February 2016
Volume LIX No. 2
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By: Dr. Paul Baxley, Senior Minister
As we enter the month of February there is much to an cipate in our congrega on’s life. I want to use this space to men on some of what will be happening so that you may plan to par cipate and also remember all of these things in prayer. As the month begins, we will conclude the series of sermons and Bible Studies that began in early January. Our experience Rediscovering the Essen als has led to wonderful and energe c conversa ons about what it means to reclaim what is most basic for our Bap st and Chris an faith. I look forward to concluding that series on Sunday morning, February 7 as we focus on being renewed in God’s freedom. Then, On February 10 we will begin this season of Lent with our Ash Wednesday worship service. My midweek Bible Study in Lent and our sermons during Holy Week will focus on Luke’s descrip on of the final week of Jesus’ life. At the same me, Frank will con nue his study of N. T. Wright’s wonderful book Surprised by Scripture. Because worship and study are so essen al to the season of Lent, I encourage you to make a strong commitment to being present in worship, being prepared for worship, and by being engaged in one of our Midweek Bible Study op ons. As has been the case for the last several years, our Deacons are wri ng the daily devo onals we will all use during Lent. On February 28, our Youth will lead our morning worship service as we mark our annual Youth Sunday. I hope you will make a point of being present as they lead us in worship. Each year, Youth Sunday is one of the most memorable days on our worship calendar. Please pray for our youth as they prepare to lead us that day and read the informa on elsewhere in this newsle7er regarding the plans for that morning. (Pastor’s Reflections, continued on page 2)
Our Ash Wednesday Service is set for Wednesday, February 10, at 6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. We will again offer a Lent Devo onal Guide available in print and through email. The deacons and staff of the church have wri7en devo ons for each day of the 40 days in lent. These will be available at the beginning of the season for you to use as a guide for scripture and prayer.
Submit items for inclusion in the March edi on of FBC news by noon on February 18.
(Pastor’s Reflections, continued from page 1.
Beyond what happens in Bible Study and Worship, February also brings several opportuni es for us to be together as a church family. There is a lunch event Sunday, February 7, our annual Valen ne Banquet on February 8 and the Interna onal Friends Valen ne Dinner on February 9. These meals offer us a chance not only to strengthen our rela onships with each other, but also to reach out to members of our community.
M Paul Baxley Senior Minister
Frank Granger Minister of Christian Community
Randy Bri ain Minister of Music
Brandon Pendry Minister of Youth and Mission
Finally, as we enter February I ask you to pray about several really important processes in our congrega on’s life. First, as you will read elsewhere our Minister of Children, Families and Outreach search commi7ee is reaching a more intense stage of their work. Please pray for the members of the commi7ee by name and for our candidates.
Amanda Lewis Minister of College Students
Anne Bri ain Organist/Music Associate
Alan McArthur Pianist
Jon Appleton
I look forward to seeing you Sunday!
Pastor Emeritus
And, the Capital Campaign Steering Commi7ee we elected in December is in the final prepara on stages for our campaign. Later in February, you will receive a detailed announcement from them regarding the theme of the campaign and the metable for its comple on. I ask you not only to pray for that commi7ee, but pray for all of us, as a congrega on, as we prayerfully consider how we will respond.
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The 2016 Deacon Elec on will begin on February 2, 2016. The schedule for our elec on process is as follows: Tuesday, February 2 Deacon Nomina ng Ballots to be mailed. Tuesday, February 16 Nomina ng Ballots due back in the church office for coun ng. Names of the members receiving the top twenty-four (24) vote totals will automa cally be placed on the final ballot. Monday, March 7 Deacon Elec on Ballots mailed. Sunday, March 20 Deacon Elec on Ballots due back in the church office for coun ng. All resident church members will be nomina ng up to 12 eligible members who meet the following criteria: • 21 years of age; have been members of First Bap st for 2 years by the me of ballo ng • Regular in a7endance and support for FBC service • Financially suppor ve of the church • In the opinion of the person making the nomina on, meet the Biblical principles and condi ons set forth in Acts 6:3-6 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
S>=/ ;> We extend our Chris an love and sympathy to • Jacola Bolger, Julie Hanna, Marty Kseniak, Carol Sue Meech and their families in the loss of their mother, Martha Nan Meyer on December 26. • Theresa Cash and her family in the loss of her husband, Frank Cash on January 8. • Melanie Nash in the loss of her mother, Grace Criswell, on January 10. • Jane and Lamar Houston in the loss of Jane’s daughter, Susan Haywood, on January 10. N @ M =B We welcome Ronnie Kent, Jr. and Andrew Burgess-Linden who joined FBC in January.
