal to Follow
August 6:Buddy Snow, Bevan Hopper August 13: Kelli Smith, Lewis Shropshire August 20: Heather Stover, Mike Lacy August 27: Michael Jenkins, Dallas Cannady
C F G E N @ Sympathy We extend our Chris an love and sympathy to: •the family of James Halligan who passed away on June 22. •the family of Mark Sanders V who passed away on July 12. Family includes his wife Sandy Sanders; son and daughter-in-law, Mark and Beth Sanders; and their children, Mark and Caroline. •Tricia Massey and her family in the loss of her brother, Colonel (R) Perry “Buddyâ€? Bridges of Columbia Cross Roads, PA, on July 14. New Members Roger and Lynn Hanson joined FBC on July 2, 2017 by transfer of le'er from FBC, Cordele, GA. Thank You Many thanks to our First Bap st Church family for the outpouring of love with cards and congratula on wishes for our father's 100th birthday celebra on. What a blessing his church family is to him and to our family. With love, The children of W.C. (Mac) McArthur
WEDNESDAY MENUS Adults $7.00; Children $3.50
August 16 Hot Meal: Children: Salad Bar: August 23 Hot Meal: Children: Salad Bar: August 30 Hot Meal: Children: Salad Bar:
SpagheZ w/ Meat Sauce, Tossed Salad, Fruit Cup, Bread S cks, Dessert Hot Meal Baked Irish or Sweet Potato Chicken Fingers, Macaroni & Cheese, Broccoli Spears, Fruit Cup, Breads cks, Dessert Hot Meal Baked Irish or Sweet Potato Hamburger Steak & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Sliced Peaches, Biscuit, Dessert Hot Dog & Tater Tots Baked Irish or Sweet Potato
Make reserva4ons and view supper menus on the church website. You may also call the church oďŹƒce to make or change exis4ng reserva4ons. All reserva4ons or changes should be made no later than noon on the Monday prior.
F C D June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25
Food Bank Needs: Diced Tomatoes Jiy MuďŹƒn Mix, Hamburger Helper, Pork ‘n Beans 7
$15,765.32 $15,304.91 $17,609.33 $12,356.32
July 2 July 9 July 16
$ 8,911.00 $25,025.32 $10,050.00
First Baptist Church (USPS 193-040) 355 Pulaski Street Athens, Ga 30601
Congrega;onal Mee;ng Wednesday, August 2 5:00 p.m. Fellowship Meal 6:00 p.m. Congrega onal Mee ng ++ Update on Renova on ++ Fall Calendar Informa on ++ Addi onal Updates on Congrega onal Life A nursery will be provided along with ac vi es for elementary age children. Even if you are not able to join us for the meal, you are encouraged to a2end the mee ng.
Contact the church office if you have any ques ons. 8