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Just a reminder that we have three AED (Automated External Defibrillator) machines in our church. They are located near the Fellowship Hall, near the rear entrance to the Sanctuary in the hallway and near the choir room on the first level. All of these sites also have a first aid kit for emergencies. Addi onal first aid kits are located in the stairwell (men’s side) of the Narthex, in the Branyon Foyer in the chest with the lamp on it, in the kitchen, and in the main office (under the counter).
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ALer being elected last October, the search commi7ee for our Minister of Children, Families and Outreach has been hard at work. The deadline for applica ons and recommenda ons for the posi on was January 15, and now the search commi7ee is focused their a7en on on several promising candidates. In the weeks ahead, Skype interviews will be conducted, references will be checked, and in person interviews will take place.
Please pray for the commi7ee and the candidates as the process enters a more serious stage. When the search commi7ee is enthusias cally prepared to recommend a candidate, more informa on will be provided. Search Commi7ee members include Tom Brown (chair), Judy Ebert, Jennifer Ellis, Rob Gordon, Joanna Hill, Trish Hogan, Julie Jenkins, Jeff Randa and Carol Reddish. Paul Baxley and Robin O’Rear serve ex-officio.
WORSHIP NEWS A Season of Repentance and Spiritual PreparaIon On Wednesday, February 10 we will begin our Lenten journey with an Ash Wednesday Service at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary. This begins the 40 day period of repentance and spiritual prepara on leading to Easter Sunday. Chris ans have been observing Ash Wednesday for well over ten centuries. Gathering together on this night and receiving the cross of ashes on our foreheads gives us an opportunity to acknowledge our sinfulness and mortality as human beings. We can confess our sins. We can admit our mortality. We can face death. And we can leave with gra tude and new energy for living because we realize how desperately we need God, and how desperately God pursues us all of our days. This life does not go on forever. Thanks be go to God, our life in Christ is for all eternity.
by: Randy Bri ain, Minister of Music
I take the cross of Jesus Christ in ashes on my face, This ancient symbol made in dust reminds me of His grace. I beg for mercy from my Lord, to cleanse me deep within. I know myself, my faulty life, my tendency toward sin. O cross of ashes, speak again in ways I understand; speak forth repentance, let me know forgiveness from Your hand. Have mercy on us, Lord, we pray; look deep within and find
This cross of ashes on my brow reminds me life is brief. From dust I came, to dust I go through sorrow, pain, and grief. These forty days are set aside for those who share the call to take the cross, deny themselves, and give to Christ their all. R. G. Huff, 2006
Preparing for Lent Lent is a season of prayer, penance and self-discipline. This forty day period of prepara on prior to Easter begins on Ash Wednesday. Although the season begins each year on Ash Wednesday, this par cular Wednesday is not the same date from year to year because Easter is not on the same date year to year. To find the date for Ash Wednesday, start with Easter, then count back forty days omiHng Sundays. As is true for many of our church year celebra ons and remembrances, Lent was several centuries in the making. The season began as one of prepara on for those awai ng bap sm, and developed to be a season of fas ng and prepara on for all believers.
by: Frank Granger before hearing the s ll small voice of calm from God; and Jesus spends forty days fas ng in the desert following his bap sm.
References in the Old Testament note that as a sign of repentance people would include the use of ashes, (Job 42:6). Therefore, ashes are a symbol of penitence and purifica on in connec on with the season of Lent. Genesis 3:19 gives the basis for what is said to individuals who come forward to be marked with ashes: "From dust you were made; to dust you shall return." The ashes used in our Ash Wednesday service come from the palm leaves used on Palm Sunday the previous year. These are kept all year and then burned to The number forty in the scriptures is associated with a me of make the ashes. sorrow or afflic on before eventual joy. Some of the fortyday events in scripture include: the forty days of the flood Winter will eventually give way to the emergence of new life before Noah and family reaches the dry land; Moses went in Spring. Lent, as a season, prepares us spiritually as we without food and water for forty days while wri ng down the examine ourselves, set aside that which deters our growth, words of the covenant; Elijah spent forty days in the desert and welcome the transforming presence of new life in Christ. 3
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On Tuesday February 23, Interfaith Hospitality Network of Athens will be holding their signature fundraising event of the year at the Athens Country Club. LA TABLE is a fun luncheon in which a table host decorates a table in a personally selected theme, then invites people to join him/ her for lunch! (Past tables have included Tea for Two, Nancy Drew - Girl Detec ve, Let's all go to the Movies). This year, there will again be a table just for MEN - - so everyone is invited to a7end La Table! LA TABLE offers a great opportunity to see how crea ve the people of Athens can be when decora ng tables for a cause. It’s also a great chance to have lunch in a lovely seHng, while enjoying the fellowship of friends. Tickets are $50. To purchase your luncheon cket, please contact Marcia Caskey (706-369-8474, or caskey235@gmail.com) no later than February 17. (Marcia will also be available on Wednesday nights, or in the Branyon Foyer on Sunday mornings; ckets can also be obtained at the IHNA Day Center). Checks need to be made out to "IHNA." In conjunc on with the luncheon, a silent auc on will also be held. Donated items from local businesses include po7ery, jewelry, giL cer ficates, spa services, etc. Luncheon a7endees will have me to bid on the silent auc on items prior to the luncheon. If you have any items you would like to donate to the silent auc on, please contact Linda Lacy (706543-4299, or mplacy@gmail.com). The doors open at 10:30am, and the luncheon starts at 12:00 noon. Thank you for your ongoing support of IHNA - yet another great way that FBC supports the local community.
Samuel Project Home! Late in 2015, the board of Jekh Drom (One-Way) purchased a home in Vazec, Slovakia to operate as the Samuel Project., an early educa on center and community outpost for Roma families in the community. This is a tremendous next step in our partnership in Vazec and for the life of the Roma people in Vazec. Con nue to be in prayer as we discern together with Jekh Drom what the next steps will be.
Serving at FBC On the FIRST and LAST Sundays of every month, a mission team member will be in the main hallway to help you sign up to serve with FBC’s mission partners. Make sure you engage your faith in 2016!
FBC’s Caskey Honored on MLK Day of Service On Monday January 18, FBC's Phil Caskey was honored at the Athens Clarke County MLK Day of Service "kickoff breakfast" at the East Athens Community Center. The honor came from the Athens Clarke County MLK Day of Service Steering Commi7ee, where Phil has been a member for many years. He has been an ac ve supporter of the MLK DOS, and worked each of the workdays for the past 14 years. Most of Phil's work and leadership has been spent clearing and maintaining the nature trail at the Oglethorpe Avenue Elementary School. Phil's work has helped make this nature trail a great place for students to learn, and for families to enjoy - as all the elementary schools in Clarke County that have nature trails are considered "city parks" for public use when school is not in session. The Steering Commi7ee has honored Phil by having an engraved bench placed on the OAES Nature Trail. Phil was also named Athens' Volunteer of the year in 2014. 4
Mission Spotlight — Athens Area Emergency Food Bank The Athens Area Emergency Food Bank has been serving residents of Clarke County in need for over 35 years, with the goal to provide enough food for one week in an emergency. Clients must receive a referral form from one of the approved local agencies prior to receiving assistance and they may only receive food twice in six months. The Foodbank is truly a collabora ve effort from a wide variety of organiza ons in the Athens-Clarke County community. Members from First Bap st regularly create meal packages for clients of the Food Bank or help with administra ve du es.
Donna Hopper sorts food in December at the Food Bank.
Erica Spackman has been a member of FBC for about 12 years. Her goal is to volunteer at the Food Bank at least once a month and she began volunteering shortly aLer joining the church. “The Food Bank benefits people in the local community and meets an immediate need,” said Erica. “Dona ons come from so many different organiza ons as well as from local bakeries and supermarkets.” The extra food from the grocery stores or bakeries is oLen perfectly good but would be thrown away. Erica went on to say, “Seeing so many different organiza ons recognize the need and care for those in need in their own community is heartening. The Emergency Food Bank does not have a lot of resources, but they do a huge amount with what they have and that is a “God thing” for sure.” Last year, they provided emergency food boxes for over 5,000 people.
Dave and Becky Braid have been at First Bap st for about three years. About a year aLer joining, they began volunteering at the Foodbank and typically volunteer about six mes a year. “We chose the Emergency Food Bank partly because Nancy Lee Wilbanks is in our Sunday School class and is very engaged, but also because we wanted something where we could feel we were truly contribu ng to help people in need,” said Dave. Nancy Lee has been serving at the food bank since 2008 and says that she appreciates the fact that this is an agency living into it’s mission, “whether the emergency is a work lay-off, unexpected medical bills or an expensive car repair” the AAEFB is a safety net. “And I know how it feels to be financially making ends meet, then something unexpected happens and the ends just don’t meet.” Clients are given bags of food that are prepared for the number of family members that are eligible. There are packages for individuals as well as packages for larger families. These include food items such as cans of soup, canned meat, pasta and sauce, milk, eggs and meats. Clients can oLen select some of the items that are included based on individual taste. Much like a trip to the grocery store, the box of food should provide for the basic needs of the recipients for seven days. Volunteers typically work Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 p.m. with First Bap st typically working 4 shiLs a month. The agency also needs help with administra ve tasks and social media campaigns. If you’ve never worked at the Foodbank before, Becky and Dave Braid both said you should give it a try. “Each day people and families who are truly hungry come in to pick up a bag of groceries the volunteers have assembled. You are really helping to feed the hungry.” Erica Spackman suggests you sign up with someone who has done it before if you want to learn the ropes with a buddy. “The staff are fabulous and will show you what they need done. It is simple but fulfilling work -- you primarily sort dona ons and pack food so that it is ready to go when the clients arrive.” While FBC members commit to serving at scheduled mes each month, you can always volunteer based on your own schedule. If you don’t have me to volunteer, you can s ll help. The Foodbank accepts dona ons of unopened food items as well as monetary contribu ons. The Foodbank is located less than five minutes from church at 640 Barber Street. Visit their website at www.aaeV.blogspot.com.
YOUTH NEWS February Youth Calendar 7 Annual Youth/Parent Super Bowl Party @ FBC 14 Choir & Youth Sunday Prep D 21 Choir & Youth sunday Practice D MANDATORY! 28 11am Youth Sunday 6pm @ Showtime Bowling
$10 to bowl
Youth Sunday February 28
3rd Annual Youth/Parent Super Bowl Party
Trey Lyons from Park Avenue Baptist will preach. We will walk through the worship at 9:30 a.m. The service begins at 11:00 a.m.
HalfHalf-Time Contests! DoorDoor-prizes!
Bring: All youth are invited to join fellow FBC members for both the Summer Mission Trip to Atlanta and Passport Camp in Greensboro, NC this summer. The deadline to sign up for both trips is February 28. Contact Brandon Pendry for more information.
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$1 admission* Appetizer to share Drink to share
6:00 p.m. to end of game *Benefits Food Bank
COMMUNITY NEWS Table to Table Luncheon Immediately following worship on Sunday, February 7, come and enjoy fellowship and food around our tables in the Fellowship Hall. Our lunch menu includes vegetable soup, sandwiches, fruit, cookies, tea and lemonade. There is no charge for children in Kindergarten and younger. The charge is $1 for children in 1st grade to 6th, youth and adults will pay $2.oo per person. Addi onally, we are sharing food from our table with the Athens Area Emergency Food Bank table. The food bank requests the following: Canned Tomatoes, Canned Pasta (i.e. Chef Boyardee ravioli) and SpagheH Sauce. You may bring as much, and any combina on of these that you wish. There is no need for reserva ons. Plan to join us for lunch aLer worship and to share food from our table with the Food Bank table.
The 50+ Team will meet on Thursday, February 4, at 10:30 a.m. in the Aderhold/Farrall Sunday School Room. The 50+ Team is sponsoring a trip to the Pennsylvania Amish Country. This trip is being organized by Daniel’s Discovery Tours and will take place Monday, June 13 through Saturday, June 18. The cost per person (based on double occupancy) is $975 and includes transporta on, lodging, fees, ps, nine meals and a tour manager. You do not need to be a member of the 50+ Team to join the trip. The Farrall Hynds Circle will meet Monday, February 1 at 11:00 a.m. in the Private Dining Room of the Talmadge Terrace Assisted Living Facility for a Valen ne Luncheon with First Bap st members who are residents.
Concert Honors Janey Cooley The YWCO Winter Concert on Tuesday, February 2, at 7:30 p.m. will be held in memory of long- me FBC member Janey Cooley, who passed away last summer. The concert features the UGA Hodgson Singers and will be held at the North Oconee High School Fine Arts Auditorium. You may purchase advance ckets at the YWCO. Door prices are $15/adult and $5/children 12 and under. 6
CONTRIBUTIONS Received week of January 3 Received week of January 10 Received week of January 17 Received week of January 24
JOIN US FOR WORSHIP IN FEBRUARY Sunday, February 7, 2016 – Transfigura#on Sunday Sermon: “Renewed in God’s Freedom” Texts: Psalm 99, II Corinthians 3:12-4:2 Wednesday, February 10, 2016 – Ash Wednesday 6:00 PM - Sanctuary Sermon by Paul Baxley Imposi on of Ashes Texts: Isaiah 58:1-2, Psalm 51, Ma7hew 6:1-6, 16-21 Sunday, February 14, 2016 – The First Sunday in Lent Sermon: “Facing Tempta on” Texts: Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16, Luke 4:1-13 Sunday, February 21, 2016 – The Second Sunday in Lent Sermon: “When Wai ng is Difficult” Texts: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27, Luke 9:28-36 Sunday, February 28 – The Third Sunday in Lent Youth Sunday Guest Preacher: Trey Lyons from Park Avenue Bap st Texts: Isaiah 55:1-9, I Corinthians 10:1-13, Luke 13:1-9
$11,275.34 $22,688.40 $14,143.10 $ 9,869.07
ANOTHER WAY OF MAKING FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Did you know that First Bap st offers members of our church family the op on of making contribu ons to the church through a monthly bank draL? As more and more of us make contribu ons and pay bills online, you may have interest in using this op on. If you would find this helpful or you want to know more, please contact Cheri Rose in the church office. She can provide you the necessary paperwork. We are also working toward offering other online giving op ons later this year. Watch future FBC publica ons for more informa on!
SERVING TOGETHER Co-Deacons for the Weeks of:
WEDNESDAY MENUS Adults $7.00; Children $3.50 February 3 Hot Meal: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Peas, Pear Salad, Biscuit, Dessert Children: Hot Meal February 10 Hot Meal: Turkey and Gravy, Rice or Dressing, Broccoli, Fruit, Rolls, Dessert Children: Hot Dog and Tater Tots February 27 Hot Meal: Oven Fried Chicken, Squash Casserole, Green Beans, Fruit Salad, Biscuit, Dessert Children: Pizza February 24 Hot Meal: Oven Fried Pork Chops, Cabbage, Stewed Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cornbread, Dessert Children: Pizza There is also a Salad Bar Op on with Baked Irish or Sweet Potato. Make reserva#ons and view supper menus on the church website. You may also call the church office to make or change exis#ng reserva#ons.
February 7-13: Dallas Cannady, Phil Caskey February 14-20: Carol Cofer, Chris Conley February 21-27: Rick Dawson, Tony Dillard Feb. 28—March 5: Sherri Divers, David Graves
Fellowship Team for February Evelyn McNair, Evelyn Martin, Helen Mills, Milton Mills
Usher Team for February Annette Barfield, Larry Divers, Wilson Denney, Julie Jenkins, Bert Hill, Joanna Hill
Welcome Center Team February 7 Branyon Foyer: Karen Price, Cindy Haygood Fanning Foyer: Charlotte Crowe, Pam Bickley February 14 Branyon Foyer: Debbie Brown, Tom Brown Fanning Foyer: Judy Ebert, Jim Ebert February 21 Branyon Foyer: Charlotte Crowe, Pam Bickley Fanning Foyer: Karen Price, Cindy Haygood February 28 Branyon Foyer: Teresa Granger, Christine Lo Fanning Foyer: Wanda Grogan, Al Henderson
Counting Committee: February February February February
If services are cancelled due to inclement weather, the church will send a church-wide email, post the cancella on on the homepage of our website, and change the auto a7endant recording on the church phone system to announce the cancella on.
7: Lewis Shropshire, Kelli Smith 14: Buddy Snow, Alan Reddish 21: Randan Ashmore, Joyce Fleeman 28: Steve Barton, Michael Jenkins
Extended Session: February February February February 7
7: Anna and Jeff Randa 14: Leslie and Rob Gordon 21: Craig and Jennifer Ellis 28: Clare and Travis Eggleston
First Baptist Church (USPS 193-040) 355 Pulaski Street Athens, Ga 30601
43rd Annual
Valentine Banquet February 8, 2016 6:30 p.m.